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Posts posted by burd

  1. So, if the new criteria is championships, how much longer are some of you willing to wait? I'd like to know how much longer we stay with Hak and who we replace him with.

    And also answer this: if the new guy fails to make the NCAA tournament, even only after one season, should he be fired too?

    No question this issue is personal. It's like trying to convince a firmly committed liberal or conservative to see things differently.

    Aint gonna happen.

    I've gotten selfish in my old age. I just like to watch the Sioux play really good hockey all season long. That's a lot of Friday and Saturday night pleasure. They don't always win, of course, but when they play at the level they have been playing for many years, its still a pleasure even when they lose. That works for me. Watching the DOT line, for example. That group didn't win a banner, but we all knew we were being treated to something special night in and night out and would look back on that time very fondly, and we do. Would I trade getting to watch those guys put on a show for two years for mediocrity but success in the final game of the FF? No. But that's just me. It all depends on what you get out of the bragging rights part of it, and I can completely see how some people need the hardware on a regular basis.

    If it were obvious coaching deficiencies (other that banners), then I could see impatience. But I don't hear much criticism of the Xs and Os of Hak's coaching. If the program were suffering, I could see impatience. But after watching Sioux hockey for over 40 years, I think the program's reputation is as good as it's ever been, perhaps better than it's ever been. I don't live in GF to see the boys play regularly, and I'm not as tuned in to some of those issues, so I may be missing something.

    As for who I would trade Hak for? York-yes. Lucia-no. Eaves-no. Berenson-no. Gwoz-possibly (but no). Nobody else that I can think of would make Sioux hockey any better than it is at this point in time under this coach.

    • Upvote 2
  2. I little amusing that a poster with "vikes" in his username is holding court on programs being judged by their championships.

    Bemidji is not to be overlooked. The boys will have to show the same kind of hustle they've shown the last couple of weeks and stay the he!! out of the box.

  3. I know most UND fans would trade the success we have had for the last 8 years for 1 National Championship, but I don't know if many other programs would. Would you rather be a contender every year like we are, or have one good year out of five and win a NC but also having a losing/mediocre record the other 4?

    I'll take what we've had the last 8 years over 5 or 6 mediocre years and a banner without hesitation. The titles are just about bragging rights, while strong teams year in and year out bring us lot of enjoyment many weekends thoughout the year watching high end talent playing as a team, which we have had. Now, I can see why a player might prefer a title, because the player can take personal pride in the accomplishment and is only there for 3 or 4 of those years. I'd love to see the team get #8, but what we've been getting has been a pleasure.

    • Upvote 1
  4. When we're talking about chances of significant success in the NHL I'd say Bjugstad is a safer bet than Kristo. Still, we will be fortunate if he stays.

    But if he does, that will be an exciting team. (They will be anyway, but more so)

  5. I thought it was great after Don Cherry ripped Burke and him having all these college and American players on the team, the Leafs got all their scoring from a college guy and a Russian. :)

    Don Cherry has made himself into a joke.

  6. I know that many people have said Kristo is gone and he may be, but I dont believe it would be in his best interest, I just don't see him being NHL ready for some time, in fact if he does sign with Montreal I see Him bouncing between Hamilton and wheeling next year.

    If he does sign I believe it will be with the promise of Some NHL action yet this season, if they don't lure him with that, I think he will excerise his summer option to get Free Agency ala Gregoire.

    Ultimately Kristo will have the choice of turning down EVERY NHL franchise to come back, I don't see that happening for a DAKTRONIC board tribute.

    Good points. And it's not as if a bunch of NHL ready players on the team will agree together to return, as they did several years ago. Forbort performed a lot better in the last month and a half, but I don't see him as being ready either.

  7. Kristo is gone unless he takes inspiration from what Frattin was able to achieve as a senior.

    Problem is he could also take inspiration from what Frattin has done with the Leafs. He definitely has not spent the year sleeping in buses.

  8. I am already 100% content that Kristo will be gone after this year, so if he stays I will be extrememly surprised/happy, If nobody leaves early, this team has to be one of the favorites for the National Championship next year.

    If Kristo stays the team could be not only wicked good but real fun to watch. It will look like a Blais team

  9. Really like this bunch of guys. The first pass turnovers still create suspense, but things are starting to work. Gaarder doesn't score much, but it's fun to watch him work in the O zone.

    Several more wins might put them in a position to scare some folks this year.

  10. It's always hard to understand why players don't play smart, knowing what the stakes are. Last year, it made no sense to take penalties because they had so much talent at forward that their advantage was in being able to run 4 very good lines and wear the opponent down. This year, they can't afford not to go 5x5 for very long for the opposite reason. Either way, they will not win if they are in the box, and the leaders don't seem to be doing a very good job making that point. It's harder to be critical of Blood--playing D puts you in a position for a lot of calls in today's game, and he's on the ice all the time and expected to do so much. Lammy is also a trooper, but more of his contribution has to come from leadership.

    BUT still a good road trip. DU has a lot of talent, and practically never gets swept in their own barn. The altitude/fatique factor is real. The boys also proved how good they can be--not just a team that tries to keep it close and get a break or two.

    Not a good chance of winning the Final Five, and sweeping Mankato is far from an easy thing to do, so the chances are getting slimmer, but they still can take care of things and get in, IMO.

    If they get in, nobody will want to play them.

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