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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. Oh, I know. I'm just pointing out that football is a loss leader for UND. Yet, the cries about women's hockey losing money are the loudest here. It seems that this needs to be pointed out. It also seems that we forget that ALL sports at UND lose money. A little over half of students at UND are women. Women's hockey is growing and getting bigger. So, these young ladies have a legitimate beef against the school. I hope they win. I don't think they will, but they deserve to rattle Kennedy's cage. Nobody should try to deligitimize their complaints with blatantly mysogonist statements. They have every right to complain.
  2. I agree. Time to cut football also then. Of course if you don't agree you realize you're a hypocrite
  3. Lol. Face facts folks. Those girls lawyers have a good case.
  4. Again why? We can just pick up cheaper men sports that wouldn't lose nearly as much money. After all this is really about money isn't it? If it's only about money then we need to get rid of football. Let's find some cheaper sports for men to play. Maybe badminton. Or bowling. No what this is really about is a woman's sport that was losing a lot of money. I hope they win that lawsuit and it wouldn't shock me if they did.
  5. Why? We can just pick up other sports like men's soccer or men's lacrosse. That would be cheaper. If that isn't cheaper let's find other sports that are cheaper for men. After all isn't all about saving money? Or is there some hypocracy to this?
  6. I found that money by dropping FCS football. If you want to talk wasted money, there you go. But, it's not about cutting football. It's about doing what's right. Or, we can cut football. Denver University doesn't need it. From the Bismark Tribune: Football at UND had the largest gap with revenues of $1.8 million and expenses of $4.1 million.
  7. I remember that UND vs. NDSU tennis match that had to be moved to Memorial Stadium because of the huge overflow crowds.
  8. Yeah. I remember the overflowing attendances we had for track meets and golf tournaments. Yeah I also remember waiting in line Wilkerson to get tickets to those track meets and golf tournaments. Ah, memories....
  9. Girls high school hockey is growing, it's not going away. Over 50% of UND students are female. http://www.dailyherald.com/news/20171202/girls-are-flocking-to-ice-hockey-across-illinois-and-the-nation We're a hockey school. Kennedy better step it up. Again, I hope they win.
  10. I hope they win. We're a hockey school. It should never have been cut. To me, that ends my argument. Bring it back.
  11. Probably never. But, it's off season. It gives us something to do.
  12. Wow. This issue has lived a long life. I cheer for UND. I don't like the nickname or the logo, but it is what it is now. I accept it because it will not go back. So, I cheer for UND. If they are the Fighting Hawks, I say, "Go Hawks, Buck the Fison!" Again, I cheer for the University of North Dakota.
  13. I'm pulling for Winnipeg for all the years of waiting for this. But, I'll pull for Vegas if they get to the finals because it is such a great story.
  15. Or, would it further inflame the masses?
  16. They all look the same to me. I hope it goes over well with the kids going to UND sporting events. It'll help them become lifelong UND fans. The world won't end if we get this mascot.
  17. Hmmm. I'll be curious to see if this gold medal creates any real traction...outside of message boards...to bring back women's hockey. I fall in the bring it back group. Yes, we are a hockey school. Yes, it is about little North Dakota girls dreams. I'm just not into impassioned pleading over it on a message board. I just hope it happens. But, I'm doubtful it will. Been wrong before though...
  18. It won't matter. The folks that doped up a curler (why?) surely have doped up their "banned" hockey team. Go Germany!
  19. They should drop women's hockey.
  20. Ditto. It's the Fighting Hawks now. That's the way it is going to be. Let the school, the students, the community embrace it. It doesn't mean you can't wear Fighting Sioux gear. But, suck it up and let them enjoy the new name. JHC, once more about the new nickname - grow up and get over it. I have my Sioux gear, but I'm getting sick of this BS. It's embarrassing. One more thing. I cheer for the University of North Dakota at intercollegiate sporting events. They are now the Fighting Hawks. It doesn't change the fact that I have cheered and will continue to cheer for the University of North Dakota.
  21. Here is what really happened.
  22. It's tougher to win when you don't have a bounty on the other team's quarterback, isn't it?
  23. We're a hockey school. We should have kept the women's hockey program. You are what you is. Dropping the program may have been a financially sound decision, but the fallout over the decision is understandable. Using cheap political posturing on either side is ridiculous.
  24. Wentz is a North Dakota kid. Yeah, he's got my support. I don't care if he went to NDSU. Hope he comes back next year and continues to tear it up. In the meantime, Foles better enjoy his single (probably) playoff game. Philly isn't the same team without Wentz.
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