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Posts posted by nd1sufan

  1. You think a basketball conference gives 2 sh-ts about Gameday? lol!!!!!! Also you must think Gameday is going to make Fargo an annual thing like Alabama and FSU. Lol!!!!! You are funny.

    They have said they would like to make it a frequent stop. They love the atmosphere and fan enthusiasm. Who on this forum thought they would come back a second year in a row? They have been in Fargo more than 95% of FBS schools. More than 80% of BCS conference schools. 100% more than any Big Sky schools, whether they are FCS like now or FBS in the future like SV is guaranteeing.  

  2. The fans of your allies namely UNI don't want NDSU or any Dakota team in their "basketball" conference. The message board was flooded with people slamming the SU's the last time membership was up for grabs. I think getting Into the SB will be easier than getting into the MVC.

    If it were up to fans opinions, UND would not be in the Big Sky, or any other conference for that matter. It is up to school presidents, who look at the landscape of college athletics and decide what is best for the sustainability of their conference, not what the fans think. Do you suppose the Missouri Valley would be happy if one of their basketball playing schools had ESPN College Gameday on their campuses? NDSU will never be in the Sun Belt. Maybe the MAC or MWC, but not the Sun Belt as it is today. 

  3. That is a nice post. I hope some day the Dakota 4 will be all in the same conference in all sports. I wonder if the SL will get a TV deal like the Big Sky Conference, if that happens plus the MVFC offering UND football membership may persuade UND to look at that option, of course dealing with Douple may be another issue.

    I think an NDSU move to the Missouri Valley in all sports is more likely than either the Sun Belt or Big Sky. The Indiana State media have been saying all along that the MVC should add NDSU, and now they say there may be some movement among the conference schools that it may be a good idea. They are afraid that with the football success that NDSU is having that they are becoming more attractive to FBS conferences (like the MWC or MAC) and that the window may be closing to get them in the MVC. NDSU has powerful allies in the MVC, like both ISU's, and UNI. They just would probably have to find a private, non-football school to go with them, possibly ORU or Denver. .

  4. We still get no respect in the Big Sky. PSUs five fans and their writer are acting like we won the game on accident and were gifted it by PSU.

    PSU is just a bad football team. I saw the last quarter or so and their QB was not very good. Also, the head coaches time management at the end of the game was horrible. He should have taken a time out before the UND punt and get the ball back with about 2 full minutes left instead of 1:20.  

  5. So the real issue is with my claim that UND and some of the BSC will move up to FBS.  Any move won't occur after 2017 when Idaho is evicted from the Sun Belt.  Bisonvile has a major issue with that so they attempt to discredit me for trivial things, when they write far worse about UND and Grand Forks without getting Tony's dander up.


    Anyone claiming UND will go to FBS is on a target list from the Vile.  The subject totally enrages the bizon, as they think UND should not be allowed to move up as the bizon don't have an offer from an FBS conference.


    No, it just shows a pattern of your unfounded and irrational claims. 


    Bresciani is at it again. They found another body in the Red River in Moorhead and a member the Moorhead PD was interviewed cautioning about jumping to conclusions when a body is found. Bresciani must have gotten to them and told them what to say. 

  6. Its simply what university presidents do:  they attempt to control the narrative when it comes to public relations.  I didn't say he was successful, but few stories have come out in the media since the day after the body was found.  Local journalists generally revere a university president, so going against the wishes against Bresciani is like a good Catholic going against the wishes of a pope.   The bisonville thought impugned to me that Bresiciani has impaired the investigation is blatantly false.  I  never said such a thing. 


    Bison73 and BD are carrying the water for Bresciani on this board.  Bresciani should be listened to with a strong does of cynicism: after he almost certainly ordered deleting his emails to avoid an embarrassing revelation.   Not exactly a pillar of integrity. 

    Is anybody still buying this idiot's claim of UND and the BSC's secret agreement to move to FBS. If this thread doesn't prove SV is delusional nothing will. 


    There is NO cover up or hindering of an investigation. The Moorhead PD told people not to speculate until more was known about the cause of death. 


    Please try to be rational. I know it's hard if not impossible for SV, but I can't believe he appears to have loyal followers on this site that seem to agree with him.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Going off topic here, I was kind of surprised that Western Illinois made it so close.  I'd still be surprised to see FU lose a game, much less two, this year.  


    I don't believe in "moral victories" myself.  Whether it be UND for coming close against Montana or even Western Ill coming up close in yesterday's game.  However, i do believe I am seeing a trend in UND's football program.  The biggest is in not giving up and following a game plan laid out by a competent coaching staff.  If this continues, the gap between UND and Fargo will grow smaller in a relatively short period of time.  

    If you mean by gap closing it going from a 5-6 touchdown gap like last year to a 2-3 touchdown game next year, I agree. If you mean it will be a pick-em game in the next 2-3 years I think you are overly optimistic.   

