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Posts posted by dagies

  1. I actually think it's a funny idea to chant the name of the benched goalie instead of "sieve", but it's a little rough when the benched goalie is: 1) the best sv% in program history, and 2) out with a career-ending injury.

    Benched goalie, yes. Like you said, this one is different.

  2. Agree with the quote of him being broken at the Ralph. He was amazing the first period of that game, and then all the kings horses and men couldn't save Alex Kangas again.

    It was amazing, but that is exactly what happened. The guy stood on his head in the first period. The Sioux probably could have put 2-3 goals up. Then the gates opened.

  3. Look, it's probably too late to save anything but I've got NO problem with this effort. My perspective, admittedly pretty naive about the law and legal process.

    It's been said that the State Board is independant and cannot be forced to do something by legislation. That may be, but if there is a law, could there not be pressure put upon the State Board to act in a way that is consistent with the law? (Whatever that may be)

    Could that not lead to more official pressure put to bear against the Standing Rock council to put the issue to a vote?

    Now, admittedly, I think the biggest obstacle is the agreement with the NCAA. No denying the NCAA got what it wanted and the deadline has passed. I can't imagine there's a very big chance anything will affect them, so this is probably going to be a real sticking point. But, there is new leadership at the NCAA, so maybe there's a chance if both tribes suddenly came forward with there consent, ND would show the state law backing the nickname, etc etc, that the NCAA might look harder at acquiescing even after the deadline has passed?

    As for concerns that this legislation is going to harm UND in the long run, I just don't know. I cannot imagine that if it came to that, that the same legislators would stick with this legislation and make UND suffer. I don't buy that. It would get dropped, or ignored. I'm not concerned about those ramifications.

    It's past time for the ND government to weigh in, IF they were ever going to, but for me I don't see a real downside at this time. As long as it's a serious effort and not just grandstanding. I'm happy to see it play out.

  4. Rankings? Polls?

    The only poll that matters is the pole you raise a championship banner on.

    I was waiting for this. Who cares who thinks who is good and who is isn't.

    Don't demand respect. Earn it.

  5. Our local media kinda of pumped up RMU and I was a little disappointed in their play. I thought they would at least give us a good game. The U18 team played better then they did. Hopefully tonight they will at least compete with us for a bit.

    I think we'll see a different game tonight. The Sioux got a lot of bounces last night. If I recall on the TV broadcast the Sioux were getting outshot by quite a bit in the 2nd period last night but scored on their first 3 shots or something like that. I thought in large parts of the 2nd and most of the 3rd Robert Morris was playing a fairly good game. Good goaltending and good bounces for the Sioux made it a blowout. Do I think the Sioux were lucky? No. They had superior talent and they played well. But I don't think that was an 8-0 mismatch either.

  6. Normally when a player skates a long shift, it's selfish. But when Robert Morris stays on the ice for 60 minutes, it's OK because he doesn't have any teammates.

    Also, he must have been the number one recruiting class the year he started, what with his immense versatility and stamina.

    This could spawn a whole list of Chuck Norrisism's. I'll start:

    Robert Morris is so good he assists on his own goals.

  7. But if it's really such an issue to the NCAA, why use it at all. (<-- Note lack of question mark; it's a rhetorical statement.)

    Can't they just say "North Dakota" as so many here advocate? Wouldn't that be the more prudent (and morally superior, as they portend to be) thing to do? This just leaves them open to so many questions.

    Actually, it makes things very clear...

  8. Warriors of the North would fit in nicely with the Pride of the North marching band.

    Warriors of the North. A little long, but it's one of the best in terms of embodying the image we're (or at least I'm) looking for. I could live with this.

    It could be shortened to Northern Warriors and be almost as effective.

  9. The Prodigal son was the older brother of the two. In those times, the oldest son was automatically given all the belongings of his father (any other brothers were owed nothing). That is why the Prodigal son was treated like he was.


    Luke says the Prodigal Son was the younger.

