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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. many students will be gone next weekend. need not to worry
  2. Are there any goalies in this game or what?!
  3. Last years playoffs was a nail biter, at least for the first 1/4 or more of it...Bring em on again !
  4. wtf is it 5-2 or 5-3???
  5. So if CC wins, what is the grande finale for the WCHA playoffs?
  7. Avoiding the thursday night game in the final five is what we are rooting for next....So third is much better! GO SIOUX!
  8. Calling around is much faster
  9. This just in " the game will not be played tonight!" St. Cloud got scared and didn't want to show up for a beating
  10. if highways are closed, you can be almost certain that the game will be closed
  11. Sioux Blog: The Sioux arrived in St. Cloud this afternoon without adventure, despite the rough weather in the area. The Herald won't be there, however, for at least Friday night (unless the forecasters are very wrong). After being out of town until Wednesday, I have spent the last 48 hours catching up. In the process, the storm has moved into the region and it's expected to be pretty ugly outside. I-94 was closed near St. Cloud this afternoon after a truck jacknifed. People in St. Cloud have said that traveling conditions are bad and I-29 and I-94 could be even worse tomorrow. So, I'm not going to risk it. If the roads improve, I'll be down there. Otherwise, we will compile our coverage with some help from UND sports information director Dan Benson and St. Cloud Times sportswriter Kevin Allenspach. I know a lot of people typically make the trip from the Twin Cities to St. Cloud for this series. Keep an eye on the weather and if you decide to go, have safe travels. Posted by: Schlossman on Thursday, March 01 at 6:32 PM | Comments (0) | Permalink
  12. I guess they stopped and got some pizza corners over at Judys on their way out. I love pizza for breakfast!
  13. Once again, I respond, they need to can someone! Get someone there who knows sports, knows a crowd, and KNOWS MUSIC (and also when, and when not, to play it!!!)
  14. Another horrid thread getting more than 30 replies! Go SIOUX!
  15. P.O.D 'Boom' is a must AFI Misteria Cantera??? Not sure of spelling(The song before the players come out I hope they continue to play. Its perfect!) Disturbed is always good for loud, out of control, helmet bashing music The Zambonis I wanna drive a zambonis. To think this is a hockey arena and they play it maybe twice a season! My god this thread just made me realize, AGAIN, how the music they play at the REA is horrid! Someone needs to be canned!
  16. true but they can tap into channel 23
  17. I wish Pat would get in his little WDAZ van, drive to st cloud, and tap a little wire into a dish and BROADCAST THE EFFIN GAME!
  18. The pot they smoke comes out of minnesota
  19. is that a dish channel? or website? I dont feel like researching
  20. Agree, but I just threw up while typing this
  21. exactly...DU vs UND on saturday was a lost cause as far as the webcast....I heard others had no problems though. Must have massive hard drives or something
  22. Three letters, DOT. Im sure they will look at the line hes with as being part of his success, but they will fail to see how big of a playmaker and sniper he can be(obviously). He is not affraid to shoot the puck which is the main reason why he has as many goals as he does. But I dont think he'll get it either.
  23. Any idea when you can get signed up for this? I was just searching and I couldn't see where to do so? Maybe it will be a couple days yet? Or am I simply missing something
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