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Everything posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. Damn.....what ever you drank before writing that post...........I want some. It would be great at our next yard party!!!
  2. NDSU faces plenty of tough conference competition on the road. The OOC schedule is a revenue generator as well as giving the fans more games at home. Whether or not NDSU plays OOC games on the road really has nothing to do with post season success.
  3. Let's hope Vigen has his s#it together this year...... Back to the original topic of this thread........No annual Bison/Sioux game without being in the same conference. The NDSU fans don't want it. We want OOC games at home, with teams that give the team exposure to some unique competition each year. At times you wind up scheduling some patsy teams (like this year when others reneg on contracts) but the fans like the home games and the tailgate. The Bison fans also want to see one OOC date always played against a BCS opponent. Those games are damn fun......especially when you win. Given that, there is no way there could be an annual Bison/Sioux game. It just is not going to happen. Perhaps in the distant future there will be one here and there, but not an annual game. Most of the whining for an annual match is currently coming from UND fans. I would expect that to die down once you are in Big Sky competition and you have a schedule that does't have NAIA and D2 teams in it. At that point almost no one on either side will want to play every year. And......for those of you that don't think the UNI thing is a nasty rivalry........go to UNI for a Bison UNI game. There is a very high "prick ratio" among their fan base. They are hostile. Now they are envious of how NDSU went much further than they in the playoffs last year. Add that on top of the fact that NDSU took their Defensive Coordinator who is now our Dback coach.......it is pretty ugly. It will be a very hard hitting and nasty game. As for SDSU.......it is fun to beat them, but not the nastiness that is present with UNI. It all kind of surprised me because a few years ago, I would have never guessed the UNI thing would turn into a nasty rivalry.
  4. It is a damn small minority of Bison fans that take part in that. (re: the Sioux Suck chants).
  5. UND clearly beat NDSU, the Sioux deserved the win and totally out played the Bison. To speculate on whether or not the Bison would win the match later in the season or to specultate whether or not the Bison would win 7 out of 10 times (pick your number) is nothing more than mental masturbation on the part of a few Bison fans. All of that pontification make NO difference. The match was played on Tuesday, the Bison lost, Bison fans should congratulate an excellent Sioux VB team and move on. Those girls should be damn proud of what was likely the biggest win so far in UND VB. Next year they can aim at winning the Big Sky and a post season run. I guess I get frustrated at both sides when a few fans try to cheapen a well deserved win.
  6. The Iowa State VB match is in the Benson-Bunker because a venue like the BSA is too large for VB. Just like last night......too large of a venue would dilute the home court advantage.
  7. That game was great because the teams were on par with each other. A football game would stink more that the basketball game because it would be a blowout. UND and NDSU are in different conferences and in a sport such as football, don't have enough dates to be playing each other on a regular schedule. Minor sports and Basketball it will probably work out, but not at all in football. There may be an occasional game sometime in the future, but with the schools in different conferences, it will never be an annual event.
  8. I hate to agree, but on that day the Metrodome was hardly hostile for the Bison. The Gopher fans were a tepid bunch, the NDSU fans were very loud as this was our bowl game. It was not hostile.
  9. Congrats.....a damn fine win for your program.
  10. UND will have a heck of a team to start play in the Big Sky with......potential for a conference title right away.
  11. I might be 50......but I am not dead...... A couple of solid teams out there.....great match so far!
  12. Too bad there isn't any HD broadcast.......
  13. Until I went to college I had never watched a serious VB match......all I knew about it was the garbage we played in PE in high school and back in my day, Williston didn't even have VB as a varsity sport. Well......watching my first match as a freshman at NDSU and I was hooked. I couldn't believe how rough volleyball was and how much athleticism it took. I suspect those athletes could have kicked any guys ass in my dorm! Now, if I have the chance, I seldom miss a match when I am back.
  14. LOL......Kinda takes the edge of the long weekend ending.......Grain Belt is cold......mugs are frosty.....ready for the match to begin!
  15. I heard on Bisonville that this one is going to be on Directv 617. Should be some outstanding volleyball to watch! Beer will be served in a frosty mug while watching from the man cave here in WYO!


    Those penalties are probably just early season jitters. These kids are coming off a rough past season and are hot to set a new direction. I would bet as the season advances this stuff disappears.
  17. Utah now up on Montana State 14-0. That one is starting to look like a blow out already.
  18. Looks to me like this QB is a hell of an improvement over last year.
  19. FYI.....I just signed up for the Directv Sports Pack so I can see the game tonight. Regular price is $12.99/ month. I asked them if they could discount it for me and they are giving me the first 3 months for $7.99. So......if you are signing up for it.....ask for a discount.
  20. With the personnel changes at UND and what looks like a decent starting QB.......this game probably will be over in the first half. I would guess UND by 20+. Any DIRECTV on this one?
  21. Someone on Bisonville heard Carlson on KFGO this morning and this was what was paraphrased from Al's comments...... Al is on KFGO right now and he basically said that the people want to keep the name and he has the emails to prove it. Consequences be damned, "they have been sanctions since the 15th already and nothing has changed." There is also a Representative from New England, ND that is going to oppose repeal of the law. This was in the Plains Daily.... For at least one North Dakota legislator, Representative Mike Schatz (R-New England), the state
  22. I know.....I just wanted to use that in a post.....
  23. All smacking aside (which we all enjoy), this is a real crisis point for Higher Ed in North Dakota. The reason I started this thread is that both Universities have a huge interest at stake in this fight. It really is not about the nick name anymore, but about control of Higher Education and what kind of strings are attached to higher education funding in North Dakota. North Dakota has always been a state with a great deal of vison. part of that vision gave us a SBOHE that is fairly well insulated from the changing political winds in state government. To me that is a very good think since our schools are supposed to be places where free thought and ideas are encouraged and fostered. Carlson is trying to set North Dakota back many years by making our Higher Ed system subject to the political winds of the day. This is wrong and a detriment to the entire state, whether a Bison fan, Sioux fan, or a Beaver fan. I suspect, no matter what happens, Al is trying to set the SBOHE up to be the Legislature's whipping boy. And how unfortunate that is when the State of North Dakota is rolling in cash provided by the oil wealth out west. At a time when dollars ought to be flowing to the Universities and strengthening Higher Ed, I suspect the next session will be full of vendettas being executed by Carlson, Sen. "asshat" Andrist and others. It is unfortunate that Carlson has chose UND athletics to be his tool in this fight. Clearly these foolish distractions are not a plus for the Sioux program. But, the fight is much bigger than this. As a proud alumnus of the North Dakota Higher Ed System, it is frustrating to watch these events take place. I hope that the alumni from both schools that are still living in North Dakota can have an impact and stop this foolish behavior by our elected officials. (Now back the the smack.....)
  24. LMAO......so typical of some of the idiots on this board.
  25. I am a native North Dakotan and have more than a passing interest in my home state. Good god what a numbnuts...... Maybe you need to seek a little help for your paranoia issues.
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