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Posts posted by dagies

  1. Look, everybody understands there is Native American support for the nickname, and that the nickname itself isn't causing anyone to have personal issues.

    The simple fact remains that according to the agreement with the NCAA, UND needs the official approval of the 2 closest tribes and it only has that from 1. Therefore the sanctions remain in place.

    The NCAA doesn't care about state laws or constitutions, because they don't have to. The issue is simple and has been stated many times before.

    UND either needs to get Standing Rock to give approval or quit using the nickname in order to stay out from under the NCAA sanctions.

    It's just that simple and there are no other alternatives available. Until the NCAA changes its stance UND is stuck in that rock and a hard place.

    Some of us are looking at this as a practical matter, not a philosophical one.

    • Upvote 4
  2. the statement she makes that really gave me pause:

    this whole fight among ourselves is really being looked at as a joke by the rest of the country. I don't like reading statements like that, even from Twin Cities writers.

    Thing is, and forgive me, but I think it's kind of a joke too. Who puts in their constitution what the nickname for a University's sports name should be? Is that really a proper use of the state's constitution?
    • Upvote 1
  3. I was at the Friday/Sat games against MN and thought Sat was a morgue from the start of the game. Got a little interesting when the team started to pressure MN but other than that it might have been as quiet as I've ever seen (I only see 1 series a year at the Ralph, so take that for what it's worth)

  4. Obviously, Lennon's contract is up for renewal, and Kelley and Fasion are pressuring him to write those lies ... :silly:

    Shoot! You beat me to it.

    To me, still, O'Keefe is the most telling. He's UND through and through. He has a unique perspective. He can see into the inner workings but is beholden to no one in those workings. And he's in contact with key alumni. And he's reached the conclusion that the moniker has moved to the "net negative" category and should go.

    Plus, do you really think he wanted to go over to Hakstol's house and say "I'm telling everybody to drop the name" unless he really felt it was the only way? :lol:
  5. At the WI-UND series the some of the Badger players took some stupid chippy penalties that hurt them. The Sioux players did not respond in kind and nothing significant developed. At that time WI still had a reasonable chance at home ice for the playoffs and now they don't. I would expect them to do as much or more against the Gophers since they won't have anything to play for other than their dislike for MN. If the Gophers are as undisciplined as their fans are posting, they will respond, trying to prove their pseudo-physical play ability. Should be an interesting series.

    You've got me talked in to either watching or DVR'ing those games!
  6. One thing that I find interesting is that the nickname-at-all-cost people, and especially a certain blogger, are trying to claim that they want what is right. But they are willing to get it by using a potentially unconstitutional law. They are willing to go against the North Dakota Constitution to get what they want. Isn't that just a case of the ends justifying the means for them? The Constitution is supposed to mean something, it's the framework of our government. But obviously it doesn't mean anything to the nickname-at-all-costers.

    And if the court ruling goes against their wishes, the justices will be branded "activist judges".
  7. Honestly, I see nothing wrong with Rau's other than it was very late. Give him a 2 minute interference and that's it. I've had a few Sioux fans that are friends of mine call me and say the same thing. Rau doesn't leave his feet and hits Zucker in the chest. Probably knocked the wind out of him.


    Edit: No officials put their arms up until they saw Zucker was hurt either.

    Somewhere last night I saw another clip posted, which showed a better view in slo-mo. Rau goes very high with his hit. It was both late, and high.
    • Upvote 1
  8. No, dagies, it's even simpler than any of that -- it's the law. They have to. University lawyers interpret the law to say that once the petitions are filed and certified, "the repeal" is on hold, thus, the law on the books before the repeal would go into effect until the June vote decides the matter. Dumb, I know, but that's how they're interpreting the law.

    Ok, well, that doesn't seem logical but it's a sensical explanation for the actions they plan to take. But I should be careful to comment that way as I'm not very knowledgeable about the law in such things....
  9. I'm told that UND is preparing to immediately revert back to the Fighting Sioux nickname once the Secretary of State certifies that there are enough signatures. They aren't planning any shenanigans to remain nicknameless, despite a successful petition drive. UND officials have told me that once the petitions are filed and they are certified, they will abide by the letter of the law and go back to the pre-repeal law that was pass last spring in the legislature. If the primary vote in June fails then the name would be discontinued again, and then the waiting game starts again for the constitutional measure in the fall. What a yo-yo of events this could turn out to be.

    All that said, the info above comes from UND officials. The SBHE may have other commands for UND, and history has shown that the UND admin will fall lock step in line with what their bosses on the board tell them to do.

    I'm a little surprised that they would do this. It seems an expensive, and potentially dangerous position for the University to take (relating to conferance affiliation, NCAA relationship, etc) when the petitions aren't forcing the U to use the nickname, they are just putting the referendum on the ballot. After all of the expense to move away from using the nickname, to practically volunteering to go back when it's not required seems a bit surprising to me.

    One explanation that makes some sense, then, is that University officials really didn't want to get away from using the nickname in the first place. That's a bit surprising, but possible.

    OR, perhaps they want to start using the nickname so that voters, pre-referendum, might get to feel some of the wounds of continuing to use the nickname in a "hostile" environment. As I type this is sounding more plausible. Let the supporters see some of the consequences before they vote to make this permanent.

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