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Posts posted by dagies

  1. As much as I would like to see the Genoway hit avenged, I think the Sioux have enough problems just trying to score a goal or three against Lee or whomever SCSU starts. I'd much rather see 5 goals each nite than a bunch of goon tactics that reinforces some folks perspective of the Sioux teams.

    To be clear I wasn't advocating cheapness. I was advocating hitting them with legal checks until they don't want any more. Then you outscore them.

  2. I see your point but there is also a downside to not fighting. Everyone (including Shep and Hunt) knows this series could be a powder keg. They are going to be watching everything like hawks. If the Sioux try to play physical, I think they could end up taking a lot of penalties. Borderline high hit? Sit for elbowing. Hard hit in the corner? Boarding. They are not going to let this series get away from them. Best thing would be to drop them early and take care of it. Then everyone can play hockey and the refs might feel more inclined to swallow the whistles.

    I see your point but my take is to borrow a term from Chili. Batter them until you "impose your will upon them". Sure, you'll take a few penalties but make them afraid to get close to the net or go in the corners.

  3. How many goals do people want scored? Other teams have no problems scoring 6-7 goals regularly. The only reason this is being brought up is because we have a team who isn't scoring goals, so y'all are blaming the system. The system works, the team isn't.

    How 'bout this...when you score a goal you get 6 points. Then, the goal scorer gets the opportunity for a shootout-style goal for an extra point. The, scores can be in the 30s-40s and everyone is happy because there's "tons of points" just like the NFL (face it, the NFL doesn't score much more than hockey if you make TD's count as 1 pt and take away FG's which are dumb anyways).

    If it isn't Brian Lee, it's Joe Finley. If it isn't Joe Finley, it's Coach Hakstol. If it isn't Hak it's the goalie's pads. When does the whining end around here?

    Not sure anyone was suggesting if the goalie pads were smaller the Sioux would win more games. Seems to me this tangent came up in the perspective of goals scored 20 years ago vs. goals scored today.

  4. Hrkac circus was still playing some very tough WCHA opponents..geez how I wish the guys could still

    square off like that, I think it eliminates the bull$%!# hits like the one suffered by Genoway, or even the

    LaPoint hit. You didn't have knucklehead freshmen taking runs at stars, cause goons would take care of


    Or Ian Kidd just about killing the guy from Duluth (I should remember his name but I don't).

    Overall I think you and I would agree on the subject, but to say it would eliminate that stuff? That I'm not so sure of.

  5. I don't think that goalie leg pads are really about protection. The chest protector is much thinner and is protecting far more important parts of the body. The size of leg pads is all about reducing holes for the puck to go into the net. Today's materials offer far more protection than those of the past and can do it with far less material. In my opinion that is what needs to change: Make leg pads much, much smaller in width and drastically reduce the size of the trapper and blocker too. Goalies are going to scream and pitch a fit (and maybe some "purists" too), but it absolutely needs to be done and someone needs to step to the fore and make it happen. Maybe it will take something like Gretzky, Lemieux, Howe, etc. all putting pressure on IIHF and/or the NHL to make the change. If these guys speak it will resonate because it will be their records that will be jeopardized. Phase it in gradually if you must, but do it!

    I agree with you here. I'd rather try backing the equipment sizes down rather than increase the net. However, one or the other....

  6. Not sure where to put this, so I'll just throw it into a thread...

    I don't know if anyone read USCHO's This Week in the WCHA article, but in the Odds And Ends section at the end, she brings up a good point about our team at this point in the season and asks the questions I've been wondering for a while.

    Just wanted to bring it up. I haven't been keeping up in perusing these forums as of late, so I don't know if it was already brought up. Sorry if it's already been talked about.

    I watched 2 periods of Friday's game. I don't recall that at all. I recall thinking the Sioux were outplaying Denver. It's just that they didn't score.

  7. Very true, and if you go back to the early 80's championship games, the hooking and holding is even more noticeable. It's unreal that those teams could score like they did given the way the game was played.

    I think they could because of the goalie play. I watched a couple of those old early 80's games and it's amazing. The goalies were all stand-up style and it was amazing what got through sometimes.

    I agree with whoever said it earlier that the goalie position had the greatest potential to increase in proficiency, and between styles and technology (equipment growth) it has fulfilled much of that promise, IMO.

  8. In ND on B misdemeanors (like most 1st offense DUI's) there are only 6 jurors. DUI trials should be pretty open and shut when there is a valid chemical test like there was here. The defense did not have an expert, so the defense lawyer must have done a very good job blasting the Intoxilyzer and the field sobriety tests.

    Gotcha. I think my premise would still hold that even with 6 jurors, if only 1 was arguing a different point of view from the other 5 this would have lasted longer than 30 minutes. Therefore we agree that this most likely hinged on the defense completely blowing up the prosecution's case.

    Chris might want to think this was a jury who wanted to fraudulently let a hockey player go. With the quick verdict I'm fairly convinced this was about evidence, not ethics. It takes 30 minutes just to get 1 person to be the foreman.

    If this was a mafia related trial I might be more inclined to think someone got to the jury. I highly doubt Hakstol sicced MacWilliam or Davidson on the jury.

