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Posts posted by dagies

  1. Kelley can whine all he wants about how inconvenient the proposed legislation is for him. He can just suck it up. It's not quite the same for those of us forced to give it up but inconvenient is one way to describe it.

    This feels a lot like the body telling the mind "you might be dead, but we're not willing to go quite yet, so don't pull the plug yet".

    This will sort itself out one way or the other before too long. Shut up, quit whining and let it run its course. Those of us who "conveniently" have to give up the name would at least like to see every last drop of effort wrung out of the effort to save the name before they pry it from our stiff fingers.

  2. Ah yes their "rich tradition" in hockey will be shown off next weekend. I remember in 2001 when the Huskies won the Final Five, Tyler Arnason scored a hatty and not a single hat was thrown on the ice, great knowledge of the game! :silly: That championship game is still the greatest hockey game I have ever seen live.

    Yeah, but snowmobile helmets are expensive to replace.

    (I can't believe I stooped to snowmobile jibes)

  3. To be honest, if the Sioux don't win the MacNaughton this year, it will be a bit disappointing. We have, hands down, the most talented team in the WCHA...even the country. Denver has over-achieved, but are still pretty good, so to lose to them would be a bit shocking. Duluth is a real good team, so losing to them wouldn't be as painful, but we are still the better team.

    We just have to take care of business.

    As things shape up right now I agree with you. The Sioux have their destiny in their own hands and an easier on paper schedule than their rivals for the top spot.

  4. Isn't it clever how UND avoids answering this question?

    It only says that when UND decides to choose a new nickname, it will tell you about the process it used.

    It doesn't say that anyone outside of UND will be part of that process.

    " ... the process ... is implemented ... will be announced to UND students, staff, faculty, alumni, and friends."

    They'll tell us the process after it's been decided.

    Dare I translate that? I'll try ...

    ...when we want your opinion, we'll give it to you.

    I don't totally agree with you here. I understand you to say that when they decide on a nickname they will tell us. My read is it says that when the process of determining a nickname is implemented, we will be informed.

    Perhaps I have misunderstood your interpretation, but that's my perception.

    A cynical person might interpret the process has predetermining a nickname. I can't say that won't happen.

    I'm just hopeful that's not the case. That we'll find out what the process is at the beginning and can watch as things transpire.

  5. Yes we will get AA's best game. Because I am short memoried, and not very smart,

    and for the benefit of a few others here, please give me a quick refresher on how "The Trap"

    works so I can watch for it in play.

    My Gleason pick in a 1-0 game will probably have me winning that contest first game out.

    Folks, you had better load up on Gleason.

    Sneaky pick. Sly like a fox....

    There are a couple trap styles. You'll notice it most by watching the forecheck and specifically the left winger. Trap styles are usually described in terms of the forecheckers, i.e. a 2-1-2 is not a trap and is most common, a 2-3 or 1-2-2 is a trap. The numbers identify the number of skaters, and the order is offensive zone, neutral zone or defensive zone.

    If you see one forechecker, look at the neutral zone. If there are two defensive forwards just on the offensive side of the redline and the 2 dmen are sitting on the defensive blue line that is the neutral zone trap. The forechecker clogs up the middle of the rink and forces the play up the side boards, thus eliminating good passing lanes and clogging up the neutral zone with bodies. This usually is employed against a team breaking out of their own end.

    If you see two forecheckers forcing the play up the right side of the ice/side boards, look back into the neutral zone to see if there are 3 defensive players lined up. If so, the guy on the left is probably the left winger and they are employing another trap known as the left-wing lock. This can happen on any change of possession, but mostly is used after an offensive zone turnover.

    Thanks for this. This board could use more of this kind of thing.

  6. This makes me sick to my stomach.....And it has nothing to do with how it hurts the sioux hockey team.

    Its all just speculation from this point until we get the whole truth, but this is what I'd like to know....

    ~Was he air lifted to St. Paul? If so, likely an extreme emergency.

    ~Was he really passed out in a snowbank?

    ~How bad is it on his hands and the rest of his body?

    ~Was alcohol involved with the incident?

    Kristo is clearly a fan favorite, and a definite favorite of young kids in the community. I hope he is able to make a full recovery. I watched a TV show the other day that showed a severe frostbite victim that had his hands and legs amputated. I hope that its nothing to that extent.

    I think the release from UND is pretty much accurate. So I think you can discount these two items

  7. Word is it's more than his feet. Hands and face as well. I think this one is a season ender folks, likely a career ender. He would not be in Mpls if this wasn't very serious.

    Passed out in the snow.

    Not good.

    This is not the same story I've heard and I'm comfortable enough from where I heard it that I think your information is not correct. What I've heard is pretty close to what UND released.

  8. Just a random side note (rant) from sat's game:

    When Howe was on the ice injured, some sioux fans right by us were cheering and clapping that he was down. I was so embarrassed by them. It doesn't matter whether the person on the ice is wearing a jersey from UND, CC, UMN, DU, etc. Its just some 19-20 year old kid out there. Don't cheer for the fact that he's injured. Show some class.

    That's about what I would expect from Siouxman ;)

  9. So did Hexy then play on 4th line w Mario and Davidson last night?

    Brad's recap and this thread showed Nelson starting on 4th line? Just curious as to how it played out last night.

    I wasn't quite sure but I think I heard Hak say during postgame that they moved Nelson up during the game, so maybe that's when Hextall moved down?

    They just have to figure out where the BJMs (BLack Jerseys of the Mind) are stored.

    This is my concern. At some point this record is more than a coincidence. The team needs to figure out to bring that in the ol' greens as well. Sooner or later you depend on the Blacks too much and it will lose the effect. Can't keep trotting them out like a pacifier.

  10. Hak:

    Played best period of the year in the 2nd period. Good 1st too.

    2 late goals in 2nd were key to putting the game away.

    Top line was very good tonight and every else good along with them.

    Didn't shoot ourselves in the foot with untimely penalties or successive penalties.

    Great jump and energy, showed on the PK. No time for them on their PP.

    More complete game than we've played in long time.

    Like Rowney/Kristo/Nelson a lot. Thought tonight was a breakout game for Brock.

    Kristo deserved an assist on the PP goal for frustrating the CC d-man enough to draw the penalty .

    Good to go into the off week on a good note.

  11. Just gotta get the next goal and they should be fine. CC didn't get a shot on goal in the last 10 minutes IIRC.

    Agreed. Turned on the game about 8 minutes in. Sioux looked ragged for a couple of minutes and then seemed to carry play in the last half, generating some good opportunities. Sooner or later a rebound will find the right stick.

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