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Posts posted by homer

  1. Oh heck no! You keep him. We had to put up with several years of this crap. It's your turn. You know those weapons of mass destruction we couldn't find? Yep, been hiding here all along. Maybe in five or six years we'll consider taking him back. You can hold out for that long, right?

    Good lord hammer five or six years. This has to be another form of pressure by the NCAA to drop the Fighting Sioux name and logo. It might be working on me. I'm about ready to crack. Maybe SDSU wants him. :silly:

  2. If you actually cared about ND as a state, then you would root for a fellow North Dakota school when they're on a national stage, representing North Dakota.

    I know I will be rooting for NDSCS at their national JC tournament and rooting for UND during the WCHA tournament and NCAA tournament.

    Good for you. You are the superfan of North Dakota. I'm sure there are a lot of bison fans who won't be cheering for them so go share your infinate wisdom about state support with them. Please, hurry. Don't respond just go. They could really use this same lecture. Think about how strong the state will be when you bring everyone together. Another question, if you don't support North Dakota does that mean you don't support the USA? I mean how can you not support a team in the country that you live.

  3. WOW, here I thought we had something here. I, as a HUGE NDSU fan have always supported UND hockey, b/c we don't have it here. I expected some bad attitude from some UND fans, Dave K, didn't expect anything less from you. BUT, this is bigger than you jokers, this IS DI basketball. This is the first for the state, this is it fellas, we made it, the Big Dance. Just let it go for a second and recognize. I'm posting this not as a ndsu/und thing, but really, wow, let us have our 15 minutes.

    I'm curious where Big A HG is from?

    Come on man don't come on a Sioux board and act shocked to see this. You guys had to know that not all Sioux fans where going to be supportive of your win. It does go both ways. Even though you support Sioux hockey suprisingly enough there are bison fans who really take pleasure in it losing and are constantly putting down hockey every chance they get. I don't think calling Sioux fans jokers is a great way to make your point either. What do you want people to do write a check to Teammakers to show how happy they are for you?

    I personally am excited to watch the bison in the dance and think that your program is full of class from the coaches all the way down the line to the water boy but it is not required for everyone in North Dakota to feel that way. I think all your players have handled themselves very well in interviews after the game and throughout the day today and that besides winning is also something to be very proud of. I just don't think you expecting everyone from everywhere to be overcome with joy that the bison made the dance is realistic. Last time I checked all of bisonville wasn't excited when UND has success in something. A majority though usually are but everyone is entitled to their opinion. I'll say it again, good luck to the bison in the tournament. Like an majority of the "jokers" on this site, I will be watching and rooting for the bison but apparently that is not good enough for you.

  4. Congrats to the Bison. That was a great game. That would be fun if both schools where in Minneapolis next weekend. I haven't been to the NCAA tournament but would definately check it out if the Bison where in Minneapolis. Best of luck to a classy group of guys.

  5. The quarterback that signed with NDSU commented on how he liked the NDSU coaches honesty with him. They told him he wasn't their first choice and kept him informed where he stood during the whole recruiting process. Sounds like honesty to me.

    Apparently it is UND's coaches policy to offer recruits and tell them how they want them to come to UND until they actually accept the offer and the coaches realize maybe they don't want them or they are over extended and have no scholies left. Perhaps an honest coaching staff would call a recruit and let them know the offer has been pulled BEFORE they accept it.

    By the way, how many incoming recruits are expecting that trip to Hawaii? I heard that was a pretty major selling point for the Sioux coaches. Has the contract been signed yet?

    You guys still can't get over our recruiting class yet huh? I don't know of the UND staff over extending themselves recruiting. I do know they have a couple scholorships left. We had a good class overall that we are happy with. We did have an unfortunate instance with the recruit from Wisconsin but I know I only heard one side of the story, same as you. You spin it however you want but from what we know, it wasn't exactly handled correctly and mistakes where made. I'm not going to let it ruin what was a great recruting class that fills a lot of holes we had and added great depth. And no, I don't know about Hawaii. What do you know? I haven't seen a signed contract but its not my job to make the UND schedule either. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the coaches know more about the game than you and I or anyone else on this board. Since the game isn't going to be scheduled for next year anyways, I'm not concerned. Thanks for your concern though. Must be nice to come over here from your perfect program and throw stones. Wait, I forgot about that drug arrest last week. Sh*t unfortunately happens man. You learn from it, put it behind you and move on. I'm sure the UND coaches will learn from this.

