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Everything posted by Hawkster

  1. I'm no tax expert but I would think it is. Scholarship money is reported to the IRS.
  2. Actually I'm glad the Bison were his number 2 choice. They came oh so close only to get their hearts ripped out
  3. I'm not sure this is free but here's where I saw it. Seventh paragraph, Dom Izzo story so that doesn't prove it's true but I didn't make it up. https://www.inforum.com/sports/college/hot-mic-with-dom-izzo-despite-kienholz-choosing-elsewhere-ndsu-is-now-a-national-recruiting-factor Two sources confirm to WDAY Sports that Kienholz had narrowed his choice between Washington and NDSU.
  4. I just saw that DeBoer got Lincoln Kienholz, the highly recruited QB from Pierre. This further solidifies my belief that we should have hired DeBoer instead of Bubba. Kienholz supposedly narrowed it down to the Bison or Washington so all of FCS dodged a bullet there.
  5. $515,000 according to Wiki
  6. I saw it on DAZ, it sounded at least to me like a lot of people knew but couldn't say anything to the athletic dept. For now I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. I would like to know the real reason Bubba left Otis home when they said he was sick. That part of the story seems off.
  7. He probably doesn't want to shower after visiting that board.
  8. What's wrong with looking for someone better than Midco? If we don't find someone Midco will always be there.
  9. I'm starting to think Bubba had a laundry list of other problems concerning Otis that he probably could have used at any time to remove him from the team. I'm not trying to minimize the sexual assault charges but this was surly not the only major Otis problem to pop up.
  10. I'll admit it, I thought initially the stories were unfair to Otis, but it appears to be true and I was wrong. Now I'm starting to wonder what else Otis got away with at UND? It seems like Bubba pampered Otis for 3 years.
  11. I don't know about the rest of you, but the last time I went to Bisonville I felt like a needed a shower it was so sleazy.
  12. Going to Missouri State and having an asshat like Petrino for a coach might be the best thing that could happen to Weah. He's going to have to mature and do it right or he will be out on his ear. Some times the tough love approach works. It appears that he took advantage of Bubba and misused all the help he was given at UND. For Otis it's sink or swim time, we'll see how he does in the deep end of the pool.
  13. Wow, Missery State. I wish him luck.
  14. Seriously, you might want to watch what you say on line unless you want the SWAT Team investigating you as the next possible mass shooter.
  15. I was thinking she's more like an ag school cheerleader
  16. We need to take those rankings with a few grains of salt since they are preliminary and based primarily on last years results but we are playing 6 ranked teams plus Nebraska. Bubba and the boys will have their work cut out for them and need to meet the challenge. Another factor is we play the number 1 and 2 teams in FCS. Bring it on.
  17. If we were playing Valpo, Drake, or Indiana State I'd agree with you. Against Nebraska, ah no.
  18. So they are spending $12M now and then doing a Phase 3 later for the rest of the project or are they giving up on the rest of the idea?
  19. I feel the 6 month suspension is adequate punishment, what I don't understand is why wasn't this announced months ago when it was first discovered?
  20. I love it. It's almost like being back in the Big Sky again
  21. University of Louisville on line 1. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/college/louisville/2015/10/02/report-u-l-looking-into-book-allegations/73228518/
  22. Losing in the first round is considering over achieving? Good lord. I know a lot of people thought they wouldn't make the tourney at one point, but not winning a game or two at the tourney is never over achieving.
  23. The hell with Michigan and their PP, that's nothing compared to their shorty
  24. Michigan shows how to run a PP. Wow. 3-0
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