  8. I disagree a somewhat.  Two weeks ago I would have said NDSU would thrash UND but I am not so sure anymore.  NDSU doesn't appear to be as good this year (time will tell) although still a very good team with a pretty average offense.   I don't doubt NDSU would beat us but I doubt they could run up the score with how much the defense has improved.  It is pretty natural for a team that has been riding high like NDSU to start to move back to the pack some because that level of success is pretty much impossible to maintain.  UND was in a low so some upward swing would be expected, it just seems the defense has improved a lot faster than expected by most people. 


    It was interesting watching and listening to the TV broadcast because they were talking about the great talent on the UND defense.  Well most of the guys playing were on the roster last year but the defense was terrible.  I think it says more about the coaching staff and the work ethic of the guys that stuck it out, than it does about talent level.  The defense is getting better every week and that isn't improved talent, it's guys knowing what to do and getting the job done. 

    NDSU will lose a game or two in the MVFC this year and UND will win a game or two in the BSC this year. It doesn't mean the gap is closing. NDSU lost games they shouldn't have in some of their National title years and UND won some BSC games those same years. The gap didn't close those years. 

  9. Completely stupid comment.

    UND played a close game against Montana and had a very good opportunity to win.

    To sell that short is only typical of NDSU fans.

    UND is on the rise, and much sooner than most expected.

    At least one Sioux fan admits they are into moral victories. I would have a problem with my starting QB saying after the game that "we outplayed them the entire game" when his offense may not have had 100 yards of total offense in the first 3 quarters. 

  10. Just shut up.  We have a long way to go to even be relevant in ND again.  Two losses against MT schools don't do anything when they have won 29 in a row.  Just knock it off.

    But they really were wins in UND fans minds. Maybe, just maybe, Montana didn't bring their A game because it was a game they should have won easily and UND was thinking this was a big game for them. They also left their best receiver and tight end at home and their best (and by a long way their best) QB got hurt and left the game early. Montana didn't look to be into the game just like NDSU didn't look to be in the WIU game today.


    I know UND fans like to make fun of the "It's the Super Bowl for whoever is playing NDSU" thought, but it is. Just ask the Montana coach. Before the NDSU game, he said he could say the NDSU game is just another game but he would be lying. A couple of players from Western Illinois said before the game this week that a win against NDSU for be a program changer. 


    The real test for how far UND has come is later in the season when they are playing an Idaho State or Weber State or Northern Colorado, teams that will have no reason to overlook UND or take a win against UND as a given. 

  11. I love how he takes the time to do that stuff.  He spends every spare minute thinking of how to develop the program, whether it be on the field, off the field, recruiting, fanbase....

    I agree, great for Bubba to reach out like that. 


    I have a question. Speaking of developing a program, what do you UND fans think about the staff pulling the redshirts off the 9 or 10 true freshmen this year? It is obviously a rebuilding job this year without much hope for post season play. Do you think it would have been smarter to redshirt them and trade their least productive year for what should be their most productive year? 


    Not criticizing your staff, I think Bohl and his staff were way to quick to pull the redshirts off of Morlock, Gee-Tucker and DeLuca last year to basically play special teams and in mop up duty. I would much rather that they were redshirt freshmen this year instead off true sophomores. Unless the true freshman is going to start and is much better than their competition, redshirt them. 

  12. Good point, thanks for mentioning it.  Right now if you are a good athlete and a good FB player and you come to UND, you will have an excellent chance at starting or at least getting lots of playing time.  That is one thing Bubba will have to use early on.

    So how does that conversation start? Sure, you could go to NDSU and maybe get a couple of rings, win some FBS games, maybe have ESPN Gameday come to town, but you may have to redshirt and maybe even wait longer to get playing time, or you could come here to UND and play right away, because we have nobody better than . you right now. That is a great strategy,

  13. Gameday should just set up shop in the pig research barns.   It would only be right that they get the true NDSU/ Fargo experience by smelling pigshit all day.

    Or they could go to the Alerus Center during a UND football game and get that same experience.

    • Upvote 1

    Spoke with Sun Belt commissioner Karl Benson. The conference will re-evaluate NMSU and Idaho in two years


    Kind of plays along with Volley's theory.


    Of course the Big Sky Deputy Commissioner was on the McFeely show today and was asked about going FBS, and he said he didn't know why anybody in the FBS would want to go FBS. McFeely also asked about the BSC giong FBS and he said there were no discussions about it. But I know, he's not plugged in like SiouxVolley is.  

  15. I don't think they meant immediately, but eventually.  How do you think Roger Thomas managed to build a national contender with what he started with in 1986?  It wasn't by losing every single recruiting battle with NDSU.  Eventually, Thomas was able to beat out NDSU for guys like Jim Kleinsasser (unless you want to make the case that NDSU didn't really want him :silly:).  Day by day, this program will get better.  And that haunts you guys in your dreams because you've watched this movie before, right?

    Actually I have seen Bubba interviewed several times and have seen him on the practice field with his old man hat on coaching his players. I'm not so sure his prime years of relating to 18-22 year old kids haven't passed him by. I don't think many Bison fans are too concerned about Bubba heading the UND program. 

  16. The funny thing is, you don't get, at all, what the poster you responded to, was referring to. Lol.

    You mean the "Inflential Universities" report that came out 2 weeks before the study about the value of an education that came out that stated an NDSU degree was worth $200,000 more after a certain number of years than a UND degree? And that your influential "graduates" were professional hockey players? 

