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Everything posted by tnt

  1. Haven't heard of #26 Monique Weber. Is she a transfer.
  2. tnt


    And on the defensive side we will be without Mackey and Bennett for the additional game against Idaho and they should be back after their two-game suspensions.
  3. tnt


    I am hoping that they are saving some of the playbook for Idaho, and I am hoping that Garman will be a part of that. Being that it was only the first game, I will hold judgement until I see how and when he is used. A win is a win, so there is something to build from.
  4. tnt


    I agree, a signature win gets the fan base excited more than beating teams that they have been playing and beating for years, provided you have a decent season besides. That extra boost of confidence for both the fans and the players should propel you to better things throughout the year. It seems people aren't excited about women's basketball as much as they were in the past, even though they have had good conference and post season runs the last couple of years, because they have been outmatched in many games out of conference.
  5. tnt


    I guess I would like to see a signature win sooner or later, much like our win against Northern Iowa a few years backs going up a division. Beating a team such as Nothern Illinois or Idaho like we played last year, or someone up just a level, would put the program in the right frame of mind with the confidence that will help us be competitive in the Big Sky.
  6. How many kids are there from Minnesota playing in Ann Arbor that are 16? Should be able to figure out who it is, so it sounds like either Walters or this kid has an axe to grind. I wouldn't exactly classify any league with Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and even Michigan State as inferior, just as I certainly wouldn't classify the NCHC as "the Secondary Six" as another person with an axe to grind suggests.
  7. Sounds like a high-end recruit. Hopefully Zane Gothberg will bring him up to Grand Forks a couple times to watch the Sioux. Hopefully John Marks will fill him in what it means to play for North Dakota, and how that makes you part of the Fighting Sioux family for life, even if we wouldn't be the Fighting Sioux at that point. http://fargoforce.com/blog/gabe-guertler-fall-classic-player-spotlight/
  8. I feel like the NCAA, jumping to the "hostile and abusive" conclusions!
  9. I don't think anybody wants to punish Native Americans that support the nickname. I just wish there was a way to show the PC crowd that actions have consequences... and Standing Rock took actions years ago that led us to go down the road of having Sioux as a nickname by giving permission and having a tribal ceremony. Now, having to change a nickname and the symbol which the University has become synonymous with, will create marketing problems as well as numerous others with alumni and friends who are upset by the whole thing because of the pride factor that will be lost. If I take a job and the commensurate salary with the responsibilities of that job, then decide to take on a less stressful job with less responsibilities, I wouldn't expect to keep the same salary. There are so many Native American programs at UND because the name is Fighting Sioux, plain and simple. Frankly, I think the University of North Dakota is hostile and abusive to Norwegians! Where are the Norwegian programs?
  10. tnt

