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Posts posted by homer

  1. Texas Tech fan here.

    First, thanks to the mods / admin guys for letting me sign up and post. I'm not one to talk trash--at least to people that I don't know. ??? I mainly talk football, and I love X's and O's discussions.

    Now, for coming to Lubbock for the game, I plan on posting some more information during the summer. That being said, I would go ahead and try to get a hotel room as they tend to go fast. If you decide not to come, you can always cancel the room. You can call Marriott, Hilton, Holiday Inn, etc. and get a room.

    Since the game won't be on TV, kickoff will be at 6:00 PM. Not bad for West Texas. It will be hot during the day, but with our arid climate, it will cool down quickly. Highs on Labor Day weekend are usually 90 degrees, but in the evenings it should be around 80 - 85---and no humidity.

    We are expanding our stadium ($65Million) so the East Lot, where the best tailgating usually happens, is being moved. Where.....don't know yet. Regardless, Tech has the best tailgates. The general rule is you can just walk up, get a beer, and eat steak, fajitas, peppers, brats, dogs, or ribs. And, if you are single (or even if you are not), you will definately see plently of "eye candy".

    I look foward posting here and learning about your team, and answer any questions that you guys may have about Tech and Lubbock.

    How many starters do you guys return on your defense? Who is looking to be the replacement qb for Harrel? Any chance that guy could sit out that weekend? :)

  2. Depends on the conditions at the cemetary so the opponents can get around and get the names off of the tombstones for the ballots.

    These guys basically said whatever it takes as long as they win. The truth or facts are not important . If the cemetaries are muddy or wet it may take a few weeks.

    If the vote doesn't turn out the way the opponents want it to, they may need more time to collect "absentee ballots".

    I was going to type the same type of thing. I was thinking depends how many extra votes they have to stuff into the ballot box.

  3. It looks as though I'll be unemployed in a couple of weeks, so I'd be glad to drive to Fargo/Moorhead/Oxbow/Oakport/Oak Grove.....wherever, and do my part and pitch some sandbags.

    Sorry to hear about that. I hope you are able to find something else quickly.

  4. If they were to travel to Forks, I would like to see them in 2011 as we only have three home games lined up so far. "Next year" (2010) we already have five home games lined up.

    Personally I don't think they will travel up here since they are/will be an FBS team in 2012 but who knows?

    Oops thats what I meant. Now that the schedule is done I was confusing myself. I was thinking the next year of our schedule we're working on but didn't type that way. Anyways yeah, you get what I half assed said.

  5. Not sure where USA would fall into the schedule. 2011 USA will count as an FCS school on opponents schedules. 2012 they will count as an FBS school. Typically FBS schools don't travel to FCS schools so I would think if UND scheduled them, it would be an away game. Since they are a start up program transitioning to FBS, perhaps they would travel to UND in 2011 and we would return a game in 2012. Hard to speculate...

    Thats kind of what I was thinking. Maybe we could get them to travel next year. Only problem is with all of the FCS schools down south and out east they could travel a lot shorter distance for a game. Maybe they would be willing to help out a school in transition though since they are going through it as well. Either way I like to hear about scheduling earlier than the spring before the season starts.

  6. Well let's hope they're wrong again. They overpredicted by two feet just 48 hours before the crest hit, how reliable is two weeks?

    Agreed, there is a lot of snow around and water standing but trying to predict 2 weeks out is tough. They could be wrong on either side. If you can't get it right in 48 hrs how accurate can you be in 2 weeks? I just hope they are wrong and the weather continues to cooperate with a slow snow melt.

  7. What is this stuff about South Alabama? When would we play them and where?

    Its can't be for next years schedule it's for the following years. As far as where we would play them who knows. Maybe a home and home could be worked out. I like that they are getting on these things early as the closer you get to seasons starting the harder it is to find teams with open dates. The sooner something gets worked out the better for both schools. It will be one less game to schedule although with all the schools on the east coast its a little easier for North Alabama to find teams than it is for us.

  8. Ok, why?

    Who knows but I would think if he was coming back it would be good for him to participate in spring drills. Kid couldn't make the grades and maybe couldn't get them back up. I hope I'm wrong, I wish I'm wrong but I have a feeling I'm not.

  9. I agree that it is nice to see another FCS school on the home schedule! Don't know too much about Stony Brook but glad they are willing to come out to Nodak. Does anyone know if it's a part of a home and home agreement?

    Not sure about the home and home but it would be great if it was. Put that on the 1010-11 schedule along with possibly a FBS road game and we would be sitting at 10 games with 5 road and 5 home. We would only need to find one more. I'm just happy that we can start discussing scheduling for two seasons from now in this forum and we got a home game above a DII.

  10. I'm happy to hear this as well. Scheduling is proving to be very tough for a lot of teams right now and getting a FCS team to come to the Alerus is a good deal. Nice work to those in charge of scheduling. Another year of scheduling during this tough probationary period is done. Hopefully it gets a little easier from here on out. Good work Fighting Sioux.

