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Everything posted by CMSioux

  1. I agree however it's not as if the cupboard is empty. One estimate is that there are over 30 programs and services for Native American students at UND, and they have the Native American Cultural Center right on campus. That is not to say that more couldn't be done however I would like to see the group that is putting so much energy into getting the name taken away also put as much energy into solving the problems of unemployment, alcoholism, substance abuse, and domestic abuse that abound within the Native American community.
  2. This is my first year with football season tickets and with a 4 hour drive one way I'm going to spending time in Grand Forks. Who would you say are the most Sioux Friendly bars and restaurants in Grand Forks/East Grand Forks. (I realize they probably all are, but which ones really show their Sioux pride.)
  3. Well after several months of planning we have finally launched www.siouxpride.com. This website was developed with the mission of allowing anyone to share their pride in the Sioux name. We believe that no matter what side of the nickname issue you are on, and no matter what happens in the use of the nickname, both sides can agree that the name Sioux is one that deserves to be preserved. Check out the Sioux Pride materials, read about the legacy of the eagle feather. Whatever your attachment to the name Sioux we think you'll find something you can wear with pride and honor. We'd like to thank SiouxSports.com for allowing us to promote our site.
  4. CMSioux

    Sioux Boosters

    I'm planning to purchase season tickets for football no matter what happens in September, just no rush to do it I guess since I know there are plenty of the $40 seats available.
  5. I'm looking for information on tailgating both football and hockey. I have left two messages with the contact person at the Alerus and gotten no call backs. How do you reserve a football site? Cost, size, etc. Where can you find the rules associated with a site? Does any tailgate at hockey games? What are the site details?
  6. Just wondering once the name goes away will you continue to wear the Sioux name and logo and for how long. What about if/when they come up with a new logo will you still wear the Sioux logo?
  7. This thread has probably run its course but I'm strongly in favor of no new name and just going with North Dakota. 1. It's forward thinking and innovative. We can be the first to say we don't need a logo/name to identify who we are, We are North Dakota! 2. It gives a cooling off period if sometime down the road there is an inniative to come up with a new name. 3. It would be probably bother "some other school" if UND took ownership of the name North Dakota. 4. It promotes the state. 5. I'll say it again - imagine an arena full of fans chanting "We are North Dakota!". I will continue to wear my Sioux garb to every game and probably invest in new clothing before they go away.
  8. Option 1: It should be retired and given to the state historical society, after all it represents one of the longest running football rivalries in the country. Option 2: UND should keep it, although because of the chance of it being stolen they probably would need to find a place way up high in the Alerus to display it under lock and key. They keep it because they own the overall won/loss record and they won the last meeting. Not an option: putting it back into circulation if the teams every play again. It will never again officially be the Sioux vs. Bison so a new trophy is in order. Perhaps a giant coin that has UND on one side and NDSU on the other.
  9. We've had some healthy discussion at work regarding the recent discussion on whether or not a state resident has an obligation to root for a team simply because the team is from their home state. Being a UND alumni and staunch Sioux fan I am comfortable with the fact that I will not be rooting for the Bison, nor will I be rooting against them. I really just don't care. Here are some thoughts for you to ponder regarding my philosophy on this. 1. There is a vocal minority of NDSU fans that seems to enjoy turning every NDSU sports success into evidence that NDSU is better than UND. I have never attended another college's sporting event where sections of the crowd start chanting derogatory comments about a school that isn't the one they are playing. I have attended many NDSU sporting events where the team has beaten a different team other than UND, yet a section feels the need to chant "Sioux S*ck". UND isn't even in the building but for some reason they feel the need to bash UND to further elevate their opinion of their own team. 2. If NDSU were to play a good game against Kansas or pull off a miracle win you can bet there will be many NDSU voices that find a way to turn this into a finger-pointing, nose-thumbing opportunity towards UND. For some it can never be about celebrating their success, it has to also be about "further proof that we were right, that we are better, etc." 3. In the same manner that many Bison fans like to point out that the UND Hockey Team "doesn't even have anyone from North Dakota on it" I would also point out that the majority of the Bison Basketball team isn't from North Dakota. 4. Making the tournement is a great accomplishment, but again some will stretch this accomplishment and try to compare it to UND's current basketball team, which is in it's first year of transition rather than comparing the NDSU first-year transition team to UND current team - quite similar as a matter of record. 5. The reason the team made this tournement is that the NCAA had to take them as a conference qualifier. If the NCAA was allowed to simply take the top 64 teams based on record, strength of schedule etc. NDSU would not be in the tournement. There is no way this team is in the top 64 division I basketball teams, unless you also agree that Tennessee Chattanooga is also there with its 16-12 record. This is not intended as a slam, it's expounding the question - does a state resident have an obligation to root for a team simply because the team is from their home state. I come down on the side - no they don't. Game on . . . .
  10. I'm driving in from St. Cloud, dropping my daughters off at my sisters's house, starting with a steak and brew at Whitey's and spending the rest of the day and night going to Sioux BB and hockey games - I will be in Sioux Alum Heaven.
  11. I think history shows there will always be attendance issues if the fan base doesn't expand. I believe other schools who have made the transition have proven it is possible to expand the fan base and that is up to the Sports Marketing Department. As far as the record this year let's keep some perspective - no excuses but remember: 1. This is a transition year for a new coach and some new staff members 2. This is a different transition year schedule than other schools have faced, we are immediately in a conference with tough competition. I'd rather lose to tougher competition, which only makes you better, than win against a Montana School of Mines, for example. I think the school and staff have put a quality product on the field - room for improvement yes - but that will come with increased scholarships. Remember, as history shows over the top success during transition has little to do with what happens after the transition.
  12. I think we should all realize that what happens during the transition years has nothing to do with your success once the transition is over. You can win virtually every game during transition and still come out with a mediocre team that fails to make the playoffs. If you need an example I've got one. We also forget that we have a new coaching staff - yes most were part of the system, but there is still adjustments that need to be considered. I would also say that recruiting takes a hit during transition because not every kid is willing to be a part of transition.
  13. Anyone on here old enough to remember back in the late 70s, early 80s when someone hid a stuffed animal badger in the ceiling and had a fish line attached to it just waiting for the right moment to pull the string. Badgers were ahead most of the game but about the middle of the third Sioux went ahead and the string got pulled. The stuffed toy was lined up perfectly in front of the camera angle from the press box and they had to scramble to get somone up in the rafters to cut it down. Ed Schultz was doing play by play I believe and got a little POed mostly because it was screwing up their camera coverage. it was great. Must have been some engineering students behind it because they had the hanging angle just perfect and it was held up by fishing line so no one but those right around it knew anything was up. Also remember in the 70s when one guy had a rubber chicken on a long pole and used to sit behind the visiting goalie and drop the chicken over his head between periods - wow the stuff we got away with back then. Those were the days.
  14. Ryan Who? Great win, it's going to be like this every week in FCS, lots of speed and size.
  15. CMSioux

