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Trunk Monkey

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Everything posted by Trunk Monkey

  1. Nice play by Lee - very good D play.
  2. Have to love the WCHA with the way things can go in any given weekend. CC losing to Kato, MT beating the Badgers, the o-fers losing to SCSU. It is a great league. I am hoping for an all WCHA frozen four again as I think the top 4 teams in the WCHA are the top 4 in the country.
  3. I am one of the 3 cheering for RR but I have to give DL credit. Back when I played they were the Satans and always will be the Satans.
  4. I hope you are right that Lee gets one as then he will make up for the one he screwed up on.
  5. One of the greatest goals in Sioux history. WOW! OSHIE!!!
  6. Lee gave the shooter to Lammy but failed to get over to take the 2nd player. Nice...Bash away RR77....
  7. Very tight game right now. No surprise but the Sioux need to stay out of the box. We need to just keep playing sound fundamental hockey and put the puck on the net and good things will happen. My prediction is that Fabian gets the next goal.
  8. Yep - looks like I am going to be hungover tomorrow. Beer to calm the nerves....
  9. I live in Sioux Falls and will be writing a letter to the editor on this topic. Please feel free to share your ideas and I will incorporate within my letter. This guy is and always will be a hack and needs to be called on this.
  10. I for one look foward to the advancement of hockey in the West as that will only make North Dakota hockey more competitive at all levels of the game throughout the state. All teams regardless of East or West will benefit as it will raise all programs to a new level. Last nights game between RR and Williston can only help build excitement for continued improvement out West.
  11. The ghosts of the Holy Cross game are still alive and well at the Ralph...
  12. The recap is always what I look forward to on Thursday mornings - Thanks PCM. On another happy note I just noticed that I will be getting the game on tv this weekend. GO SIOUX!
  13. If that is what really happened and I have no reason to believe otherwise as it seems logical, Bina got the shaft. Looks to me like some cops wanted to be Jumbo Columbo's and make an example out of T, O, B. After all of the adversity Bina has overcome in the last couple of years, I give him credit for being able to have the courage and heart to battle back to being able to live a normal life let alone playing D-1 hockey. When Robbie has graduated and moved on that is what I will remember about him without a thought or care as to "opening a car door" to a police car.
  14. I for one am very greatful that we have FSSN as I do not live in Grand Forks. It was not all that long ago that I would call the radio station after the game was over and ask the final score. WDAZ, Sweeney and Bredahl get a lot of criticism and have a real big bulls-eye on their back but I for one feel very lucky to get the coverage we get. Anything else from my perpsective is purely a bonus.
  15. PCM, thanks for the info - I had no idea our PK was so bad. Not sure who is the referee for the series but could we get a little fund going to pay Campion if he is in GF this weekend?
  16. Would Forney have been in the line-up anyway with Fabian back?
  17. Exactly...we lacked some serious intensity tonight!
  18. I've blamed him every other time the Sioux have lost so at least I am consistent.
  19. You know that a game in which you are in complete control of you find a way to close the deal and not let the dreaded purple land cows back in the game. Feels like a loss. Had to be Lee's fault.
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