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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. The idea was move to 1030am in order to catch people before the early NFL game on CBS. The one potential criticism is that Fargo is Vikings country so most people watch NFL on Fox. I wish they would've tried to make that deal with KVRR but I'm guessing that Hoak was willing to plop the most money down to get the show.
  2. Feel free to come on over to Bisonsports.net. We have a couple UND posters that are treated quite well. Even JBB had this to say (paraphrasing): "the state of North Dakota is lucky to have two fine institutions such as NDSU and UND".
  3. I'd be curious to know the numbers for the CBS NFL pregram that was on right after at 11 am. I have a hard time believing that people suddenly woke up at 10:55 and turned on the TV.
  4. Unlike some, I'm not the least bit ashamed of NDSU's proud past as North Dakota's state agriculture college. Just like Texas A&M we were founded as an agricultural and mechanical arts school and we shouldn't shy away from that fact.
  5. I do have a problem with it, obviously. I only ask that NDSU is given equal treatment to UND. Both have earned capitalization in my mind. I don't post at bisonville, I post at bisonsports.net.
  6. I believe there is a clause in his contract that he can only leave to an FBS school.
  7. I suppose you think of ties as things that would literally tie you down to an area. I think of ties as simply knowing people in an area.
  8. Why do you go out of your way to capitalize every school except NDSU? Are you that bitter?
  9. It's derived from the fact that the NCAA limits the number of players that can report for fall camp. If you're not invited to report, you have to wait until school starts to join the team. IE, a "preferred walkon" is anyone who reports to fall camp without a scholarship.
  10. MplsBison

    new coach?

    I'd like to think that when NDSU starts scheduling UND again in the next couple of years that this time off will have given the fans of each school time to cool off. I'd like to think that.
  11. MplsBison

    new coach?

    It's very well known that Tomlin runs a 4-3 defense. He had one of the best run defenses in the NFL at Minnesota last season. He let the current DC at Pittsburgh continue running his 34.
  12. MplsBison

    new coach?

    Perhaps when Mussman is hired as HC he'll hire a DC that runs a normal defense (IE, 4 DL).
  13. MplsBison

    new coach?

    If it was simply a matter of money for Lennon to leave his dream job as the HC at the school he played at ... how much money is Tibesar making at KSU?
  14. MplsBison

    new coach?

    No, Mussman will be named the next HC at UND.
  15. MplsBison

    new coach?

    The forum says they're going to fill it internally. Mussman guaranteed.
  16. Southern Utah has the exact same academic mission in the Utah university system as Weber State.
  17. Another thing people often don't consider when comparing saleries is cost of living.
  18. He could've had that if he wanted the Montana State job. Since he didn't take that job, I'm doubting that he wants to leave UND for the time being.
  19. Missouri State has a track around their stadium.
  20. You guys are bat **** nuts if you think ND labor is cheaper than Florida labor! The mere fact that ND laborers are US citizens guarantees that they're more expensive.
  21. And I don't think Montana or MSU have ever recruited a ND kid for football.
  22. And 30k seats is about all they're going to get. Considering the much tougher building conditions in ND, more expensive labor and the fact that UND will want something much nicer than what FAU is proposing means the stadium as drawn is around 200 mill.
  23. 2005 was the first year that NDSU signed kids from Texas under Bohl. 2005: Agbetola Bowman Cash Champ Mitchell - only Bowman and Agbetola were on the 2007 roster, Bowman as a starting CB, but he suffered a season ending neck injury the first game and Agbetola as a backup CB. 2006: Weeden Wlliams - Williams was on the 07 roster as a backup WR 2007: Hazley-Freeman Holloway McNorton Thomas III - all except Thomas III were on the 07 roster as redshirts So no doubt we've not retained all the players that were signed. But the ones who have stayed have been contributing.
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