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Everything posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. It is hard to imagine that coaches would mix up the two schools, but looking at what happened it is possible. The other thing that comes to mind is that a bye week does give your team a chance to heal up, etc. But....does a bye week cost you in the polls?
  2. I dunno what to say after that. McNabb is useless. Why not see what someone else can do. It surely can't be any worse.
  3. I think you guys better put this thread on hold and see how the season shakes out......
  4. Oh....hell.....I will out smack anyone.....but it is all in good fun.
  5. I am just giving you !@#$......it is good for teams to have passionate fans....whether or not they went to school there or not. It actually would be interesting to know how much support for either school is not alums.....I suspect there is quite a bit. I would never be critical of the tech colleges or the people they turn out. It would be a damn rough world to live in if there were no Tech grads.
  6. Indeed you are correct......but then again, UND still stole the logo from Notre Dame.....so that probably would not stop them....LOL
  7. Davey, Davey........why don't you cheer for the team where you attended school? LOL!!!
  8. The way the Gophers are playing Miami, I would think that NDSU would not be favored. Minnesota is clearly better than the last time we played them.
  9. You are no native North Dakotan and you never even attended higher education here. You are a wannabe......on the outside looking in.
  10. The ATT option no longer works. They have separated the att.net email accounts from those who actually have ATT internet service. Only those with actual ATT internet can access it now. This ESPN3 stuff suck donkey balls for those of us with out a cooperating isp. I am pissed at the Valley for putting some games on ESPN3.
  11. It is just the same as a lot of folks on this board like to take jabs at NDSU being the AC. To me that is no insult at all. I am proud of the agriculture background of NDSU and of North Dakota. It is a great history and one that no NDSU alumnus or North Dakotan should ever forget. By the way.....the new Jets logo is pretty classy.
  12. There will be Sioux gear worn at UND events until all of us are dead and gone. And....what is wrong with that. You should never forget your history.
  13. LMAO.....this from the Minnesota guy that lives in Fargo.....who never attended a North Dakota institution of Higher Education......LMAO. Funny $#it there Davey!!
  14. But.....if either UND or NDSU had a team that was the quality of any of those 3 we would all be bitching about our team. They are the warm ups.....and a warm up game or two has its place. But, they could come back and bite you if you are lacking in quality wins and that keeps you out of the playoffs.
  15. Hell Davey.......I agree with the first part of your quote. No need to be such a testy feller......
  16. I would say that depends. What if UND boosters put up a sellout plus a large amount of cash..... I would say the NCAA would go where the most money is. Now.....that is for the opening round games. I do believe if you are high enough ranked to get a "bye" you are assured of a home game for your first game.
  17. I think the NCAA looks at the bids.......meaning it is all about money. What ever school bids the most would get the game. My understanding was NDSU significant bid over Robert Morris last year. When a school bids, they are making a guarantee of so many asses in the seats. Since the NCAA runs these games, they get the gate from the game and that is their revenue. Anything involving the NCAA is usually about the cash.....LOL!
  18. Darrell......if it were to happen in the playoffs....I cannot even begin to imagine how hot of a ticket that would be. Surely a ticket that could be scalped for high dollars! It would be an incredible story......the stuff that is in the movies.
  19. So, you are claiming Drake is a quality opponent? And....you are claiming that UND has a better product on the field than NDSU? Such stupid statements as that even make UND fans shake their heads....LOL. Damn.....I am glad you are not a product of North Dakota Higher Education. It would be an insult to any ND school....... I do think that it is tough to judge either team based on the competition faced so far. The patsies tell us very little. All need to see how the season develops and how the teams do in conference play.
  20. Oh yes Davey......and Drake was such a quality opponent. The Sioux fans all got a woody over that one. That is why your attendance was so massive for that game. LMAO!
  21. McNabb better step of that passing game.....and the O line needs to give him some time.
  22. UND will probably get thumped by Fresno State, but I would think that almost any FCS team would expect to get beat. I would also say it is tough right now to say how NDSU will fare once the Bison play MN and in the conference part of the season. These first two games don't really tell how they will fare against tough competition. I did not get a chance to see the Idaho game so I can't really comment. But, a loss to Fresno State doesn't say a whole lot about the Sioux Football team as it is just a money game played against what appears to be a decent FBS team.
  23. An hour until kickoff.....should be a tough battle with the Chargers......
  24. LOL....Let's just agree that last years Sioux team and the 3-8 Bison team were nothing that any fan was very thrilled with......
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