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Posts posted by dagies

  1. I don't think it's automatic that schools are just pulling scholarship offers to players. I think we'd find that there's communication about what they need to do in order to earn that spot, and ramifications of not following through, etc. I'm sure there are differences in opinion on whether a school surprised a player or not, and I don't know what goes on behind closed doors.

  2. Yeah, I think we need to take the high road on this and wish Matteau, Miller, and if need be Koules, the best of luck and go forward without them.

    First, I agree there is probably some use by these kids of the threat of going the college route to exact a better CHL deal. But so what. I'd do the same thing. They have to look out for their best interests, not ours.

    We're always going to lose recruiting battles, whether it's to another school, or to the CHL. But we'll win a few too, and we have to enjoy those kids while they're here. I hold no ill will towards a guy like Fasching. I wish him the best of luck in his decision to go to Minnesota and not UND. Same with guys like Miller and Matteau.

    This is no time to be crying "woe is me." We'll be fine.

    I agree with you only to a point. I agree with the idea of using the "threat" of going to college to get a better CHL deal as fair business. But committing to a university scholarship, giving your word, and then later backing out may be considered "fair" in love and war but really it's not ethical.

    Changing your mind, legitimately, is one thing. We don't know his motives but we see enough of this where the end result are trades to preferential places that we can only assume in certain cases the university scholarship was used as a pawn.

    And that's not ethical. It's just not.

  3. I think that is great news.

    Bringing in a player that already has college experience...add in the fact that he has proven to be a great scorer while playing with his brother in juniors...win-win for UND in my book.

    Plus, that will help offset the Matteau departure from our recruiting class.

    I can only see that in terms of a body, not in quality....
  4. Some people don't realize how lucky they are that they can even watch the games.

    I would have given my left *** to be able to watch home games in the early 00's when my favorite player was at UND.

    I know things improve & planes have jet engines now.

    I felt lucky that the Omaha Lancers was one of the first teams to broadcast games on the web.

    You had to be one of the first hundred or so to log on or you were out of luck because of limited band width available.

    If you lost your dial up connection during the game you were SOL & probably couldn't get back on.

    I think it's pretty cool to see games from around the country & local commercials.

    The local advertisers are making it possible to get the games on TV & in between those commercials you get to watch the Sioux.

    How lucky are we that things are so good with our favorite hockey program that we feel the need to spend so much time complaining about power play clocks and HD?

    Yes, I'd REALLY like the Sioux to be broadcast in HD too, now that I finally moved into this century and have my own HD tv. I realize how awesome it is. But let's face it. Grand Forks is Grand Forks. It's not a big place with a ton of $. I love it. I'm proud to be a UND alum, I'm proud to tell people I went to college in Grand Forks, I love coming back each year for a series of hockey and to reacquaint with old times.

    But Grand Forks is who it is. There probably isn't enough $ for some of the really nice things. The only reason we have such an awesome facility is we were lucky to have such a passionate alum/donor, who cared so much about the hockey program. Without that, we would have to complain about the quality of our facilities too. And without the commitment to the program would we have/keep such a good coaching staff?

    Me? I'm looking on the bright side. Happy to just be watching the games from my home in the Twin Cities.

  5. I can totally understand other schools not being satisfied with the tourney in one location every year. On the other hand, the schools should be very happy with the attendance history here, and that may be an important factor as they start up a new league. Even without MN in the tournament, there's a chance of very good attendance. Whether last year repeats itself in the future, or not.

    Not sure if there would be a reason to shop around to other locales if the X isn't available. Why wouldn't the Target Center be acceptable? If Mpls/St. Paul is a good location, it shouldn't matter if the event is at the X or at another venue, should it? I realize there will be the awful stink of NBA basketball in the Target Center, but certainly they could leave some hockey equipment out around the building to purge that....

    From a personal standpoint, I very much hope it stays in Mpls/St. Paul. But that's totally a selfish opinion...

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