    Besides, everyone knows tDon is in Minneapolis, not North Dakota.

  9. true, but I am more liable to believe that it was the second option. Just because looking at the evidence brought forth, I can find ways to argue not guilty and I have had no legal training whatsoever. A person with legal experience would be even better.

    Just to be clear, we're on the same page here.

  10. Is it really that hard to believe that the verdict had nothing to do with him being a member of the hockey team? Yes, I am not naive enough to believe that this isnt a possibility, but I do have faith in the ability of people to look at the evidence and not the person. Not to mention the fact that he also got special treatment in had this been any other joe shmoe at UND, it never would have been big news cause no one cares. This is like people saying that Oshie got off the disorderly conduct charge for the elevator because he was a hockey player. No, he got off on that charge because the state would have gotten in trouble had they found him guilty since they were stuck in the elevator. I do not remember the exact reason or ruling for this, but I do remember discussing the incident with a lawyer that I know to see what he would say.

    I sat on a DUI/Refusal jury less than a year ago in Hennepin Cty. It was quite interesting, IMO.

    The defendant was a person of color, and in and out of trouble, in and out of employment. The jury members were mostly Caucasian, employed, and frankly annoyed at having to spend time away from work at jury duty (all except me, I loved getting out of work).

    I was very much afraid of a 12 Angry Men scenario, where everyone would be more interested in getting back to work than giving this guy a fair shake. As the jury foreman, I was especially worried as I felt the responsibility to make sure this didn't happen fell on me. However, I was extremely surprised, pleasantly, at how seriously everyone took their responsibility except for 1 juror. 1 juror was certain after 5 minutes and wouldn't give the time of day to any additional deliberations. Everyone else put their heart into it (and for reasons that had nothing to do with my influence, either).

    We had 2 counts to deliberate:

    1. Did he refuse to blow, or was he physically incapable of blowing in the Intoxylizer?

    2. Was he driving under the influence of alcohol (since they couldn't get a legit read from the Intoxylizer).

    I think just about every juror went into the jury room certain they would find this man guilty on both counts. I know I was pretty sure, but I was willing to have an open mind and be swayed either way depending on the deliberations. We had 1.5 days of testimony, and we literally spent a WHOLE day deliberating these 2 points. Actually, it took us about 1 hour to find him guilty on the refusal count, and the rest of the time on the DUI. We went back and forth, and members swayed this way and that as people argued their points of view. In the very end we found him guilty on both counts. But not before this guy had his fair shake.

    My feeling coming out of that jury room was that if this guy could get a fair shake from this group of jurors, our system is working fairly well.

    My experience is completely anecdotal, but if Frattin's jury deliberated for only 30 minutes on this case, there are only 2 options:

    1. You had 12 completely fraudulent jurors that cared about nothing but getting a player out of trouble


    2. This case was blasted apart in the court room. Completely blasted apart.

    I don't care what Chris says because he'll continue to say whatever he wants. IMO, even if this is Grand Forks, I find it very difficult to believe that after jury screening (assuming both attorneys were present) that this jury was stacked with Sioux hockey lovers that would sell their soul to get this kid off of a legit charge. I don't buy it. Maybe there were some members like that, but not 12. All you need are 2-3 people who stand up on their principles and this deliberation would have lasted at least a few hours. No way it ends in 30 minutes.

    This was all about the evidence in some way shape or form. This wasn't a biased jury.

  11. Negative PR from the Sioux nickname is a greater risk to the Summit than anything you just described. Teams can and will be replaced.

    How much negative PR could there be, really?

    Except for the schools affected how much PR is there on this issue around the country? I submit it's a back page story everywhere except those locales affected directly. No one really cares that much.

  12. I hope you are right Goon. I mean one would think it has to eventually even itself out. I guess we can just watch and hope.

    I just think the so called "flood gates" have got to open one of these weekends.

    I agree with you. We should be more concerned if this team wasn't generating chances and wasn't playing very hard. We're very frustrated as fans because chances are being generated but we're not scoring. That means we're just about there. One of these games someone is going to pay, and hopefully it starts tonite.

    Last night's disallowed goal was completely ridiculous. I could MAYBE see them calling Knight in the crease...and that's a big MAYBE...but all that should have done was move the faceoff outside the zone. Where in the hell did they get goalie interference from? Knight didn't even touch Cheverie!

    That call was horrible. Knight barely enters the crease, moves out of it, then back in, then out when Rowney shoots. Never once did he so much as breathe on Chevrie.

    They said goalie interference on TV last night but the box just says interference and the replay shows Knight pushing a defender out of his way right before the shot. The refs arm goes up right at that time. I don't think this call had anything to do with the goalie.

  13. To be honest with you Cornell guy you should be lucky you got 2 points out of this weekend. You were playing a team that has two or three of its top players out and have been having some bad luck as of lately. I will give you credit for the win on Friday but lets be honest we don't hang banners in our rink for NCAA Tourny appearances we hang NCAA Championship banners. I think that says a lot of where the two programs are.

    At first I was embarrassed that a Sioux fan would post this to a reasonable fan of another team who has been a very good guest, IMO, on this site. Then I realized with that level of arrogance you must really be a gopher fan in disguise so I felt better.

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