  10. I disagree. How can you put Matt Frattin ahead of someone who NEVER made mistakes like he did, just because he overcame problems. I find that a bit disrespectful to the athletes that have kept their noses clean from day one.

    That's exactly the complaint of the brother of the Prodigal Son.

    Which, of course, does not mean the Prodigal Son should have won the Hobey. He had incredible linemates.

  11. I do disagree with your characterization of Genoway's play; it took him awhile to get back to speed, but since then he has added that "whoa! watch out for this guy" dynamic to the Sioux attack. I'd imagine that opposing players cringe when they see Chay heading up ice with the puck.

    Sarcasm alert, mikejm. You need to read up a few posts. ;)

  12. I don't get what makes people like you bow down to a player like Genoway so much. It makes me wonder if you even watch the games because it's obvious that as good as he is at offense, his defense has been brutal at times (completely ignoring the fact that his primary responsibility IS defense).

    You think I don't like having Chay on my team, which is completely false. I like Chay Genoway's game a lot. I'm just pointing out that he can make the spectacular touchdown throw when you think the play is dead...but he also throws the game-changing pick far too often for someone of his age and skill.

    I'm sorry for speaking my mind, I will get on my knees for Mr. Chay Genoway like the rest of you. Anyone have some extra knee pads? I'm not used to this sort of thing.

    I wonder if we'll find out that Genoway was one of the guys that was nicked up this past weekend. Hak mentioned some guys may not play because they were dinged, but other than the 2 we knew about, everyone appeared to play. Could be. I thought Genoway was gutty from what I saw on Friday night. He was perfect, but he saved at least one goal and made some other very good plays. I know he had a turnover yesterday as well, but if he's one of the guys dinged up I'll give him a pass.

    I don't disagree with you entirely. Chay hasn't always been perfect on D, but what he brings offensively from his position more than offsets the rest, IMO.

  13. I agree with you about the atmosphere in The Ralph, but differ in that the M-I-N-N-E-S-O-T-A thing is kinda cool to me.

    My opinion

    I hate the spelling thing because if I hear it at a hockey game it means I'm already pissed off.

    As I had great times going to the Barn and watching Gopher BB back in the '90's when the Barn was rocking I will say in that context I enjoyed the thing. It's all about your perspective.

    IMO it's no different than the "all MN" thing with the hockey team. Of course, that no longer applies but going back to when it did....I totally get it. And if MN could win with all MN kids I think they should do it, and I think they should rub it in to everyone's face when they do. Just the way the we should, if it was possible for UND to win at hockey with all ND kids. Embrace it, and laud it. It's not possible, and that's ok too. But if it was, that would be my take.

  14. I think anything less than a sweep is unacceptable.

    If the Mankato goalie "cooks" up another 96-97 save % weekend it will be tough to sweep. Let see if he/they are in a groove or if that was a finely timed peak to his career.

  15. MSUM still rocking the cowbells?

    The Gophers outshot the Mavs both nights, but it looks like Cook came up big.

    Get to him early for a goal or two and make them play our style.

    Go Sioux!!

    Did I hear correctly 50 shots and only 1 goal? Yikes. Hope that's an anomaly.

  16. If I were Jeff Jackson and Notre Dame I would demand that goal be reviewed. 2-3 minutes ran off the clock because of that non-call, in that time span either team could have scored the winning goal in a game that ended in a tie.

    Absolutely agree. it makes no sense that if that team scores again that it negates the need to review the previous question.

    no i think they would have both goals i think Oshie scored one that was off the pad then 3 minutes later he scores another one since they don't revert back to the 3 minutes prior they awarded him the reviewed goal and the goal that caused the reviewed goal.

    I would find this surprising. There's no accounting for the events that could have followed the original goal. There could be hurricanes in China as a result. Seems like they would have to turn the clock back...

  17. You can't replace a guy like Gregoire, but as is the saying, if someone goes down it opens up an opportunity for someone else. There are some guys who aren't playing much, or aren't playing roles they hoped to be in, this gives some guys a Pipp chance. Or would that be a Gehrig?

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