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Everything posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. The right move for UND and the right move for North Dakota. This whole thing is much bigger than the hockey team.
  2. I can't understand how the nickname of the team can be more important than the institution from which you received your degree. I would sure hope that despite the loss of the nick name (which is absolutely no fault of your University) would not change feelings and loyalty to the institution itself. I would hope that as time passes fans continue to support and be proud of the school from which they graduated.
  3. UND has no short hairs left after all this political gaming that has gone on.
  4. It will have to happen like that. There is way too much on the line. I hope like hell everyone remembers the crap Asshat Al pulled in the legislature. This guy should not be elected dog catcher.
  5. Carlson's actions.....or recent lack there of...... (who is a UND supporter) are just unbelievable. It is the epitomy of arrogance and ego. Not good for the entire state.....
  6. It is one hell of a mess. Especially with a Legislature that meets only every other year. I wonder if it is to late to get signiture to refer the law to a vote of the people?
  7. LMAO........sorry folks........this is your pile of $#!t to deal with......
  8. It will be interesting to see what model evolves as to who will get the auto bid. And.....no matter what they come up with....someone will cry foul when they don't make the playoffs. Ash ought to be happy to have two flagship schools as rivals rather than playing Weber or EWU every year. Weber is not on the radar of anyone in Utah and barely gets a mention on the local SLC TV stations. I would suspect EWU is in the same boat. Both are second tier institutions. All the interest in Utah is focused on the U of U and BYU.
  9. It isn't what the vast majority of Bison fans want. They want variety in the OOC schedule. An occasional game.......maybe. But every year is not an optio with many fans.
  10. After the trash talking from Coach Farley about NDSU stealing their DC........yup.
  11. Hard to say. One would have thought (I sure did) that playing UND in a major sport for the first time in several years would have been a big deal no matter what......but it really was a fizzle. Hell, I drove all the way from Wyoming to see it ( and visit family enroute) and it was pretty dull.
  12. No way. The schools are in different conferences. It would be stupid for NDSU to tie up an OOC date every year to play UND.
  13. Maybe......but the atmosphere at the BB game was as stale as could be. UNI is the team generating most of the contempt from Bison fans now days.
  14. I actually tuned in and watched that game. A pretty good storyline with UMD and no titles going against Michigan. Then, having a hometown kid score the winning goal in OT was pretty much a storybook ending to the whole thing. I think everyone likes a sports story like that.
  15. Pulling scholarships is a slippery slope. It gives your program a reputation that may make it difficult to recruit.
  16. Where is the game? I thought it was supposed to be on ESPNU?
  17. Good luck.....I may turn over and watch after this wild VCU/Kansas BB game! Looks like Cinderella will dance in the BB Championship!
  18. Who is MDU? (other than my parents utility company).
  19. Thanks.....I appreciate that. Heck I guess I could have my buddy come over at 1pm MDT and we could start drinking beer and watching hockey then. But.......the wife would get pissed and the steaks would never get cooked!
  20. I apologize in advance for the post........being an alumus from the south I am not up to date on what is happening in the NCAA hockey playoffs (now there is an understatement). I have some friends coming for dinner and the hubby is a hockey fan. Are there any NCAA games on tonight to watch? Is UND playing in a game that would be on Directv? What would be the best games to watch if some are on tv?
  21. I am not sure Moorhead ought to try and field anything athleticly related.
  22. Kinda like when the Bison played Montana Tech (cough.......cough .......gag) in football......
  23. There are a lot of engineering alumni from various schools working in the trona mines out here in Western WYO and they all speak very highly of Michigan Tech. I understand it is a small school with outstanding engineering programs and that they also do a ton of research.
  24. LOL.........Honestly?!?!?.....off season entertainment. First the Legislature, now this!
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