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Everything posted by Tommiejo

  1. I hope so too & from the GATORNATION, Good Luck SIOUX against UNO. Not to forget, GO GATORS WHIP UP ON THOSE NOLES.
  2. GATOR here in Tampa, & you know something I agree on a couple of things here. First throw out those records. Because they don't mean a thing, & second your not alone on Spurrier & I couldn't stand that BOZO either & I graduated from UF. GO GATORS
  3. Sorry about what happen to the Scarlet Knights but that's life & life happens. I'll see Ya'll in Tallahassee for we're going to eat up some Seminoles. GO GATORS EAT THEM NOLES.
  4. Hey HockeyMom: We can agree on one thing. NEVER SETTLE. The day the NC$$ comes up with an out of court settlement is when hell freezes over & the devil goes ice skating. Also HockeyMom tell your friend from Florida State the the GATORS are going to chomp on those dame seminoles. GO GATORS. SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973.
  6. I would love to be there for this weekends series but i'll be in Tallahassee for the Florida/Florida State game. GO GATORS. SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973.
  7. Hey ya'll I don't know if you know this or not but I also found the same article on the following website. www.si.com sports illustrated that is I though you should know that if anybody hasn't told ya'll yet. SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973.
  8. Getting this Injunction is a start. Now that UND has that out the way to begin with I don't know about ya'll but I have a feeling that UND is like a shark that has the smell of blood in the water & the blood is that of the NC$$. Two words on that. CHOP CHOP. SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973.
  9. I agree with that & furthermore I agree with the NC$$ being to bloody busy figuring out ways to take away freedom of speech also. If you really want to know something odd is that the NCAA, doesn't want another 1984. For those who can remember that far back & hey i'm in my 50's can remember that far back for me that's amazing itself. Anyway in 1984 BYU won the national championship in D-1 football that year what' really made the NCAA red-face about that was they won the national championship before XMAS that year thus made the New Year's day bowls more/less meanless. You can call that somewhat of a little history less there. If you ask me they don't want schools like Rutgers who go unbeaten in something like the national championship game in the BCS. Then again that's my take on this as for us bearly getting by South Carolina, & I do mean Barely getting by in the words of the late John McKay it's going to take them 6 months the get rid of the odor in that place because we stunk up the joint. SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973
  10. Great game no matter how you slice & how you dice it . Overall in a nutshell, it was one HELL OF A COMEBACK. Trust me for those fans who were there live, it was worth it & that's including the price of admission. As for satruday in Gainesville, GO GATORS EAT UP THOSE CHICKENS. Not to mention that the ole ball coach in back in town too to get eatin alive in the SWAMP. SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973. P.S. In case you're wondering why I always say GO GATORS, well it's simple I gradutated from the University of Florida & once a GATOR always a GATOR.
  11. You got that right Shawn-O. GO GATORS. SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973
  12. I'm off the Gainesville this weekend we got those gamecocks in for a saturday game & we're going to be frying some chicken saturday also the old ball coach spurrier too. GO GATORS.
  13. Good game guys now let's go for the sweep. SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973
  15. Hey PCM good job, now that's doing your homework. For the record, I really do mean that a whole lot. SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973.
  16. That's true & you're right, but the talk around Gainesville for me is a two hour drive from my home in Tampa on I-75 is that also the president of UF along with CBS & ESPN along with the president of UGA all agreed to do away with the world's largest cocktail party but the problem is that the world's largest cocktail party has been around for so long it's hard to just drop the thing altogether. Sometimes you just can't tell the fans what to beleive me i've been there. So in closing thank you again for replying I really do apperiate it a whole lot & also GO GATORS CHEW UP THOSE DAWGS. SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973
  17. Quick Question. Is the coach's show broadcasted on the web? SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973.
  18. To everyone on this board I though it would be nice to share this with everybody on this board. So if anything enjoy, this one is on me. Ten Truism about SEC Football. Starting from 10 down to 1. 10. What does the average Alabama Player get oh his SAT'S? Drool. 9. What do you get when you put 32 Arkansas cheerleaders in one room? A full set of teeth. 8. How do you get a South Carolina cheerleader into your dorm room? Grease her hips and push. 7. How do you get a Georgia Graduate off your pourch? Payt him for the pizza. 6. How do you know if a Mississippi State football player has a girlfriend? There's tobacco spit on both sides of his pickup truck. 5. Why is the Kentucky football team like a possum? Because the play dead at home and get killed on the road. 4. What are thethe longest three years of an Auburn football player's life? His freshman year. 3. How many Florida freshmen does it take to change a light bulb? None. That's a sophomore course. 2. Where was O.J. headed in the white Bronco? Baton Rouge Louisiana. He knew that the police would never look at LSU for a Heisman Trophy winner. AND THE NUMBER ONE TRUISMS ABOUT SEC FOOTBALL. 1. Why did Tennessee choose orange as their team color? You can wear it to the game on Saturday, hunting on Sunday, and picking up trash along the highways the rest of the week. I hope you enjoy this like I said this one is on me. In closing GO GATORS chew up them DAWGS.
  19. Hey Smoggy you're half right both presidents of both schools wanted the term "worlds largest cocktail party" taken out along with CBS & ESPN. Nevertheless the fans will always make the world's largest cocktail party no matter what the presidents of both schools say otherwise. Thanks for the replay though I really do apperiate it a whole lot. SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973.
  20. Here's my two cents on this post. For the record for $70.00 it's worth it & if I remember I'll order two one "UND FIGHTING SIOUX JACKET" & one "IT"S GREAT TO BE A FLORIDA GATOR JACKET" also. I'll see ya'll at the world's largest cocktail party in Jacksonville for the GATOR/BULLDOGS matchup. SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973.
  21. Hey Goon that makes two of us I haven't seen anything yet either. It would be nice if someone let's us know what's going on wouldn't it? SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973
  22. The question is will the "FIGHTING SIOUX" bounce back? My answer is yes. After getting our heads handed to us I know we can bopunce back from this past weekend I don't know about anybody else but I think we can do just that. SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973
  23. Hey PCM I agree with you 100% on this one. Furthermore let me AMEN from the gallery there.
  24. Here's an off the wall suggestion. How about THE SWAMP in Gainesville FL. HOME OF THE GATORS. Hey, it's just an off the wal suggestion that's all.
  25. The Tampa Bay area. SIOUX FAN SINCE 1973
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