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Posts posted by dagies

  1. I also read it as Dell doesn't feel he is "abandoning" his team because he has two more than capable goalies to replace him.

    Same here. Do you think the coaches would have brought in 2 talented guys if they thought Dell was going to stick around for his Sr. year? IMO they knew they had a hole to fill.

  2. I wonder if we can be called the UND Fighting U. (during our cool off period). That way they can say here come your Fighting U!!!!!!! University of North Dakota Fighting U scoring! Fight on U (instead of Fight on Sioux). Just having UND and nothing else isn't going to work.

    Hey, I like that. "The Fighting U"

    And then on the jersey we can put the initials FU. :lol: Just kidding. Seriously, I like that name.

  3. How about the UND Atomic Bombers? Too soon?

    I kind of like that! A little outdated, but still kind of cool. Would have been great with teams from the early 80's (Guys like Archie, et al)
  4. I've been wondering the same thing, as we've had the same seats at the X since the tourney moved there originally. I guess we'll see. But on the other hand, think of it this way. A very large number of tournament ticket package buyers were UM fans. They will not be buying packages at the X.

    Even if we are given no preference, I'll bet that as first time ticket package buyers we'll have chance to get good seats, even if we don't have the chance to select a preference.

    I hope we do, though.

  5. Hey guys, Dave's meth dealer here. Just dropping by to let you know that I'm getting out of the business on a high note, before the nickname business gets settled.

    If any of you are interested in picking up a grade-A client, he'll probably be looking to buy!

    I think we allow a fair amount of leeway in conversations here, but like the sicatoka said a bit earlier, let's use a little decorum and stay away from this sort of aspersion, ok? The whole conversation and everyone reading it will be better off for it.

    Everyone gets frustrated with other posters who don't agree with them from time to time, let's just find a better way to express it.


    • Upvote 1
  6. To me it just shows that it was a close race, and there were enough positives (or should we say not enough negatives) about Portland to sway him towards D1. Most likely the MJ route was his preferred route to start with so this is just the justification to stick with that choice.

    No big deal, IMO. And good for him/them that this was handled professionally.

  7. Steve Johnson will replace Blais before Eades does. Heck Blais wanted Steve to replace him here.

    I think if we go back in time we'll see that Blais backed Hak all the way.

    I've heard the same thing, from several people with close ties to the program.

    So, this "affair" is just common knowledge around college hockey? Sounds very rumor mill-ish to me.
    • Upvote 1
  8. I had heard something that he was coming back from someone within the program but I didn't want to spout something off and then have it not come true. But since it appears what I was told was true I suppose I can mention the other half of the convo. I am NOT trying to start any rumors about our guys but the same person that told me about a week ago that Kristo was staying, also told me that the team (players) was not very happy with Nelson's decision to take off. Something about they all thought it was agreed upon that everyone was staying to try and win it all next year and next thing you know Nelson up and left. Again, not trying to bad mouth Nelson, met the kid a few times and he seems like a really good guy. I just really think this time next year Nelson will look back and think leaving was one of the worst decisions he made.

    None of us walk in these kid's shoes. None of know what their personal life is like, what their motivations and ambitions are. No way do we know enough about Nelson's decision to even hint at casting aspersions.
  9. I don't see anything in here that indicates Jones has been anything but upfront with the UND staff. Until the last couple of days the consensus was that Jones had been above board and handled everything professionally and ethically. I see nothing that's changed that.

    We'll just have to see how things play out. But it's apparent Everett is out of the picture. Don't know if that's good or bad for UND. But as long as he's been up front with the coaches, and I assume that's the case until we hear otherwise, then good luck to him in whatever he chooses to do.

  10. I think LaDue is coming, but remember injuries have a way of dealing out the playing time, even for those that maybe aren't projected to be a top 6 D. I mean, who would have thought Panzarella was going to play as much as he did this year? Good thing he seemed pretty much ready to contribute.

  11. Your post brings to mind Andy Schneider. He was interviewed after the Sioux played for third place at the Final Five. I don't remember the exact quote but paraphased,he said, 'It doesn't matter if we're playing for first place or third place. We're playing for the tradition of the program and the crest on our chest.' There was more but I don't remember it all.

    Don't look for our boys to hold back....ever.

    Read below

    ....... none of that is beacuse we played three games in three days.

    I don't know for sure but I'm not sure that can be tossed out as a factor, as farce poobah just pointed out.
  12. I thought John Hill as doing a great job at UMN.

    I would say it a bit differently. "He was certainly very good for the MN program." :)

    Guentzel probably would make more as an assistant at MN than the head coach at Mankato. My guess anyway.

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