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Everything posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. I would suspect that unless Conrad can push it through, Fargo flood protection will not get done. Hoeven is a freshman in the minority party and Berg is a single voice among 435 others. Rural states benefit a great deal from earmarks and I would suspect if the flood protection has to be passed as a bill in an of itself, the matter will get more complicated. Time will tell, but with all the snow you guys have this sure is looking pressing......
  2. If it makes you feel better....I am a lefty, but do have a concealed weapons permit......Kinda nice just for contrast......
  3. LOL.......I doubt Earl was very high on Pelosi's list.....
  4. Well, the swipe at Rick is totally personal. I know how he conducted business from the very beginning in the Fargo real estate business and is was without ethics. I will also (in the interest of disclosure) say I am a Democrat (a Dem from the left wing of the party). That being said......Berg is a slumlord. And....by the way....Conrad does not exactly WOW me either. At any rate, ND could have done a lot better in Congress that slummy Rick.
  5. LOL......nope....... There are some fine posters on here.......I get a little hot under the collar and you all take it in stride.....cudos....
  6. The "Slum Lord" Rick Berg will serve ND well. I have known Rick since undergrad school and the guy is perhaps one of the scummiest opportunists I have ever met. Good luck with that liar as the Congessman.
  7. This confused me.......I thought the EERC was like another department for UND? Seems like a real strange bill........
  8. How about Damschen running.......then that asshat can try and get prohibition started again......
  9. It is not good when these asshats get together every couple of years. What a stupid bill from a self righteous bible thumper. Just unreal the crap they dream up!
  10. LOL.....touche....and we all know how well Brewster did.......
  11. Actually, I would agree with this.....but then again I am from Williston so I have a more western ND perspective on things.
  12. I agree with that, except........can those guys recruit kids at the level it takes for FCS ball? That is the biggest question in my mind. At NDSU, I would have to say that Amy Ruley was a great D2 womens BB coach but could not make the jump to DI. I think that recruiting may have been the issue that got her in trouble. I also wonder if Roebuck at UND is having some of the same issues. Who knows, I am just another sports rube pontificating on the internet, but, if a coach is going to succeed at the next level the recruiting has to take a step up as well.
  13. You must be into the kool aide yourself........some of you folks are damn delusional.
  14. Yup....you are right.....and UND is just having a fantastic transition to DI! Things couldn't be going better. The FB and BB teams are right on track.........and how about that schedule for the FB team next year. By god that will have the fans on the edge of the seats. I don't know why we at NDSU even bother to field teams.............. Star has been drinking one hell of a lot of kool-aide lately.........
  15. And after watching last season for both schools........better have 2. That backup is more important than I ever imagined.
  16. The Sioux better worry about a QB for next year more than the schedule. Unless you guys can fine a JUCO hero somewhere to QB your team, you might be in trouble against some of the NAIA schools. I am not trying to smack here, but after watching a few games on TV this fall, you gotta find a QB and that looks like a huge issue to me.....
  17. You know, the sad thing is when I read a post like this on any board......is that it is unfair to those kids. They were out there all season and working hard. They sure as hell did not want to loose those games and did their best to represent your university. Be pissed at your coaches (hell, I am still bitching about Vigen at NDSU), complain about your schedule, advocate for personnel changes in the administration. But why would you quit your school? It doesn't take that long to turn a program around when the right things happen. To me, a fan does not quit their supporting the school, and a fan always should realize that most of those kids that suffered through a tough season tried damn hard to bring home some wins.
  18. Honest to god.......get rid of the pink.......
  19. Just a couple thoughts here.... NDSU was much more athletic than UND. UND needs a few more big athletic types. Horrible shooting by the Bison in the first half better improve for the conference season or it could cause some problems. The atmosphere seemed pretty dead to me. I expected a more electric atmosphere since this game had not been played for so long........but the teams were rather flat......and so was the entire crowd. Much more intensity for the ORU match up (although less attendance). Hell, I drove all the way from WYO for this one......but maybe this "former" rivalry is on life support or dead. meh.
  20. Virg Foss makes me puke. He is old, senile.....and I suspect he pisses his pants.
  21. We might be Bison v. Sioux on this board.........but I suspect we have a helluva lot in common. LOL! I would say the Midwest does better with community than the West.......no argument here at all. (But, I am probably rather biased being from NoDak).
  22. OK...this is rather off topic.....so give me hell if you want....but...since there is an aviation guy in the know on this thread......is there any possibility with this oil boom that Williston could ever get regional jet service, and/or any type of service into Salt Lake City? Again......I apologize in advance for the thread drift.....
  23. Not really.....but it gives us rubes something to yap about.......
  24. No....we will be celebrating, but we always have time to be an asshole to a UND fan........enjoy getting your asses handed to you by a real DI basketball team.......
  25. I think student participation in most University activities is down. Across the USA volunteer work is down as is membership in service organizations. I am not sure what the hell Americans do anymore. Life is not all about video games and laptops. Our sense of "communitiy" is in decline. I suspect the attendance at college athletic events is a symptom of this.
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