  17. Are you serious.  Most UND fans do not think they are going to win most recruiting  wars with NDSU.  Where do you come up with this stuff.

    Ira and others have said when the Bubba cavalry takes over things are going to change in recruiting between NDSU and UND.  

  18. How far back do you want to go? Dressler and the Manke brothers? Mollberg is just getting started. Nothing we can do now about the past. So what about now?

    Write these 2 names down. Elijah Grady and Mason Bennett. The immediate impact is UND has 2 early commits who can influence what other kids see and think about where we are going. You maybe don't understand that what is done is done. We move on and will get better day by day. Same thing the AC had to do after they were down. Same thing any program does when they have struggled. Most of the AC fans are enjoying the ride. Some don't seem to be happy unless they can try and make someone else feel badly. Who gives a rats behind who the last impact player was? Keep checking that rear view mirror and you might find yourself in the ditch. Doubt it will be this year and maybe not next but we are coming after you guys. In the meantime, enjoy your success and quit fussing over what anyone else does or doesn't do.

    Would you trade Molberg for Wentz, or even Easton Stick, who would have his red shirt pulled if Wentz goes down for an extended amount of time? 

    Bennett may be a good get, but NDSU had already gotten commitments from DL Carlton and Darnell. 


    I know UND fans think now that Bohl is gone, that UND will win most if not all of the recruiting battles with NDSU, but do you really think Klieman, Roehl, Polasek, etc. can't recruit? NDSU isn't going to win every battle, but they will win most. And,  more importantly, once they get them on campus, they have an exceptional strength and conditioning coach that makes every athlete bigger, stronger and faster so that by their 2nd and 3rd year they look and perform more like FBS players than FCS players. And, even though UND fans think the coaching ability of the staff left with Bohl, I think they are wrong. Bohl was the director of the program, but did little coaching. Klieman was the architect of the defense the last 2 or 3 years and still has his hands in it, and I will take Polasek over Vigen as OC.  

  19. No doubt that Crockett is a Big Ten talent that everyone knew about...  the guy had so many red flags that Big Ten schools just walked away.  No sure that I want him at UND..

    Really, taking a chance on a kid that had questionable grades is a bad thing? They gave the kid a chance at an education with a scholarship for 2 years before he could get on the practice field. I don't see that as a bad thing. I see it as something that builds loyalty and shows a commitment to a kid, not knowing if he will ever see the field. 


    Coming from a school that is welcoming a transfer to their men's basketball team coming off a dismissal from another team for an arrest is quite amusing. 



    Let's assess what you said and what I said, and then we can realize how foolish and idiotic everything you said was.


    Don't be upset at UND's fan base because we are passionate about North Dakota's flagship university and we understand UND is more influential and capable than NDSU. Despite NDSU's petty propaganda tactics, UND's fan base will not be disrupted; UND alumni know all too well that NDSU is not near as special as NDSU faithful are brainwashed into thinking. 





    If we are going to assess foolish and idiotic statements, let's assess the UND being more influential and capable comment. Was the UND game featured on ESPN Gameday as a game to pick? Were there numerous national articles published about how FBS teams shouldn't play UND because they will get beat? Were there national articles written about UND being better than 4 or 5 Big Ten teams right now with 63 schollies and supposed FCS talent? Were there articles written about how the Big 12 should invite UND if they were to expand back to 12 teams? (yes, I know NDSU will never get a Big 12 invite). Was there talk on a national stage debating if UND would be a top 25 or top 40 team in the FBS this year? Was anybody in the State of North Dakota talking about UND football this weekend (thankfully for UND the answer is no).  

  21. The metro with a shot at surpassing Fargo is Bismarck-Mandan

    The gap between the Bis/Mandan metro and the Fargo/Moorhead metro is widening not shrinking. F/M is double the size, more than 100,000 larger, and the raw numbers is people they are adding is larger than any other city in Fargo. If they keep adding 4,000 to 5,000 every year and others add 3,000 to 4,000, even though the others are adding a larger percentage, they are losing ground in total population. New Town may have added 50 percent this year, Does that mean they are going to catch Fargo, which is adding 4 percent. I don't think so. Percentage gain is misleading. Look at the total numbers. As the population of Williston and Bismarck go up, their percentage gain will drop.  

    • Upvote 1


    Williston will never pass Fargo in population. From 2010 to 2012, Fargo by all accounts grew by 8,000 to 9,000 while WIlliston added about 6,000. West Fargo is growing by just about the same numbers as WIlliston. WIth the new hospital being built with 200 new doctors and over 1,000 support staff, along with all of the jobs those extra workers require, Fargo will be the largest city in North Dakota for the lifespan of anyone on this blog today. The gap between #1 (Fargo) and #2 (Bismarck) is 50,000 now, and will only get larger.  

  23. Apparently most people don't since the offshore lines have already moved a couple points towards Iowa St.

    When was the last time an FCS team was favored against a BCS conference team? Has it ever happened? 

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