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Posts posted by nd1sufan

  1. It would be fair if the same rules applied to NDSU as every one else. That hasn't happened since 1960. There a reason NDSU only started winning that year.

    So you are saying you wish UND didn't support their women's sports either? You don't give a s##t about women's sports, you just wish NDSU was flushing money down the toilet like UND is with their women's hockey, swimming & diving  and tennis programs. 

  2. The NDHSAA sponsors boys and girls hockey. NDSU has made the choice to sponsor neither. Embrace the choice. ;)

    And UND chooses not to sponsor Wrestling and NDSU does. Wrestling is a sport sponsored by Class A schools and most Class B schools. Tennis, swimming and Hockey are Class A sports. If you go strictly by participation numbers, there are probably more high school wrestlers in ND than the other 3 sports mentioned combined. I guess UND doesn't care about the small school athletes in ND. I guess that is just a choice UND and their fans will have to live with. 

  3. Ok gotcha.  I don't know why they try and down play it either because the dome will be rocking.

    Yes, the dome will be rocking Sept 19th, just like it will be against UNI, South Dakota, Missouri State, etc. I did find it rather interesting that Montana is .charging $10 more per ticket for the NDSU game than for their big rival Montana State,. I guess Montana must not be so thrilled with the addition of their rival UND to the BSC. Apparently according to Schlossy and UND fans everything is about making money, and it looks like UND is not much of a draw, in fact their lowest priced ticket of the season.

  4. Playing 11 FBS teams vs playing 11 FCS teams is a huge difference.  Playing an LSU team (like EMU does) is different than playing South Dakota or even UND. NDSU would struggle, just ask App State what would Bison fans think if they played Michigan and got thumped 52-14. The bandwagon would come off and tickets would be given away at a gas station again.

    Yes, just ask Georgia Southern. They go win the Sun Belt their first year and are picked to win it again this year. Playing that FBS schedule last year sure hurt them.

  5. My understanding is that Brown was up here at a camp and really liked the facilities, campus, coaches and current players.  He was headed to camps at USD and SDSU right after UND's and decided rather than wait to see if they offered, to take the UND offer before attending the other camps.  It was also possible that UND was only going to take one guard and by waiting, he could have missed his opportunity.  Being he liked everything he had seen about UND, it wasn't worth the risk.

    Are you implying a UND coach put pressure on a recruit by saying if he didn't accept the offer right away it may not be there later? I thought only NDSU football coaches did that?

  6. I'm saying Bison fans gushed over how great Jensen was even saying the best ever, and how he can make it to the next level, was the 32 teams in the NFL wrong about him? Miami had him and cut him twice in favor of a guy from a bottom feeder UNC team. Wentz has played a full one seson as a starter and yet he is the next Flacco? I guess that would have made Jensen the next Montana or Manning going into the draft his senior year.

    Actually many NDSU fans wished Wentz had gotten the starting nod over Jensen, They would have had a much better offense. However, how do you bench a QB that just won a National title? 


    Wentz is certainly no Molberg or Studsrud, but I am glad NDSU has him. 

  7. Bingo!! In fact with the BSC being so negative why did NDSU, SDSU, try to join? And in the case of USD if it wasn't for a backdoor deal they would've joined to. Bison fans should have embraced joining the Gateway/Midcon not put it down like they did in the beginning, oh and don't forget how pissed fans and I am sure Gene Taylor was when the BSC picked UNC to join over them. But not a peep of negativity until UND was offered a full membership.

    OK, lets say you are right and NDSU fans favored the BSC over a Gateway/MidCon combo, which I disagree with. NDSU fans preferred the BSC over the Great West/No football conference combo. But lets say you are correct and NDSU fans favored the BSC over the MVFC/Summit. Now that everybody has seen both options, I for one and I think most NDSU fans and UND fans would agree the MVFC/Summit combo is better. 

  8. Nice cheap shot.  Is that how you always debate people?


    I just cannot get excited about a league full of schools like IUPUI and IPFW.

    It appears that your fans can't get excited about football or basketball games against schools like Portland St, Sac St., Southern Utah, Northern Arizona, or even Montana or Montana State either.   Perhaps they would get more excited by playing NDSU, SDSU, and USD yearly in FB and twice a year in BB. 


    Say what you want, but since NDSU has been in the MVFC/Summit and UND has been in the BSC, The Summit/MVFC combo has been better in the 3 major sports that most care about, Football and Men's and Women's basketball.

  9. He was fired. You conveniently forgot to mention that.

    He was fired because he ran into a parked vehicle while drunk with students in his van. He was arrested for a DUI the summer before and not suspended for it. Instead, he was allowed to continue coaching and allowed to continue driving his players on road trips.

    There was no choice that he was going to have to be fired. Don't give Faison any credit for that firing.

  10. . DUI should result in a suspension for a couple games because it's a serious screw-up that can cost people their lives. 

    Unless of course you are a head coach of a UND team, in which case you get no suspension and you actually get to drive your players around drunk with no license. BRILLIANT, in the words of The Common Man.

  11. Here is the dealio: Quit lying, just stop. The Ellefson example was horrible and included such little forethought it is sad. The kid had multiple FCS offers and an FBS offer and you are saying UND is trying to talk to him on January 27th? Sigh. Besides that, UND is in no position to steal a kid from a program that is better than them. They know it and aren't stupid. Especially a player with that many offers. At least give us a realistic example if you are going to lie.



