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Posts posted by dagies

  1. Feeling much like the 1-0 loss to Denver in the regional a few years ago. Great chances, no goals

    I cannot believe anyone is blaming Hak for this. Michigan probably played their best game and the Sioux didn't execute on the ice as well as they could. Result is very disappointing but it's the way hockey works sometimes.

    Michigan doesn't get that one bounce and I like the Sioux's chances. Sioux generated some chances and had to work for everything they got. They didn't get that one bounce to the wide open net like Michigan got. Eventually this game goes to the Sioux but for that bounce.

    It's a bum deal, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

    Let's also not forget that we've had Michigan's number in the NCAA's the last several years. They owed us like we owe BC. Tonight they got theirs.

  2. Agree with Sprig and jk. Thought the Sioux did a nice job of getting the puck deep and grinding. Only problem was not generating a lot of chances. Also, I think the Sioux look a little off their game offensively. Not a lot of flow.

    That said, give credit to Michigan. They look fast and they skate well. Those abilities really made it hard on the Sioux during the PP.

    Sioux just need to keep up the effort, get the puck deep and keep working it. Looks like this is a low scoring game, so need that puck to bounce to the right stick.

    Nice job so far of not being stupid with the penalties.

  3. I am unable to go to the game on Thursday but am looking for fellow Sioux fans to watch the game with. I know Bloomington Sensors is usually the place to be but with the games here I am not sure if that's the case.

    I would bet you would still find a fair crowd. If I needed a place to watch it in the Cities, that would be the first place I would go if not in my own home.

  4. I think what really happened here is a case of mistaken identity.

    With the state of the UMN program lately I think most Sioux fans who saw maroon in the building just automatically assumed it must be a UMD fan because 1. no MN fan would show up and 2. if they did show up no way would they be sportin' colors.

    And we ALL know how ALL MN fans behave. ;)

  5. People like Eunice Davidson and Archie Fool Bear are the real heroes in this. Until the Sioux people really spoke up and allowed their voices and votes to be heard, the legislature didn't feel it had the moral clout to object to the NCAA's decrees.

    This is exactly right, and we should not forget this regardless of the final outcome. It's probably only come this far because of them.

  6. Dorgan was brought in to declare amnesty for Kelley and Faison. Since Faison has now been seen wearing a Sioux jersey, I think we know where he personally stands now. :lol:

    Nobody is going to get fired over the issue - unless the SBoHE gets the kabosh from the legislature.

    I will say that we were at the booster lunch for the AA series in January and Faison was wearing a jacket with the Sioux logo there. FWIW.

  7. The problem with inviting anyone from Standing Rock is that they have an official stance, to this point, against the nickname. Bring Standing Rock supporters who cannot speak officially for the Tribe, only looks like you are cherry picking.

    All of the other representatives there are officials of parties involved from North Dakota's side of the table. I don't think you can just bring someone unofficial in an expect that to carry any weight. In fact, I think it might hurt the perception of your position.

    On the other hand, Spirit Lake officially approved use of the nickname, having their representatives there in an official capacity holds weight.

  8. I had a terrible weekend, prediction-wise, at the Final Five. Ugh.

    By all other accounts, though, it was a success! And sorry I didn't stop, or wave, or say hello. I get in a zone sometimes... (my wife would say "all the time")


    Might have been a little loud there, there were a lot of Sioux fans. :lol:

  9. Wasn't shaft earlier quoted as saying this meeting should be the be-all and end-all? That they either come to an agreement or they agree that nothing further can be done?

    Seem's like he's ignoring von Clausewitz in his approach...(if you are going to war, bring overwhelming forces)

    Now, if he thinks this is just a prelim to get both sides at the table and see there they stand, that's another issue. But I don't see any strong reason not to invite the tribe that has officially approved the use of the nickname.

  10. How could anyone yell at Dave Berger?!? :)

    I yelled at Dave Berger a couple of times as he was walking up the steps but he never acknowledged me. I wanted to know if he picked the Sioux in the championship game, because his first couple of picks of the tournament were not.....quite so hot. :D

  11. We had awful fans behind us at the Final Five from Duluth. At one point during the weekend my dad actually turned around and told tell them to quit yelling profanity in our ears the entire game (he didn't do it very nicely either). They were actually yelling at Dave Berger, who was sitting down by the penalty box a few rows in front of us during the CC game. They would yell at Sioux fans every time they stood up for an exciting moment or a rush.......wow....its a hockey game....don't get excited.... :glare:

    I know UND has "those fans" too. And when we end up sitting by "those fans" we do our best to try and mellow them out a little bit. The Duluth fans made it be known that they were rooting for CC like no other.....

