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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. That's still as true then as it is today.
  2. We already have Bibeau as our place kicker and XP/FG kicker. Maybe the younger Obarski is just that much better that he would be kicking as a true freshman as Bibeau did in 2006, but I doubt it. What we need is a punter, but you all say he doesn't punt. So I wonder if he was planning to walk on at UND or NDSU?
  3. How did my post confirm or deny that it's a silly idea for UND?
  4. http://www.gobison.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SP...p;Q_SEASON=2007 I wonder if this is his brother or maybe cousin? But I assume it had something to do with this.
  5. For whatever reason, spring season Lacrosse (I refuse to call it "Lax") has exploded in the cities, taking quality athletes away from track and baseball teams.
  6. I'm not sure if we'd offer Gratzek a scholarship, but if we do there's no point in UND even talking to him. He'll come to Fargo to be with his brother. That's just how it is out in those small towns, family first. We tried to get Manke, not a chance.
  7. That's good. So now it seems likely that Mr. Heimler acted on his own with his misleading quotes. If he would just admit it, this thing is done.
  8. Between NDSU and UND, I have no doubt that the state of North Dakota has one of the finest systems of higher education in the nation. Now, if we could get some of those graduates to state in the state of North Dakota...
  9. Is "30 yr. bonds" the nickname of the man who would be donating 300 million to UND?
  10. If it makes you sleep better at night hoping that UND will have a 500 million dollar endowment in 5 years, please do.
  11. It's pretty standard rhetoric on these high school recruiting websites that "interest" means no offer yet.
  12. NDSU could pay some people to draw a pretty picture if they wanted. What would that have to do with anything?
  13. I hope he does. It says a lot about his character by not only successfully completing a pre med education but also playing football at the same time.
  14. It's happened many times before in my life and will happen again I'm sure. I'm fully willing to accept this if Mr. Heimler would just come out and say exactly that instead of beating around the bush.
  15. That makes perfect sense, yet, as you just laid out: MH balances WH MBB balances WBB Baseball balances Softball M S&D balances W S&D M Track (In and Out)/CC balances W Track (In and Out)/CC M Golf balance W Golf Football takes Volleyball, Soccer, and Tennis to balance it out. So why not cut 6 sports from the above list and still maintain title IX that way? You could even cut just the track and XC programs and that would be 6 programs right there. Has UND ever been nationally competitive in track/XC?
  16. That would've been fine, no harm no foul. But why did he then message Mr. Lee and say "That's not going to be up in my career there and i knew that."? If he knew that then how did he make a spur of the moment mistake? If Mr. Heimler is reading this now I would encourage him to set the record straight via Mr. Lee. Just tell the truth. Were you intentionally trying to be misleading in your quote in an effort to build up UND to other prospective recruits? Welcome to DI athletics kid. Just remember this every time someone points a microphone or a camera in your face.
  17. No need to be dishonest about the kid's quote, it's right there. My gut feeling is that he was trying to bend the truth in his quotes to create some hype for UND, thinking that he was doing his newly selected school a favor.
  18. So he knew that yet he said it anyway?
  19. What about a new FBS conference anchored by NDSU, UND, SDSU, USD, Montana State and Montana?
  20. States that chose to establish a new public university separate from existing public schools via the Morrill Land Grant act: Washington - Washington State U Utah - Utah State U Colorado - Colorado State U Montana - Montana State U North Dakota - North Dakota State U South Dakota - South Dakota State U Kansas - Kansas State U Oklahoma - Oklahoma State U Texas - Texas A&M U Mississippi - Mississippi State U South Carolina - Clemson U North Carolina - North Carolina State U Virginia - Virginia Tech U Indiana - Purdue U Ohio - Ohio State U The rest of the states designated a previously established school as their "land grant school" or established a singular public university.
  21. Why then does UND maintain 20 programs when 14 is the minimum required for FCS?
  22. The only reason that U of Wyoming is FBS is because Wyoming decided to have 1 flagship university instead of 2. Montana has 2 flagships, both located in decent sized towns or not terribly far from them and neither of them are FBS. But I can guarantee that if UND ever goes FBS first, NDSU will quickly follow. We already average enough attendance to qualify and have the necessary number of sports sponsored (16). It would just be a matter of adding 22 more scholarships to the football program and maintaining title IX compliance. The problem being that it would really put a strain on the state of ND/NDUS to fund 2 FBS schools. Maybe if they closed down some of the smaller campuses.
  23. I think the plan is to sign a long term agreement with the Alerus, something like 10 years. Then after that if it's obvious that the Alerus is too small for UND football, the plan is to build a new on campus stadium. Whether or not they'd be able to afford a retractable roof stadium would have to be discussed. In 10 years from now, who knows? It might cost 500 million.
  24. Here's the quote in question from the link: Now whether the coaches straight up lied to him or he wasn't smart enough to figure out that it was just for show, that's up for debate.
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