    So Mr. All Knowing All Seeing UND-1, where did I say UND coaches were in contact with Ellefson on January 27th. I said they have contacted him since he committed to NDSU, which was back in July. I thought UND fans were getting their undies in a bunch because of the contact with UND recruits after their commitments. I didn't say anything about Ellefson being contacted by UND coaches recently. Maybe Tom Miller can file on open records request on all of the UND coaches cell phone records since July and we can find out who is lying? 

  12. As long as we're at it, interesting to see the unofficial mouth piece for the NDSU staff taking a shot a UND while responding to a tweet of a recent UND verbal . The kid must have hurt some feelings at NDSU or something after sitting next to one of the coach's on his flight.  I guess that wasn't enough because there's been quite a few comments talking down on UND's class the last few days as well. 


    Stay classy Fargo.

    That UND verbal took a shot at NDSU when he tweeted about his verbal, I take it he was looking for a response from NDSU fans with his hashtag. 


    He better be careful, he may need Fargo and NDSU. If he turns out to be as good as UND fans think and he has a chance to play at the next level, he will need to have NDSU invite him down to Fargo for their pro day to show off in front of the scouts. God knows UND doesn't have one. I wonder if that is in Bubba's recruiting script. We aren't good enough to have a pro day, but in the off chance we get someone good enough, NDSU is nice enough to let our players go to theirs. They have one every year. 

  13. No surprise but you're missing the point. Clearly the NDSU coaches would never be calling on a UND recruit, the NDSU fans continue to insist that kids like that are well below their staff's standards. Then when it continues to happen, heads go straight into the sand.

    They were courtesy calls. They want to keep a relationship with Davies, they have a good looking d-back that will be a senior next year, That is their real target. 

  14. I can tell you that at least one current commit was pursued by NDSU after committing to UND.  The recruit said "thanks, but no thanks."

    I have connections in the Hawley area that have told me that UND coaches have been in contact with Ellefson since he committed to NDSU. I couldn't believe it, Not Bubba!!  Guess what, they ALL do it. Every recruit that has committed to NDSU and have been on the radio with your play by play guy have said the calls still come even after they have committed. That is college football these days. If you are trying to say NDSU coaches do it more than everybody else, you are fooling yourself.

  15. .....and NDSU has never, ever lost a recruit to UND.  Ever. :silly::p

    Not never, but recently, not very often. Even this year when the recruiting machine Bubba had a full year to recruit, NDSU won an incredible amount of the recruiting battles with UND. I think NDSU will be just fine without the Hartness twins. 

  16. Cmon guys, it literally takes 1 NDSU fan to throw this thread completely off topic...always the same posters who bite on it too

    Last I checked Iwarri Smith is a top recruit of UND's 2015 class. How is he off topic? 

  17. I hear ya, but I don't think that's what he was going for. If you put stock in his twitter there was alot of chatter with other sioux recruits, and the rival coaches tweet is another example. Regardless, time will tell. Just hope he sticks around, we could use a guy like that.

    That is probably what he means. I hope it works out for him and UND. Michigan has never been very good to NDSU. The handful of athletes they have gotten from Michigan over the past 5 or 6 years haven't worked out. They have a D-lineman from last years recruiting class that hopefully will work out. With so many MAC teams in Michigan, I think they scoop up most players that are borderline Good FCS/Lower Level FBS quality. 

  18. He sat by an NDSU coach on his flight to ND. That's why he has connections via twitter to NDSU. Also, it's obviously known to UND recruits who the rival is and who is on the schedule next season for the first time in over 10 years. Oh, and Mr. Smith can play more than just DB; he played RB and WR as well.

    Sorry, but I was sure someone on this thread was concerned about Smith following NDSU coaches on Twitter long before his visit this weekend. Is that not true?

  19. If your are basing ur interpretation of committent on tweets, I would recommend reevaluating ur process. The kid is pretty twitter happy if you have watched. I think he will be in Grand Forks and will be a solid athlete for us.

    And I think he will be in GF next year and will probably be a good player for UND. But "on the clock" is generally a draft phrase when teams are picking players, making it sound like if NDSU wants to choose him, they better decide soon. 

  20. I interpreted it as the former, and not the latter.

    Of course you do. Although he follows NDSU coaches and tweets an NDSU National Championship ring. I would guess the latter is more realistic.Kind of strange for a kid to keep tweeting about a school other than the one he committed to. I would call this one a very soft verbal. Although I don't see NDSU offering him. They are pretty full of db's. 

  21. Do you really think it's $100? Seriously.

    It happens everywhere, even at FBS level. After 20-30 flights the costs start to add up. They need a bigger recruiting budget.

    Also, some kids fly into GF. Some don't. Its not 100%...all based on cost I imagine.

    We will agree on one thing, they need a bigger recruiting budget. Do you think Hak flies kids into Fargo?

  22. So Iwarri Smith was sitting next to "rival NDSU coach" on the plane from MPLS to Fargo.  Tweeted a picture of the nat'l championship ring.  This could get interesting.....


    EDIT:  Might be good thing he said it's a rival coach, but I'm sure he got an earful......

    My question is why is UND flying recruits into Fargo. It seems rather stupid to me. You may save $100 but you are making it look like Grand Forks is some rinky dink town with no flights in and out. Is that the impression you want to give recruits?

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