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Trunk Monkey

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Everything posted by Trunk Monkey

  1. And there is alot of things I wish for to, like our defensemen not hanging our goalie out to dry. I guess we will agree to disagree, None the less...GO SIOUX!
  2. Regardless of what Lammy did, there never should have been a breakaway in the 1st place.
  3. I am glad we don't see Foyt to often - he looked really slow. Damn!
  4. Apparently we have an awesome power play....
  5. I am with AZSIOUX on this one - it is not because we are too fast.
  6. Actually this song is by Tim Capello and was the theme song from "The Lost Boys".
  7. Now listening to a tune by the name of "I still Believe" - my how appropriate - GO SIOUX!!!
  8. Just quoting my wife as she is doing "house chores" as I sit here on the computer and guzzle a few beverages.
  9. Just downloaded from Itunes...THANKS!
  10. Being the loser that I am I have just listened to the following as loud as possible : Fight on Sioux In Heaven there is no beer Right Now Stupify Stand Up and Cheer GO SIOUX!!!!
  11. So my dumb question for the night is....what is the proper link to see it over the internet? I am assuming it is the CN8 link that AZSIOUX posted a mere 2+ hours ago. Thanks for your help.
  12. Will these be worn for the remainder of the season or is it just a trial period? I prefer the old jerseys but that is just me.
  13. Good luck to my new favorite college football team. I admit I jumped on the bandwagon.....those guys including the coach are fun to watch. GO RUTGERS!!!!!!
  14. From one Red River alum to another, I am embarassed by the way you present yourself on this web-site. Grow-up and come back to this site when you can post something constructive.
  15. I have yet to get over that little hockey game played back in 1980 at Lake Placid One of the biggest upsets in college hockey history and the team I dislike the most on the losing end, I am going to relish that one for just a bit longer.
  16. I hope this team can just get back to the basics of sound hockey fundamentals beginning with shooting the puck on net instead of trying to set-up the perfect play. It seemed in the last few minutes of the game on Saturday, that they had the opportunity to shoot and they choose to try and set up a perfect play. GOOD THING WILL HAPPEN IF YOU PUT THE PUCK ON THE NET. It may not be pretty, but a garbage goal counts the same as a perfectly set-up play.
  17. In my opinion, the Sioux just don't have the folks with the ability to be scoring a lot of goals. I think that after Toews, Oshie and Duncan, we really don't have anyone that is a consistent offensive threat. That coupled with mediocre defensive play and goaltending has gotten the team into the position that they are currently in. I see this being very different than the past 2 years.
  18. Perhaps a goal like Matt Greene made last night. I had to watch the replay twice to believe my eyes - he made a sweet move. Hope Joe was watching and can fulfill your prediction.
  19. So, if I get this right, it has to pass the face to face test or it cannot be posted....I get it. Thanks TRIOUXP for clearing things up.
  20. Point on - I appreciated your post and think that you hit the nail on the head. Hopefully, we will see a different Sioux team take the ice tonight. Oshie with a hat trick perhaps?
  21. He looked like a really good player - I wish he would have had more of an opportunity to play. I wish him all of the luck and hopefully we will see him on the roster next year.
  22. It is spelled Sioux not Sue - you are an idiot and a troll.
  23. You must have meant Lee as he needs to sit in the bleachers and figure out how to play the game....
  24. Thank you PCM - I was thinking the same thing.
  25. Most classless act of all time...I was walking into the arena in Columbus to see the Sioux paly Denver after the Sioux dismantled the Goofs and a dad and his 5 year old (or so) who happen to be Gopher fans says to his son, take a look over their at the Nazi son, pointing over to me. What a way to teach you child life's lessons. I just looked at the kid and apoligized to him for having an idiot for a father.
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