    Lets go Irish! :blush:

    With all of the ripping of UMD fans at the Final Five I do want to mention that a couple rows behind us in Sec 105 there is a UMD fan and his Dad who is a casual UM fan who have had those seats for as many years as we've had ours (since the tourney moved to the X). A couple of years ago when Duluth won the Final Five from the Thursday night game we turned around as he was basking in the atmosphere and told him how happy we were for him. All these years he's come whether his team was there or not. Never a jerk, just there to enjoy the hockey. He appreciated the support and he and his Dad both said how much they respected me and my 2 buddies as we are always there as well, for every game, and always felt that we were classy fans and not jerks. It's kind of fun now where each year we spend some time shooting the shix and appreciating the tournament.

    I still like Duluth a lot and am glad that we were insulated from the jerks that so many others appear to have run into.

    Drunk Hockey Guy's comments on KFAN? What do you expect?

  12. There's a good idea. Insult one of the constituents that has supported the process.

    Nice work.

    Spirit Lake held the vote and provided their support. I see no reason why they should not be represented, especially when the NCAA's policy is supposed to be for their benefit.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Huh ? Ya, right. I can see how this will go following this plan:

    ND: Well, any change on your nickname stance ? BTW, we now have a state law that says we have to keep the name.

    NC$$: You are now on the sanction list. Anything else we can help you with ?

    ND: No, I guess that does it. We gave it try. Time to change the name.

    I do not expect the NC$$ to change their position one bit without at least the threat of a lawsuit. The only thing that really matters to the NC$$ is $$$$$.

    I see only one way to get them to change their stance and that is through a lawsuit...even if the NC$$ would win. ND must be willing to pursue a lawsuit and be willing to spend what it takes to get the NC$$ to back off. I have no idea what grounds could be used but I have no doubt that a really good lawyer could find one. If you find a way to force the NC$$ to produce a lot of documents (any skeletons in their closet ?) and spend a lot of money they may be willing to settle on more favorable terms, such as only requiring UND to have support of the closest Sioux tribe (same as every other school). UND must go into the meeting with the NC$$ with a president, AD, SBOE, legislature, and Spirit Lake Tribal rep all on the same page that they are willing to fight to keep the name. It would also help if one or more congressional reps would attend and provide their support. A unified delegation representing UND, the state, and the closest tribe along with the threat of another lawsuit would provide the best chance to get the NC$$ to negotiate a settlement to allow the name without sanctions. I would love to hear them explain to the Spirit Lake rep why their support is not good enough when every other school that has been exempted only needed to get the support of the closest tribe. Any chance that this would give Spirit Lake grounds to sue the NC$$ ?

    The surrender terms of the first lawsuit were ridiculous. It gave those in favor of the nickname nothing except a timeline for retiring the name. UND got what they wanted, the NC$$ to retract the hostile and abusive label, and a practically impossible hurdle to overcome in getting two tribes to approve. Just to be sure the SBOE added an additional requirement for a 30 year agreement. Sure, they worked really hard to save the name.

    Someone suggested to start emailing the NC$$. Not sure that would help much. What about emailing all the NC$$ corporate sponsors ? Seems like the ND legislature was having problems keeping up with all the emails they got. Wonder how the corporate sponsors would like getting inundated by Sioux fans ? Wonder how they would like getting email from Spirit Lake asking them why they support an organization that is discriminating against them ? Don't know if this would help at all but I doubt it could hurt. Corporate sponsors: http://www.ncaa.org/...s/partners.html

    That's exactly how I saw this too. He just tipped his hand.

  14. Obviously I have no personal knowledge of this young man, but his Twitter feed gives a glance at a rather me-centric existence.

    Yeah, like tweeting articles about himself......not impressive.

  15. "A member of the kitchen staff, who was clearly an under-cover Sioux fan, purposely burned some food so that the fire alarms would go off waking the Denver hockey players and sending them out into the cold while the hotel was checked by the fire department."

    I think you about hit it......

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