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Posts posted by burd

  1. The Sioux lost most of the puck battles along the boards against UAF last weekend, and they lost a lot of them tonight, though they weren't dogging it. UAA just played a very intense game. I love the speed and quickness of this Sioux team, but one thing they will have to improve on is winning the scrums, particularly in the o zone. Interesting to see how they play on big ice.

  2. Anybody else feel strangely calm and confident with our allegedly "unproven" goaltending tandem?

    Between Gothberg and Saunders and our D-Corps, I'm getting really excited.

    I know it's still October and it's just Anchorage, but there are a lot of good signs, in my opinion.

    If Gothberg catches fire at UND, I wonder if a group of students will start dressing Goth for the games.

  3. Couple of things from last night. Throughout the first and most of the second, the team passed and skated better than a Sioux team has in a while. I think when this team was coming together, many of us thought it had the potential to be like some of the recent BC teams with their speed, skill, and quickness. Last night we got a glimpse of that. (I know, its AA, not UMinn, but still)

    Grimaldi can really dish the puck quickly (and accurately)--he knows where people are. He can wait, like he did with the goal he set up, or he can move it without hesitation. This is impressive, with how little time he has had with linemates or real game conditions. He will be extremely disruptive, not only with his scoring ability but with his ability to set others up. A quarterback who can pass and run both.

  4. Let us not forget how fortunate we are to have memories of guys like Bochenski, Parise, Toews, Trupp, SPIRKO!, Hrkac, Hangsleben, Purpur, Iwabuchi, and on and on. Dead gohpers, dead badgers, and guys on bicycles on the ice.


  5. Not that I recall...maybe I "mis-remembered" (Roger Clemens) the whole thing... :)

    Great memories from long ago are so cool that way. The Red Pepper is just a sandwich joint, but it has been such a tradition and figured into so many great memories for me when I was often strunk or just stoned that I can't be totally sure of a good share of the details. The essence though . . .

  6. From what I saw, he didn't have a Kozek type lazer, but he could get it off almost immediately and on net. If it was on his stick it was going to the net.

    But I could be wrong--it came close to happening once before.

  7. Some who excel at a particular phase of the game get that way by keeping things simple. Brandon Bochinski did not have a wicked shot or top-end speed, but he always got the puck on net if he was between the dots (and often outside). Always. Not a lot of head fakes or dangling--he just fired away. Too bad his all around play was not good enough to keep him in the NHL.

  8. Hey, thanks......and we all know how tough it is to play in Houghton.

    Ya know SS for being a gopher fan you are alright in my book. I know you on a couple other sites and you have always been complimentery when it was justified. Sure you can talk smack but don't we all. :)

    Slap is evil--but a fun kind of evil.

  9. Ah yes, another Goofs team that looked unbeatable on paper. All that high end open ice talent; however, it is likely that, in junior and high hockey, none of those prima donnas ever had to earn their roster spot by playing along the boards. Tech owned the Boards which in this league equals a W.

    I like seeing the gophs lose too, but that team is not a paper tiger. They already showed last year how good they were, and this is much the same team. Lucia is healthy, Hill is gone, and they are loaded. This isn't three years ago.

  10. "If Rocco doesn't score at least one, UND is in trouble."

    From here on out he needs to be what we all hope he can be

    But I think it is also important that Grimaldi not get caught trying to do too much in the Ozone, like Kristo tended to do at first. He can be a force and dish the puck a lot.

  11. I think it would have been good to have one exhibition prior to the Mankato series. Mankato had already played a weekend and that was the first for UND, could have contributed some to the 3rd period collapse. I think this team will continue to improve over this first month and getting Karvinen back should help that out. Come November I think you'll get a better read on what this team can do.

    I think it's not so much what they can do as what they can be counted on to do. We know they will play extremely well at least one game per series, but there is a lack of focus or discipline or something intangible that is holding them back more than lack of talent or exerience.

  12. Forbort our best Dman thru 2 exhibition game.

    Finally, Rocco....WOW! Special!!!

    Very early to tell, but he has really begun to show what we expected. This USA team will give some good teams fits. They can skate and pass the puck.

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