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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eGVfN7d0bE...feature=related 1972 (Harry) Nilsson Without You
  2. I don't know if he is Catholic, and I do know sterilization is against Catholic beliefs, but Altru is not a Catholic hospital and offers sterilization procudures. His beliefs, if that is why he didn't want to do the tubal, should not sway anothers request (she is not Catholic).
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZ88oTITMoM Lou Reed Walk on the Wild Side - 1973 I had no idea this song was that old.
  4. My thought is that some of the kids are way too young to be making decisions on their "careers". Where they think they want to go, and what they think they want to do can change in a heartbeat. What is the age that a kid can commit to a college, and what is it that actually COMMITS them to following through?
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo6HONeuT-M Another from 1973 Grand Funk Railroad - We're an American Band
  6. http://oilers.nhl.com/team/app/?service=pa...rticleid=365042 I dont think this has been posted yet. Good article on Chorney and Van de Velde.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6c3emqC6aw War - Low Rider Was the 70's wasn't it?
  8. Wouldn't that be nice if that were the case of thousands of women in this world.
  9. Yes, I am positive on all of these. Apology accepted, besides, I like horses.
  10. Who pays for: Housing assistance Daycare assistance Medical assistance Food stamps I dont live in GF, so I cant vote one way or the other. Not huffy either. But I'm not a fan of a Dr. that wont provide a medical procedure that someone requests. I'll bring this up again after baby #4 is born, and he still wont provide the procedure.
  11. Probably doesn't have anything to do with the race for Mayor, but........... Mayor/Dr. Mike Brown talked a single OB patient of his into NOT having her tubes tied, after the birth of her 3rd child. Even though she wanted to after baby #2, he still wouldnt do it after baby #3. Ladies and gentlemen, your tax dollars at work. Yes, you we are paying to help raise these 3 children. I have to wonder how many more people he has talked out of some sort of birth control.
  12. Didn't see S, so I'll back track. 1979 Disco Sister Sledge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ2L4iPvdIk
  13. Very nice. The 2 three point lines had me wondering too. I guess in 5th grade BB, I don't have to know that yet. They don't take many of those shots!
  14. Dang! I missed the letter "P" AGAIN!! You guys stay up too late!
  15. University of North Dakota Part of the "Land of the free, and the home of the BRAVE" Well, since we can't keep out nickname, it's not the land of the free, but we are in the home of the brave (and I don't mean an Indian Warrior). I suggest "Brave" as our next name. Our mascot, if we choose to have one, could be and sort of military person, past (Cavalry) or present . I'm all for keeping Fighting Sioux, but this is never going to go away, and I predict that eventually we will have to get rid of the name. Is now the time? And, I also agree that the tribes should have NO say in what out next nickname is.
  16. Same trouble here. We have DirecTV and a brand new hdtv and at times it was hard to tell the difference between the ice and the Pens jerseys.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB17uWuBrL0...feature=related Kansas - Carry on My Wayward Son (1976)
  18. Hey, you are getting pretty good with the rodeo lingo! I think I'd prefer Princess Siouxmama.
  19. $7,500 But then, of course, I'd have to meet the entire team (for lunch at least once a month), and have them all name their first born after me.
  20. He did buy a house in GF, but no decision was made for sure to stay or to sign. He was going to talk with his advisor a couple of weeks after the F4, and then make his decision. Lucky for us, it was to stay.
  21. Sid should shave off the fuzz he has on his top lip.
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