    red shirts

    I guess if the freshmen are going to be 3's, I would just as soon see them redshirt. Would love it if this was Jake Miller's freshman year. I know they were short at that position when it wasn't sure with Sutton's situation, but in the end, he was only out a brief time. Unless the other depth is not good at all, why not redshirt and have them when things really start to count.
  11. Yeah, got my football and hockey tickets today.
  12. I see there is a show on television called "Arctic Roughnecks". As previously mentioned, not sure how the women's teams would feel about that name. Personally, I don't mind Roughnecks or Wheatkings.
  13. Yeah, you would think the NCAA would take care of "real" problems before they decide to take on imaginary ones. The NCAA is a complete joke, and if Miami doesn't get something close to the death penalty, they will become even moreso. How do the administrators in the NCAA look themselves in the mirror every morning?
  14. I say once the nickname is gone the fan base needs to start doing the tomahawk chop and have a white guy dressed up as a native american with warpoint on a horse throwing a spear into the turf. When the NCAA asks what is happening on our campus, we just respond that we thought that was the way we would be able to get the nickname back -- because it appears to have worked for Florida State! They probably still wouldn't understand the hypocrisy.
  15. Not saying he will or he won't but we have seen plenty of occasions on this board that "know" somebody that have expressed confidence that such and such would happen then didn't. Steve might have said "in so many words" that he was very unhappy with UND or something of the sort, and then someone who "knows" Steve extrapolates that to mean that his kid would never play for the Sioux. Or, he might have actually expressed that his kid would never play for the Sioux to someone. That is the basis of a rumor, when it isn't actually heard from the horses mouth. I guess in the next year or so, we'll probably find out one way or another.
  16. If indeed the Sioux offered him, there must have at least been some conversation with the coaches and the family. It would be nice to land him, partly because he is a local kid, but at this point his progess over the last few years hasn't branded him an elite talent. So if rumors are correct, unless he takes off in college like his dad, the Sioux could certainly attract players that would rival his talent anyway, so it's not like it would hurt the program. On the other hand, to miss out on playing for a team that is perenially a national contender and a chance for a National Championship only comes along once in a lifetime ... and if Cary Eades ever gets the itch to take on a head coaching challenge, it might not be best to burn your bridges, because let's face it, while most of us are out of the loop on the facts of these situations, the coaches probably know exactly why they lose out on players. Hopefully the Sioux can land a local boy that would most likely be a very good four-year player.
  17. Heard some of the rumors, but who knows what is actually the truth. The reason he wanted to take both of those jobs mentioned is because he wanted to be back in the Fighting Sioux camp because of the great experiences he had with the Sioux when he was in college. How do you deny your own flesh and blood those same experiences because you feel slighted. If Luke feels like that on his own, then so be it, but if Steve steered him away from UND because of that, then that to me would be kind of selfish. Again, that might not be the case at all, because bits and pieces of information can sometimes get blown out of proportion, and sometimes people think that a person should feel that way, and they actually might not.
  18. Maybe this is comparing apples to oranges, but it seems odd to me that the coaches have said that it was up to Dominique Hawkins if he wanted to make the move to safety or not, and after he tried it in the spring, he was asked if he wanted to continue down that path. Also it was said that the coaches wanted to remove Dan Hendrickson from kickoff coverage to preserve his body on defense, which was met with "no way" by Hendrickson. You love that attitude, but it makes you wonder who is running the show. I guess, I don't know to what extent that Hakstol talked to Marto, Davidson, Genoway, Gleason on their position switches, but ultimately he moved them for the betterment of the team and I don't know that the players had the decision in their hands. Maybe it is nitpicking a bit, but if a move needs to be made for the team to be better, it doesn't hurt to talk to the player first, but in the end it should be what the coaches feel is best. The coaches certainly saw Hawkins in spring ball, and if having him at safety utilized his abilities and made the team better then case closed. Perhaps they wanted to give the players the perception that they had a say in the matter and in the end they would have put their foot down, in which case -- nevermind!
  19. Luke Johnson had a goal in a 6-3 USA under 17 team loss. Wonder if he has any offers yet. Does the fact that St. Cloud State is in the old WCHA have any impact if he might play for them with his dad as an assistant? Of course a lot can happen in a couple years, with him and his dad.
  20. Also, Ryan Hill wore # 28 in the 2009-2010 season.
  21. Agree with this 100%. I just got back from Glacier National Park, and learned that the Glaciers in the park have diminished from 150 to 50 now, but the retreat of the glaciers started in 1860. They actually grew in the 1960's and 1970's. That would make no sense if automobiles and other industrialized societal inventions were the cause. Nevertheless, I agree that being good stewards no matter how miniscule the impact is indeed a good thing.
  22. The fact that some of the "experts" have had email uncovered that showed that they were trying to manipulate information and people, makes you wonder what is the truth. I was also under the opinion that there was information that the temperature has actually gone down a bit over the last decade. Whether that is factual or not, the fact that the "experts" have now changed their terminology from "global warming" to "climate change" makes you wonder if they are setting themselves up to argue either way for their agenda. If the temperature goes up it is because of man, if it goes down, it is because of man as well. It does make me wonder if this whole thing is a way for some do-gooders to redistribute the wealth with the U.S. having to pay other less fortunate countries carbon credits for their emissions. If in fact, the U.S. and other countries agree to this accord, I will find myself firmly in the camp of this being an agenda with some truth behind it.
  23. On the actual tickets it says "To be announced", so maybe they don't have a set time yet.
  24. The article says Lucia plans on getting the same arrangement with UMD.
  25. So if Moorhead State starts up hockey, you are giving UND credit for growing college hockey?
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