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Posts posted by dagies

  1. I was watching on DVR and went back and forth on that play and he likely would have gotten a hooking call if he had skated through the play. MacWilliam's stick was around the Wis player's waist and still went down like he was tripped. That probably led to the ref deciding that the Wis player dove.

    That's exactly what I saw too. It looked funky in real time and when I went back and watched it again it MacWilliam did have his stick and arm around the midsection but didn't appear to be grabbing him. It's the type of thing that could get called for holding but I think the fact that Mac's arm swung back out so quickly made it look like he wasn't really holding on to the guy. In the meantime, the guy went down like he'd been tripped (just like you said) not being tugged at in the midsection. Add to that he lost the handle on his stick just made it look that much more ridiculous.

    I could see that getting called against MacWilliam, but just as easily I can see that being a non-call. Seems something should have been called, however, either a hold or a dive.

  2. Once again, if you have had webcast issues, including constant buffering, I urge you to send us your feedback here:


    If you're going to gripe just to gripe, well, I can't help you there. At the end of the day, Midco, in its first year of our partnership, has delivered everything our fans had been pining for: High Definition (coming next year, one year ahead of schedule), a power-play clock, improved graphics, and a broadcast of the outdoor game. Very few announcers are universally liked. Some prefer Pat Sweeney to Dan Hammer, and vice versa. That's the nature of the business. But at some point, Midco has to be acknowledged for providing every upgrade our fans had been asking for, no?

    In the first of a five-year partnership, they've been a tremendously proactive partner. This is a good thing.

    Yes, but did they try for Doc Emmerick, or did they just settle for Hammer?


  3. I like your concept idea. I'll be frank. I think the new font used on so many UND items, and that used at center ice, is just terrible. I can't put my finger on it but it seems 2nd rate. I think your concept looks much better.

    • Upvote 1
  4. "Come around" and "in the end"...care to elaborate on your suspected time frame? We are 2/3rds thru the regular season. Not to be greedy but I was expecting it to "come around" quite awhile ago.

    I'd like to have seen some better play as well, but I think we have the right coaches to get there.
  5. You aren't far off base, actually.

    We didn't find out about the programming change until Saturday afternoon -- and we only found out when I was told by a DTV viewer that the game was not showing up in the guide. At that point, we looked into it and confirmed the change, and we immediately relayed the information as best we could via Twitter.

    It turns out the decision had been made sometime late Thursday. We've since reached out to the appropriate parties to ensure we get as much heads-up as possible if this happens again. If we had found out Thursday when the decision had been made, we could have at least given our DirecTV viewers a day or two to make other arrangements. By giving them only three hours notice, those viewers were basically hung out to dry.

    BTW, I wasn't complaining or insinuating anyone owed me more notice. Those were just my observations.

  6. I've heard Hak say that he worries less about SOG and more about scoring chances. Unfortunately, that's not a stat that's tracked officially. Would be interesting to attend a scoring chance idendification seminar some day and learn a little more about what makes a Grade A or a Grade B chance.

    Would be interested to compare those stats Friday over Saturday to see what that looks like, considering that SOG took about a 180 degree flip.

  7. DirecTV made the decision to pull the FOX College Sports broadcast from its Saturday lineup due to an unexpected overload of bandwidth constraints. This has happened before, and FCS was one of multiple networks affected on Saturday. Midco had literally nothing to do with the decision.

    What I find interesting about that explanation is that I can normally find both the Friday and Saturday game on my DirectTV schedule so I can set up the DVR. This week, before leaving for Grand Forks on Friday morning I was only able to find the Friday game. As of Friday morning the Saturday game didn't show on the schedule.

    Perhaps they anticipated a bandwidth issue and therefore did not advertise the possible showing in order to avoid getting people's expectations set.

    Personally, I have no idea why they pulled it and have no conspiracy theories as to why. I just think they knew they weren't going to show it earlier than when the news came out on Saturday.

  8. Fair enough but whatever the system Berry is coaching isn't working with these Dman...it's pretty obvious.

    Yes, it's probably fair, then, to ask if the system these guys are being asked to play fits their abilities. I don't know the answer to that, but I've got faith that Berry is the right man for the job and am confident that will come around.

    I agree with you here for the most part, but it even seems like the grit and toughness has been squeezed out of MacWilliam, too. He even said as much himself when he noted in a recent press conference that hockey is different and that he can't make the big hit any more.

    Last year we had pretty much the same core of D, and they were much more responsible in their own end than they have shown this year. Yes, they had Ben Blood and he logged a ton of minutes, but it's not like we haven't had to deal with graduations before.

    I doubt Berry has forgotten how he coached that '05 group, but has HE changed since then?

    The toughness would have been squeezed out of MacWilliam by the new rules and the officiating of those rules, not by UND's coaches. But, again, I understand your point about Berry. I'll still stand by Berry and am confident in the end we'll be happy with the results regardless of whatever is the reason for some of the current issues.
  9. We use to be physical, tough and responsibly sound. Now we are soft, out of posituon and undisciplined.

    I think Berry coached the group back with Schneider, Greene, Fuher, Jones, etc. They were tough and defensively responsible then. I doubt Berry forgot how to do that.

    But do you really think this group of D-men are built the same way those were? Even a big guy like Forbort never has been a physical player.

    I'm not a coach but I think you have to tailor your style to the type of players that you have, not try to force them into a system that's not conducive to their skills.

    I will add to this the stupid after the whistle penalty by pattyn in the first which lead to their first goal. it blows my mind that the crowd goes goes wild for this stuff when it puts us in a pk situation against one of the best pp's in the league. oh well, I guess more people would like to cheer for this crap than smart winning hockey.

    I was there for both games this weekend. I cheered for Pattyn even though I would normally agree that may not have been the smartest thing. On Friday night the Sioux played like they didn't care if they were even in the rink. My buddy and I commented that was clearly evidenced by the fact that there were 0 power plays for either team until into the 3rd period. Playing Sioux hockey, how is that even possible?

    So I was happy to have Pattyn come out and showed that he cared about something, anything, on the ice. I would normally be critical for the reasons you mentioned, but this time I actually appreciated it.

    It backfired because of a fortunate bounce off the back wall out to Hanowski and he made the team pay. But if the Sioux had killed that off I think they would have really had a nice momentum swing.

    But even more impressive was that the team responded after that, and didn't deflate unlike Friday night after the first goal.

  10. 7) Bring out your dead


    It does suck to lose a 2 goal lead. Even at that point I said to myself the Sioux need 5 to win this game and I was unfortunately correct. What kept me from feeling horrible was the nice rebound in OT. Rather than give up to MN's mo built over the last several minutes of the 3rd period the Sioux really outchanced the gophers in OT. Seemed to me they really took over the mo. A couple of posts, and don't forget the puck rolling off Simpson's stick on the wrap-around chance that I was sure was going to win the game.

    I don't disagree that the tie sucks, especially coming that close to winning. But at the same time I'm at least encouraged with how the team responded there and I think that bodes well for the future.

    I guess we'll see, but overall I felt like the team improved over the weekend so that's a silver lining.

  11. I wonder if the refs are looking at D1 hockey as a teaching level, and that's why they spend more time talking to the players about what they did. If that's true, I can understand why they are doing it and can actually agree it could be a good thing. Just looking for a positive.

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