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Posts posted by homer

  1. No, you go ahead. Tell us how Kup's arrogance resulted in $1.55M overage in his personal residence, how took his entire family to DC on the school's dime$22.000 staying $4300. for three nights at a 'Holiday Inn Express', or how his wife got $50,000/yr for being the President's wife....oops, wrong President.


    But he was president when they went D1. Oh you mean there is more to being president than athletics and there is actually a budget that has to be followed.

    I suppose if Kuppy would have been smart enough to spend money that wasn't there than the two would have been on equal grounds. One had a budget and stuck to it and left the school better academically. The other spent whatever he wanted and left the school in debt. What else would they like to compare?

  2. You are of course aware that North Dakota's football team had twice as many wins as NDSU last season.........and our WBB program is 30 spots ahead of the Bison in the RPI. But at least Saul's squad is tearing it up on the hardwood...............

    Now why don't you add something of substance to the conversation rather than just trolling.........LINK

    HAHAHAHA......................Lakes add something of substance to any conversation is funny. Good one bin.

  3. homer 8 posts in 3 years (with really only 4 posts, cuz i always have to do a rebuttle reply to some dumbass like you who says "YOU ALWAYS ON HERE.. bla bla bla" ) it was the 347th team, seriously, just shut down, fb, bb, wbb. you're embarassing the state.

    Only 8 posts here but you have probably reached the thousands by posting about UND on bisonville, bisonsports, media blogs and newspaper comments sections. :sad: You can't deny that and every poster on any of those sites wouldn't argue with me.

    You care lakes. We've moved on and if tearing down UND is what it takes to make you feel better than go ahead and do it. We all know they are going to play again and when UND wins your head is going to explode. It will start with the baseball games and just carry over.

  4. OMG, the 347th rpi? whats D1 have? 347 teams? wow, time to just focus on hockey up there, o wait, denver u. what a freakin embarassment, I met brian jones last year in a gas station, and he was telling me how up and coming his team will be, ha ha. I dont know why im even commenting, but damn, this loss is right up there with mayville state. Thank god NDSU is smart enough to avoid you guys for 6 years now, hopefully 60 more. what a joke.

    Just more proof you do care lakes. Always have and always will. Just can't stay away.

  5. Then you need to talk with pete23 because he posted that hammer asked Gene Taylor about it. Besides just because YOU haven't heard it doesn't mean it doesn't get asked.

    Well I heard the UND AD got asked the question so I guess we are even. Just cause YOU didn't hear that one doesn't mean it never gets asked.

  6. I find it more interesting that no reporter ever asked a UND AD why they never played NDSU during our transition (all sports). That it only became a problem when UND started it's transition.

    Bison fans have obviously answered that question over and over Danno. The media, the state gov't, the SDoHE, everyone is obviously plotting against the bison to bring them down. I find it funny that you say UND blames all their problems on NDSU when it happens the other way as well. Everytime something negative happens or is reported at NDSU instantly there is a UND conneciton to it.

    I've never heard anyone specifically ask Taylor "WHY" they don't play. I have heard both the UND and NDSU AD's get asked about any sort of timeline. Huge difference. That question has always been asked since the moment the games stopped.

  7. Did he know he would be taking $22k away from the school (and did the money directly or indirectly (through transfers from other funds) come from a fund that was meant to be spent on the school) prior to making the decision to take his family with on the vacation?

    I think this could very easily have been innocent intentions that look very bad out of context.

    If NDSU has a fund sitting around with $22,000+ sitting in it that is not meant to be spent on the school than you just single handily figured out why they are in debt. See they could actually use that fund on the school.

  8. I just disagree with it being in the Ralph all together. If they packed the Betty last year, in my opinion, do it again this year. As a fan, I would rather see a packed Betty with people being turned away at the ticket booth than a a half filled lower bowl at the Ralph. It makes our place that much harder to play in. I understand UND trying to hype this weekend's games...it's a good idea. They need to do that for the big weekends, but make sure you are doing it in a way in which we'll have the advantage.

    More people=more $$$$$. Like 82SiouxGuy said these are planned well in advance. Obviously this weekend may not turn out to be the best weekend for this but if there was a game that was going to sellout the Betty it was this one and they probably figured they could sell some extra tickets. Doesn't hurt to try it as they have been playing a game at the Ralph every year I can remember.

  9. What a piss-poor, pathetic, protectionist, anti-foreign, border-line racist attitude. :ohmy:

    You just don't have a clue what big time, research, graduate university programs are about. Like it or not, NDSU (and UND) are big time research universities. You can NOT maintain a large graduate/research program without top notch grad students!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And top grad students already have offers of free tuition at our other peer research universities.

    It has to be done.

    Lookit, you just worry about how the hockey team is doing and if your supply of miller light is running short or not, K? Leave the academic side to people who have a clue. :huh:

    Whats wrong with wanting something in return for giving someone a free tuition? What positives am I missing about giving someone a free tuition only to have them return to their home country? Most of us here went to college and their where a lot of students just as smart and talented who where paying for their school and wanted to stay in this state or country. I'd rather have that than someone who leaves skidmarks on the ground and leaves the country as soon as they graduate.

