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Posts posted by dagies

  1. So good that the world got to see the gophers goon it up at the end. Fortunately Matson's deal was square on TV. Too bad we didn't also get to see the shot to the head that got Condon kicked out of the game.

    Some might explain it away by saying that their emotions were high, or that this was on a bigger stage, but if so those are just rationalizations from people who rip Sioux players for the same things.

    I'm not saying Sioux players and saints and gophers are devils. I'm just saying gopher fans have lost their high ground (not that they ever really had it, just claimed it).

    That was the best part of last night's game.

  2. BC just took advantage and converted on their chances. They made their shots count. Perhaps they are more skilled, more patient with the puck. I don't know, but they did make their chances count. And I think that was the big difference.

  3. I know you're just trying to stir things up and perhaps invoke some conversation.

    But all I can say is - wow. I don't think you can comprehend the fury (or as Sam would say, "wrath") of NDSU alumni if they found out that the NCAA was barring any school in ND from hosting a NCAA playoff event as a result of a state-wide vote. There would be countless people litereally screaming with spit flying out of their mouths. It would be epic.

    Sounds like what a lot of UND supporters will feel like doing considering the fate of the athletic programs are at the mercy of the "state wide vote".
  4. Actually what one could say, if you want to fall asleep and take an afternoon name watch the first game between FSU and Union. That's going to be a snooze feast.

    I see no reason why this has to be a snooze fest. Even if neither team is as good as BC or MN, they must be 2 pretty decent teams to reach the Frozen Four, and therefore have a chance to give the fans a fun game to watch. Personally, I wish I had the time to watch, snooze fest or not.
  5. What's good for the goose is good for the gander ... perhaps we should petition the NC$$ to put the entire state under sanctions ala Mississippi and South Carolina since NoDak voters may be as complicit as anybody in keeping a "hostile and abusive" moniker strapped around UND's neck.

    I agree, I see no reason why, if the whole state votes for this and forces UND to continue to use the nickname, that the sanctions shouldn't be applied across the state. It wasn't UND's decision to keep it, it was the state. Therefore, punish the perps, not just the victims.

    The SC couldn't do their job....so its our turn. We need to get the word out that in June people need to vote against the name. UND needs to put up billboards explaining the harm this does to our athletic program. VOTE NO FOR THE FIGHTING SIOUX NAME!! (as painful as it is to say that)

    Absolutely agree. It should be an interesting few months, and a big push needs to be made.

    I say just ignore it. Drop the name. The law has no teeth. So, why bother following it?

    If all else fails, UND MUST try this.
  6. No kidding. If what you say is true, it's definitely false advertising to call them "authentic". If I was to purchase an "authentic" jersey, I would expect it to be the exact same item that the players wear. Just no numbers...

  7. Here's my guess(from a long ways out and with a long time for players to come and go still haha)

    Nelson – Knight - Kristo

    Rodwell - Grimaldi - Rowney

    MacMillan – Parks - O'Donnell

    St Clair – Pattyn – Gaarder

    Forbort – Schmaltz

    MacWilliam - Mattson

    Simpson - Panzarella

    Goalies: Dell, Saunders, Gothberg

    Extras: Senkbeil, Gleason, Macmillan, Koules, Chyzyk, Ladue, Crisfield?

    Crisfield isn't coming in next year. At least I don't think so.
  8. This was a great season for the team they were able to put on the ice. Tough start, but fun to watch down the stretch. Another team that you could pull for...great group of character guys.

    While this season ended before the players and fans preferred, you wonder if the metal that was tempered in fire this year will show its quality in the next few years.

    While there may be more top end players coming in, one HAS to think that teams in the next few years will benefit greatly from the depth provided by guys like Pattyn, Gaarder, Panzerella, Senkbeil, and those I have forgotten to name. These guys played big minutes in important games and should be able to contribute at as high or higher levels down the road and really complement the lineup.

    Incoming, highly recruited rookies, will learn that they will have to earn their ice time, even more so than usual in this program.

  9. The gophers were definitely a better team tonight.

    They were the better team all season. 3-1 against the Sioux in the regular season, easily won the WCHA, etc.

    The Sioux might have been victims of their own success last weekend. By winning the Final Five they ended up in this region, rather than a possible different (easier?) route through another region. Oh well, you play to win and did they did their best. Today wasn't their best game and they lost. That's how it works for all but 1 team each year.

  10. I'm hoping for a good clean game. I have no illusions that we are more talented than Minnesota. Nor any illusions that we outplayed Minnesota last week; there were a month of good bounces in that WCHA semifinal.

    But as the ESPN broadcast team said yesterday, "Good teams have good players. Great teams have great teammates."

    If we have an edge, its that intangible.

    Agreed, and a couple of good bounces yesterday as well. Fair to say that hard work does create bounces, but we'll probably need more to get through today's game. I'm not betting on the Sioux today but I will be there!
  11. My initial reaction was that the net was off. After replay, though, I think what sealed the deal for the refs is that it did look like the puck was batted out of the air with a hand.

    It might be one of those weird calls where it went like this: it was waved off by the on-ice official, it may have been played with a hand or shoulder, and the net may have been dislodged. A sort of perfect storm of reasonable doubt.

    My non-biased gut feeling about the play is that it was not a goal. But it was very close.


    I'll have to watch it again. I was mainly focusing on the net so I should look at it again focusing on HOW the puck got into the net.

    Just happy it went the way it did.

  12. Wow.....talk about taking your breath away......those last couple of minutes were hard on the heart.


    ~The Lamoureax line might have been the difference. They didn't score, but had some tremendous shifts in Western's end.

    ~Western's defensive depth is amazing. And if they all come back.....wow.

    ~Dell was good. A little shaky on some pucks, but very good.

    ~Despite what the officials in Maroon and Gold throughout the rink thought, the no goal was a good call. The guy watched the puck go off of his arm/glove and into the net. Good call IMHO. Plus the net might have been off. Had they called it a goal on the ice, might not have been overturned.

    I did watch the game but was unsure of the call on the waived off goal. My take was that the net was knocked about about simultaneously as the puck crossed the line, and it was fortunate for the Sioux that it was initially waived off and not called a goal.

    I didn't see anything that would suggest it was propelled into the goal illegally by the WMU player.

    In fact, I think it's hard to know if the net was even "knocked off" at the time the puck crossed the line or if it had just started moving. Not knowing the rule book I'm not saying the call was good, or not. Just that it was so close, to me, that I can see that there would be a wide range of opinions on whether it was the right call.

    For instance, the net starts moving before the puck crosses the line, but is it "dislodged"? I'm not sure. Many times nets get bumped without coming off, and so in this case, at what point is the net dislodged? Hard for me to know if it was before the puck crossed the line.


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