  11. Let's not imply that there was "leadership" involved in the cases of Winnipeg and Grand Forks. Duff's Ditch was built largely in part to the 1950 flood. The same with the 60-foot dike in GF built reactively to 1997. Unfortunately that seems to be the way it works, $h1t hits the fan and various agencies appropriate money in prevention mode.

    Agree 100%. In situations like this the appropriate agencies seem to be reactive instead of proactive. Its not a huge suprise that Fargo is fighting this again, maybe a little sooner than most thought but not a suprise knowing the river. This thought that some people have that Grand Forks didn't try in 1997 is rediculous though. If the crest here in Fargo was 4 ft. higher than predicted we would be in the same boat, Mayor Walaker has even said so. Maybe Dan should check this out before making stupid comments like he did.

  12. With little sleep for the last 10 days he doesn't come across PC all the time. - Make fun of him all you want but with saving the city 2 times in the last 12 years I'll take him over anything you guys have had in gf.

    Well Dan, I live in Fargo and I did my fair share of sandbagging and truck driving last week. I'm not real sure on how everything works but when the weather service predicted the river to crest at 42 possibly 43, if it would have crested 4 feet higher like it did in Grand Forks in '97 not even Mike Ditka could've saved it. I don't think it was the mayor of Grand Forks' fault that the river crested higher than the prediction. It involves a lot of hard work, preperation, and a little luck as well. Such as not even hitting 41' this year. I'm counting my blessings this year but beings I lived in Grand Forks in '97 and lost everything, sometimes its not in our control. I hope our Fargo mayor can get this flood plan figured out to build some dikes so I don't have to go through that again.

  13. As predicted on this forum, Bisonville has started a separate thread to laugh and rejoice after UND got beat in the NCAA Hockey tournament.

    We started a thread congratulating them for making the tournament and wishing them good luck and was a positive thread for the most part. I posted in that thread that we will be expecting them to duplicate that for UND since many Bison posters stated that we should be "proud" of their team making it and how they "represent the entire state of ND" (knowing they wouldn't do it). Well, what we got was a 4 page thread about how great it is that UND lost in the tournament. First Class all the way.

    You run classy site Tony, we didn't expect anything less. :lol:

    It doesn't suprise me. After I went to check that out I saw another forum started to make fun of an article in the Tribune about Coach Jones saying he would like for the UND basketball team to be able to do what ndsu's team did this year. I don't think its a bad thing to try and share similarities with a small school that made the tournament with a very good team. Kind of a compliment to them but do you think bison fans saw it that way? I Could really care less what they think but love the fact that they have to start threads to try and beat down our programs to make themselves feel better about theirs. How many threads do you see on here tearing apart ndsu, go to bisonville and count the threads started in the last week about UND. I don't know why but they just can't let us go and I love it.

  14. I wish they had kept the same collar and cuffs as they currently have. It was neat how they tied in with the hockey uniforms. One thing that I would like to see UND do is tie all of the various sports' uniforms together and have a similar look.

    The North Dakota seems rather small and hard to read.

    I don't like the interlocking "ND".

    The old ones looked great and would have been fine with just adding "North Dakota".

    I don't like.

    How about the colors are they at least good enough for you? :glare:

    Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion and I respect those. Its funny but I thought the exact opposite. I'm glad they got rid of the colors similar to the hockey uniforms. It just didn't fit in my opinion. It didn't necessarily look bad but I don't think it looked good either. I like the new ones, wish their would have been pictures of black ones on their too.

  15. We all know one cannot judge an entire fan base by what one reads on a fan message board. Even so, this board has a strong contingent of posters who look down on the Summit League to the point it sounds like those fans prefer to not get an invite to the Summit. It seems the Summit League is the best option for UND in the immediate future and people can make a reasoned argument that the Summit would benefit if UND (and USD) are added, thereby raising the stock of the Summit.

    Aren't some of you concerned that the Summit League will pick up some sense of the attitude of some UND fans who think the Summit League is beneath them? How does that help UND get into a conference?

    I would just like to say hi to the commisioner of the Summit league since he obviously reads Siouxsports.com and is using it to make up his mind on letting us into the conference or not. Also, hello to the SEC and Big 12 commissioner. I have a crisp $1 in my wallet if you ever want to talk expansion.

    There I think I made the summit league feel better. Also, covered us for bigger conferences. Thanks for the funniest post I've read in a while.

  16. Ed/Op in today's Fargo Forum sports section said that SU going to the "Dance" is bigger than anything that has happened sports-wise in the history of NDSU or UND sports...i.e. more impressive than any national championships??? I find that fairly bold to print. So when does winning a conference tourney and being (presumed) one and done in a NCAA tourney outweigh a national title(s)? Didn't think as a state and state universities, we were into "participation" like some other school?