  10. My point was score comparisions are pointless. It was a good win but saying they are better than the Bison because of it is wrong. Until they play, we won't know who is the better team. I'm sure that will be soon.

    By the way, your first D1 win was last year @UMKC wasn't it?

    Its called SARCASM!!!!

    Figure it out. Can't believe someone actually took those posts seriously even when the original poster spelled out his SARCASM right in the post.

  11. Just thought I'd check in and see how things are going with you guys. I've tried to keep up with your thread on recruiting but all the names, etc kinda make my eyes glaze over. :huh: How do things look for next year?

    You probably saw that we hit a little speed bump recently. :D Lots of angry rednecks down here, but it looks like we actually came out of the deal alright (football-wise anyway). Keeping the same offense and adding an SEC defense sounds pretty good. We did have the best recruiting class we've ever had, but we'll have to see how that works out. It doesn't look like too many, if any, are going to bolt on us.


    What are your overall thoughts on the Leach situation? I think he is a great coach and was sad to see him go. I don't think we will ever really know the true story or stories of what happened. I'm sure down there you are either on one side of the fence or the other. There is really no middle ground with a situation like that. From what we've been able to see up here there are a lot more Texas Tech fans who are on the coaches side and not on the players side. I personally don't disagree with that stance at all.

  12. I wonder if a guy would emailed faison and told him some concern or even jones if they woudl email back or jsu the delete button right away?

    Try it see what happens. I don't know if I would just pile on Jones, I would approach it as a concern for the program in general.

  13. The Massey ratings now include 1337 basketball-playing schools in the US and Canada: http://www.masseyratings.com/rate.php?lg=cb

    Here's how some former NCC, current NSIC and local NAIA/dIII teams rank:

    78 Northern Colorado

    91 MSU-Mankato

    113 Nebraska-Omaha

    182 St. Cloud St.

    214 Augustanta

    234 SDSU

    254 Winona St.

    273 Mary

    313 SW MN St.

    323 USD

    345 NDSU

    463 Concordia (Moorhead)

    511 Upper Iowa

    565 Minot

    587 Concordia-St. Paul

    656 MSU-Moorhead

    665 Northern St.

    702 Bemidji

    712 Jamestown

    724 Morningside

    755 UMD

    812 Valley City

    818 Mayville

    859 UND

    869 Dickinson

    942 UMC

    Ouch!!! That hurts.

  14. Whoever that person is commenting against the Sioux, is a very troubled person. It is almost scary.

    Yes, but they have moved on and don't care about UND anymore. Just ask anyone of them and they will tell you.

    I agree, that retard ruined the comment section for anyone who enjoys it. And the chicken !@#$ can't even use his real name.

  15. You those mean ol' N.D state auditors with UND accounting degrees and an axe to grind with NDSU? That'll be the next spin.

    Your absolutely right Shawn. This usually sums it up:

    -NDSU does something good= Great vision and leadership

    -NDSU does something bad= The media and UND alumni are holding us down. Its their fault, their jealous.

    -UND does something good= You could not have done that without the great vision and leadership at NDSU. Just riding NDSU's coattails.

    -UND does something bad= Poor leadership and vision at UND. Trying to cut corners and just be a follower.

    My 3 year old nephew takes the same approach when comparing himself to his peers. :huh:

    This is the mentality that the past leadership had at NDSU as well. If you weren't with them than they basically told you to !@#$ off it was Joe's way or Joe's way, thats the only two options. It worked for him, I won't deny he did great things for NDSU and North Dakota. But when you take that stance you have to understand people are going to jump on you for mistakes you make, not cause of jealousy but because along the way you told them to !@#$ off and did it your own way and now they are just returning the favor.

  16. These 'su idiots are so stupid they can't even come up with a creative user name! Here's what this bison DOUCHE came up with...siouxyabunga

    SERIOUSLY? It should have been "Sioux-a-BUNGA!" - not "Sioux YA bunga" you STUPID MORON!!

    Try to remember...when you're a POSER on a UND board and actually competing against people who are attending a real COLLEGE and with REAL ENGLISH CLASSES??? Do some research.....GOOGLE your possible answer? any road - just F*cking TRY to be original (FOR ONCE!) you idiots!

    Their response will be and I quote "Just cause I don't walk around with green colored glasses on you don't think I'm a Sioux fan? I'm just concerned about our programs."

    They do walk around with green colored glasses, just the wrong shade of green.

  17. Seems we have something of an epidemic recently of new, ultra-critical "Sious fans." Good thing they "got over" us and moved on years ago.

    I agree. I love the recent addition of fans that are suddenly so concerned with UND and how poor we are in everything. They all seem to have the same tone with their concerns but couldn't tell you a thing about what goes on during games cause they never go. Can you imagine how bad things would be if we where actually still their rival and they cared about us :lol:

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