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Trunk Monkey

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Everything posted by Trunk Monkey

  1. Anyone have a link to the audio as I am having a difficult time getting in. Thanks!
  2. Triouxper, you are the saying it is no big deal. To you perhaps not but to others , including myself, it is a big deal for numerous reasons. (1) The Sioux have established some excellent momentum over the last several weeks and to have that disrupted by a poor choice by 2 or 3 individuals is unfair for the team. Hopefully, it will have no bearing but it sure as heck is not going to help. (2) I have alway been impressed with how the team has conducted themselves both on and off the ice. It has always seemed to me that they have handled themselves in a profesional manner. I do not want to see that diminished. We have program to be very proud of and I want it to remain that way. (3) I believe in personal accountability. The players in question put themselves into a postion that they should not have been in and as a result they should pay for it. With that being said, I agree with you that it should be handled internally and I am positive Hak will enact a punishment that he sees fit. End of rant.
  3. Obviously you are much smarter than I am as you are able to distinguish between those laws that can be broken and those that cannot be broken. Silly me, I thought that laws were made for a reason and if you violated those laws there were consequences for one's actions. So please enlighten me of the laws/rules/regulations that should be followed and those that can be ignored.
  4. You are 100% correct - to hell with personal accountability for one's actions.
  5. ditto - hopefully it does not distract from the strides this team has made in the last several weeks.
  6. Potentially the best post ever on this forum!!!!!
  7. at least in the top three...
  8. I will take Hennesy's words of "this is pathetic" over yours any day. Plus your posts are like reading War and Peace. I guess we will agree to disagree. That was a terribly officiated first period IMO.
  9. Idiot hockey? The only way you can say idiotic in this game begins and ends with Campion.
  10. WOW, what a crock - you would think the gofers could win on talent rather than resorting to paying him off or something else... Wait a second, there is justice...NOPE IT IS BINA!!!!!!
  11. Campion...his paychecks come directly from the FUOPHERS
  12. Dave's Pizza is great for a some pie while The Corner Bar has the best burgers around.
  13. At least he didn't pull a Hirsch..... Sorry I could not resist...
  14. I thought the Zajac, VV and Martens had a nice game. It seemed that they were able to control the play when they were on the ice - that being said they need to convert. I like Genoway at forward - I think he is better utilized in that capacity. Keep in mind, I am just a fat-old guy sitting behind the computer playing "arm-chair quaterback" so don't go calling Hak and telling him he is wrong in suiting him up at D
  15. He was one of the reasons - go back and look at the 3rd goal. With that in mind, that was not the sole reason we lost. At times, primarily in the first period and portions of the 3rd, the team looked really good. At other times, the Sioux were caught on their heals and standing around when they should have been skating. On Alaska's first goal the d-man (not Lee) should have had his man tied up but did not and the guy banged home a rebound - another defensive break-down. That coupled with not being able to convert on numerous scoring opportunities was the reason for the tie. I still believe that one of these games, the flood gates will open and the Sioux will score about 8 goals.
  16. How about the 3rd goal when he made a very POOR pass in front of his net and 2 seconds later the puck is in the net. Prior to that he gets beat in the corner and the guy walks out and Lammy makes a huge save. Lee played great...when he was on the bench.
  17. How many times do we have to see Lee give the puck away in the D-zone and see the other team score? Regardless, the team looked flat-footed out there at many times during the game.
  18. Don't forget Colby Genaway as well. He did not do much of anything his first year and by his junior season, he was a dominating force on the ice.
  19. DaveK - what is the color of the sun in your world? Nothing that you say ever seems to make sense.
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