    UW-L vs UND

    UW-L would kick Valpo up and down the field and this schedule is a typical transition schedule, not that much different than any other school that has gone through the same transition. Keep in mind Wisconsin has no DII schools so the DIII schools have access to a higher level of talent - which is also why lots of DII schools and even IAA schools heavily recruit the Badger State.
  16. I like it, it's unique and the Norwegian connection is definitely North Dakota, but I doubt there will ever be concensus on this issue enough to make it happen. I'm thinking just going with "North Dakota" is going to be the safe, conservative North Dakota way - not that there is anything wrong with that.
  17. CMSioux

    UND vs. SCSU

    My coach always said, if you don't like teams running up the score on you get better at the game.
  18. CMSioux


    I think the fact they already gave away #4 speaks volumes about the possibility of his return. I've heard he isn't very committed towards "working toward a degree" too bad he probably had a future in at least the CFL.
  19. This was definitely the largest student attendance I've seen in all of the history of the Alerus. We need the student section to start some cheers, especially during pre-game warm-ups, there was a group up in the corner that tried. Also let's start some new tradition cheers, not sure what they would be but how would it feel to be inside the Alerus with 11,000 fans shouting, We are North Dakota, We are One!
  20. Let's get excited about the 2008 season. Report in where you're from and what you are excited about! This is CM Sioux reporting in from central Minnesota. I'm excited about a new season, a new coach and a new division. I live just close enough to make a few home games and I can hardly wait to see the team get off the bus, hear the band play the fight song and taste the barbeque and a cold one in the parking lot!!!
  21. Let us worry about it. You are like a bunch of tattle tales first graders jumping up and down and pointing their fingers. They also never said it WAS an automatic birth or any other drivel bison fans are so worried about. It's our team please leave it and us alone, as is so often pointed out we are no longer rivals.
  22. I've always been a proponent of not replacing Sioux with anything. Let's just call ourselves North Dakota and be proud of it. Watch the movie We are Marshall, in the same vein, wouldn't "We are North Dakota" be a powerful chant to hear from the crowd? Let's stake a claim to the name North Dakota!
  23. You're reading too much into it. Bi can also mean "two" as in two opinions depending on which fits your needs. What about those who use Sewage, Sue, etc under the bison flag can we assume they are also 11 years old?
  24. Let me get this straight when the Bi-sons were in the Great West not only was it quickly referred to as a conference, never an "affliation" but they bought rings when they won this "conference/affiliation" championship and even let the seniors into the "Hallowed Green and Gold Locker Room" a room that had not seen the light of day in many years. When the Bi-son were in the Great West it wasn't "a bunch of independents that anyone could schedule" it was immediately among "the top 5 conferences in the US". When the Bi-son were in the Great West it wasn't "a bunch of bottom feeders" it was "one of the toughest conferences in the US. When the Bi-son were in the Great West Affiliation and beating these so-called bottom feeders it was a crime that they weren't allowed to compete for the national championship . .. need I go on, I'm feeling a little green and gold around the gills.
  25. CMSioux


    Yes there are other schools that will keep around players with criminal records just because of their need to win but that doesn't fit with the expectations of Sioux Pride. He's done.
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