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Posts posted by dagies

  1. Might as well enjoy it now because they won't stay down for much longer. :silly::D

    That's the way I'm feeling. It's been a nice run but I hardly believe it's going to last. They are bringing in a slew of good players and while we all know that doesn't guarantee anything sooner or later it will begin to pay off as some of the "issues' depart.

  2. You know how, for example, people remember where they were when they heard that JFK, Elvis, etc. had died? I remember exactly where I was when I heard about this tragedy. I saw big George play one time, at, I believe, the Section 8 tournament in TRF. He looked like a man among boys. I always wonder what the 40-8 UND team would have been like WITH him in 86-87.

    Holy smokes, talk about parallel lives. Same here. Drove over to TRF to see him play for the only time ever.

  3. There were 2 encouraging things in that letter.

    mikejm, you got #1. That's a very interesting "IF".

    #2. It seems as if they are not going to hide from the Sioux nickname. This tells me that, unlike the censorship at SCSU, they won't be putting photos over the old logos on banners, hanging jerseys, other old photos documenting Sioux athletic history. (For those that don't know what I am referring to, somewhere in the Concrete Center there is a photo of an old SCSU hockey player in his Chicago Blackhawk's gear. And they have pasted a photo of something, perhaps the SCSU logo, over the Blackhawk logo on his jersey).

  4. Please, if you write, remember that what you write will represent your point of view. Write tactfully and thoughtfully, and you stand a chance of making an impression. Write ugly/vulgar, and you will probably cement in their mind that getting rid of the nickname was the best thing to do.

    Just my opinion.

  5. A few months back I emailed Canadian Pacific regarding the use of the SOO name. The response I received....

    I could get all aboard this train. Keep this alive.

    Even absent any change in division classification or desire to join a specific conference, the issue was not going to get better over time. It's been going on for decades now, and has become more contentious every few years.

    In all honesty, I like "Cavalry" in part because it has a little "screw you" connotation to the Indian tribes that forced this upon us. I was a supporter of keeping our team name, but realized the fight to do so would only get harder with time.


    In my opinion I don't think we need to attack the tribes, very few of them were involved in this decision, overall. The general population seemed to be in support. But I like your idea for the same reason, only directed at the NCAA.

  6. I am 63 years old, born and raised in GF, graduated from UND and attended Sioux games since 1952, and other than the death of my mother, father, and brother, this is the saddest day of my life. The Native Americans in the Dakotas should be ashamed of themselves for not coming forward sooner and faster on this issue to support it. 50 years from now the name of the Sioux will be long forgotten.

    I don't believe the Native Americans are to blame here. This was up to UND to foster relations with them in the past, and frankly I think we got a lot more support from the Tribes in the last half year than most anyone ever expected. I thank them for their efforts and lay the blame with the State Board and leadership at UND who did not fight for the will of all the people.

    I found these quotes from the 2007 "settlement" announcement ironic today:

  7. If a name, I am still partial to "The Mighty Soo" in honor of the great Soo Line Railway. Now wouldn't that

    frost some people's hind ends? Let's Go Soo!! Big train horn that throws the chill into anyone who has ever been hit by a locomotive.

    Big steaming locomotive as the logo. Maybe with a face like an angry Thomas the Tank. It all works. It has probably been suggested before.

    I have mentioned this in another thread but it is such a damned great idea that it needs to be touted.

    I'd be all aboard that one myself.

  8. johnson would bring a much needed offensive minded to the bunch instead of always defense first.

    A friend pointed out to me recently that no WCHA team has scored more goals than the Sioux in the last 5 years. A review of the stats would show the following. I'm not going to bother counting goals right now but here you go as an example:

    WCHA offense rank (Sioux)

    09-10 -- 2nd

    08-09 -- 1st

    07-08 -- 2nd

    06-07 -- 2nd

    05-06 -- 2nd

    A lot of teams would love this "defense first" style.

  9. I haven't seen this yet, so can someone lay out how the playoffs work next year?

    Sioux win.

    Oh, you mean....

    First round series just like it is now.

    Final Five format:

    3, 4, 5, 6 seeds play on Thursday, I think like 4pm and 7:30pm or similar (I'm guessing 3 vs 6, 4 vs 5)

    1, 2 seeds + both winners from Thursday play on Friday (I'm guessing 1 vs 4, 2 vs 3)

    No 3rd place game, but Championship game on Sat

    (Minnesota Rule in effect)

  10. Toews had a lot of points at SSM but nothing like his brother and some of the other stars that have come out of that program. That he carries the Toews name has probably raised the expectations for many fans. I'll be honest, I expected him to play a fairly regular basis this year myself, so from that perspective I'm a little surprised. But he's not fallen so far that I'd call him the biggest mystery in 20 years. I don't find Toews situation to be much different from Finehage's and we could probably find some others.

  11. What I want:

    A solid regular season, starting reasonable and ramping up as the season goes on. No playoff eligibility drama, just solid positioning all the way through.

    Win the opening round of the WCHA playoffs and a strong play in the Final Five. Don't have to win it.

    A confident, hungry team with energy reserves going into the NCAA's.

  12. Plain and simple: play to your potential. It's been a few years since we've seen a Sioux team accomplish this seemingly simple task. Don't skate off the ice after being embarrassed in the NCAA tourney with something left in the tank. We've had some truly great individual talents wear the Sioux jersey this past decade, but that hasn't translated into truly great Sioux teams. I never viewed that as a problem, but after the way our past 3 seasons ended, I'm beginning to wonder if the blue chip status of our athletes has ever so slightly eroded the blue collar attitude of our program just enough to mean the difference between winning and losing in March and April. Please prove me wrong! :lol:

    Anyone who was at the Final Five would not think this team lacked a blue collar attitude.

    I think they might have shot their wad, though.

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