    As much as it pains me to say I think the bison beating the gophers in football is a bigger story. I don't think participating in a tournament is as big as beating a big 10 team in football. I also think that beings this is the first time its a big deal but as the bison continue to be very competitive in the summit and hopefully the Sioux as well this won't be as big of a deal and hopefully become expected. Its like Sioux hockey now. I'm sure when we won our first league title and qualified for our first national tournament it was a big deal. But now we expect it and I'm no longer happy with participating in the tournament but want to win it.

  17. I'm pretty sure both UND and NDSU have offered Hansted from Dickinson. He just went for 42 in the 3rd and 4th place game at the state tournament. Tournament record for a game is 47. The kid is a real talent and didn't force to get his 42. He plays in the system and works as hard on defense as he does on offense. It will be interesting to see what happens with him as he is only a sophmore.

  18. Besides, the Summit is an auto-bid league - the Bison will be back.

    Agreed, with the conference the way it is and Saul's ablility to recruit I think that the bison will compete for this yearly. But every year they qualify are bison fans going to be coming over to a Sioux board and tell us we have to cheer for their team or write on the bison board that we are just jealous if we don't. Last time I checked there is not 100% support for the Sioux hockey team or the Sioux football team when we where making the playoffs every year before the transition, why all of a sudden must their be 100% support for the bison basketball team. Coming over here and calling fans names that have decided not to cheer for them next weekend is silly and sounds really desperate. There are a few bison fans that post here I have a lot of respect (hammer, wyobisonman) and they don't expect every Sioux fan to drop whats going on to cheer for you. However, the few that come on this board to try and throw it in Sioux fans faces are not going to change anything and actually look really desperate for attention. I know what would happen if a Sioux fan did that on a bison board. They'd get chewed apart and rightfully so.

  19. ...and here we are on SS hoping someday the Sioux MBB will achieve that same reality. :D

    I don't think anyone is arguing its a cool thing Matt. What is stirring the pot is bison fans coming on here begging for UND fans to cheer for them. I think they have the support of some but not all and some are coming off looking very arrogant trying to justify how big of a deal it is. Bottom line is some people just don't care. I would love for the Sioux to be in this spot someday. I think getting into the league is obviously the first step. I see the bison competing for this trip year in and year out and hopefully UND can continue building their program and position themselves to be in the same spot.

  20. I'll add this, you want to get hardcore, your hockey team will never get the publicity that The North Dakota State University mens Bball team has had in the past week, and that moron is the reality!!! Live with it!!

    sorry and thanks for all the well wishers but I can't handle people as narrow minded as this idiot!! or sorry JEALOUS!!! :D

    You where excited about the game on espn2, the Sioux hockey team has actually played a few games on ESPN and ESPN2 in the same weekend. It happens when you make it to the frozen four. You had a article on ESPN.com, Sioux hockey has had that to. Coverage in some national papers, been there, done that. Yes this last week ndsu mens basketball has gotten a lot of coverage and next week there will be more as well but don't say they will never get the publicity. They have already had the exposure your getting now, more than once actually. You guys hopefully win that game next Thursday or Friday and the exposure will be huge, I definately won't argue with you there. If not though, CBS is going to be showing only scores of the game as they switch to another game thats on, except locally of course. Its neat and exciting and something I think the bison could do fairly regularely with the coach they have in the conference they are in. 3-4 quality players will give you a chance in that conference and if you have a quality big man look out.

    I have already stated that I am happy for the ndsu basketball team. You posted earlier how you don't understand how other people can't be happy and cheer for them. Well, stupid posts like this are the reason. You come on another schools message board and start calling names because other fans of other teams aren't cheering for your school. You sound like the idiot. I'd like to see what you and your boys on bisonville would do if someone came on there and started saying how you should cheer for the Sioux hockey team because it represents the state. That would go over real well I'm sure. It has nothing to do with being jealous, some people actually just don't give a sh*t. Deal with it. Good luck in the tournament though. Some people will be cheering for your team.

  21. That only makes a shred of sense when the teams are playing that in-state rivalry.

    It's pathetic that you try to carry that false hatred over to when those schools are representing ND on the national stage.

    I'll tell you whats pathetic, you trying to tell people what teams they must cheer for because of geography. Give it up please.

    And this is coming from a UND fan who will be cheering for ndsu next weekend.

  22. I'm beginning to wonder about the elected officials in Fargo. (I do live in Fargo by the way.) I can't believe that the state representative didn't get absolutely butchered for publically stating after he signed the bill supporting the UND-ndsu game to be resumed, we all know that stupid bill that everyone thought was a waste. Anyways, I don't know his exact lingo but he says he didn't read what he was sponsoring before he signed it. What the fu**? How can an elected official making decisions for the state get away with this? And about this matter I am really disappointed in our mayor. I don't care what you think you cannot say someone failed after going through that natural disaster. Thats like saying Northwood failed this summer.

  23. You are simply wrong on this matter.

    In-state rivalries are fine and good, but they do not apply when a school from your state is representing the whole state on the national stage.

    Sorry, you have no excuse to transfer your misplaced hatred.

    Is there a book somewhere where you get your information about the rules on in state rivalries and the rules that apply?

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