  6. So coaches moving up to higher division fb jobs is a sign of disarray. Good one.. Linebacker coach wanted the DC job and Bohl told him he had to apply - he didn't like so HE decided to look else where. I think you can tell by our recruiting class that nothing was in disarray (we didn't lose a single recruit) and to say different is wishful thinking on your part. :D???

    Wishful thinking about what? I never said you guys didn't have a good class. I was responding to the fact that you said we went head to head on a few recruits and of course you guys got them all. I was saying was making a joke about this being how it always works according to Bison fans. We hear the same stuff every year. I could give a sh*t less about your coaching staff, but I'm sure during recruiting losing three coaches no matter where they go isn't ideal. Coach Bohl did a good job with this. And I have heard that Nystrom was told to leave, he was Pearle's boy and when Pearles left on bad terms with Bohl, he was gone. This is just what I heard from someone that I would call in the know but it could be wrong. I'm sure you know more than I do and I'm not gonna change your mind so I am not going to argue that with you. Also, the players loved Nystrom. He was definately a players coach but you guys did a great job filling the DC with the hiring of Mike Breske. I have known him for a long time and he is a great guy and will be a solid coach. Now, lets get back to scheduling.

  7. I couldn't care less if we go with black jerseys.

    As long as we win it doesn't matter to me.

    Agreed, I think it would be neat to have something to change it up every once in a while. I like the all white on the road, just gives another combonation and something different. Jerseys aren't a high priority on my list. Agree with Sioux27, as long as we win, it doesn't matter to me.

  8. We went head to head with only a few recruits with UND but we heard that UND was telling them that our coaching staff was in disarray and that UND had the largest engineering school in ND. Heard the engineering one from the recruits HS coach. Both recruits committed to NDSU after learning the truth. Negitive recruiting usually fails.

    Of course is was only a couple of recruits and of course they all signed with NDSU. Thats the way it always works and has for years. We all know how it works in your minds. I think when you have a offensive coordinator, defensive coordinator leave and your head coach tells your linebackers coach that he no longer has a job, your coaching staff isn't exactly what one would call ideal is it?

  9. Has had. No longer.

    Oh great MplsBison, no matter how many years UND gets they will never have as great of recruiting classes as the Bison. They will never catch them in anything. Is that better? Is that what you want to hear?

    I think the only statement being made was depth will be a concern right away. No one is using it as an excuse and I hope the game is played this year, even though it won't be. Any person with any sort of common sense can tell you that if you are given 63 scholorships to spread out over five years thats 12.6 per year compared to 7.2 per year with the 36 of the DII days. Thats a lot of extra depth with those 5 scholorships per year once a school gets a chance to get those spread out throughout the program. Thats all anyone was pointing out. I can't believe you can't realize this. No wonder they don't let you post on bisonville.

  10. How has this not come up yet? I know we have our own troubles to worry about but can you imagine if this had happened here what they would be saying down there.


    Yeah they would be all over it tearing it apart but the bottom line is the player made a mistake and will have to suffer the consequences. This stuff happens unfortunately and coach bohl can decide how he would like to handle it.

  11. Either that or Portland St. I am preparing myself for another DII or possibly NAIA game however :lol::D

    If it comes down to the fact we aren't able to get a FCS team to Forks for the 5th home game, I would like to see UND entertain the idea of only four home games if it results in a quality team signing a home and home in the future...such as SDSU did a few years back.

    Agreed. I would have no problem only having four home games this year if it makes for a few more down the road as we get closer to the end of this 5 years. Also, as the team reloads with recruits having more home games to take in as these young players mature would be a real treat for fans. Ideally not another NAIA or DII school.

  12. Now that means that the Potato Bowl Game has to be a DI game for us to meet the DI minimum. If that happens its going to turn out to be a pretty good schedule.

    Yeah since the bison fans don't want the game tickets should be easy to come by for this one in the dome. It was probably harder to get a ticket for Central Conneticut.

  13. Ok, Football doesn't have fighting in it not the likes of Hockey and if something on the order of people punching each other was to happen in Football there would be consequences off the field that those players would be facing in either enforcement by the law and association they played in/for. Boxing IMHO is a poor example as by it's very nature those entering the sport know that the purpose of boxing is to score points by hitting the opponent and ultimately knocking him out. Whether you agree or not on the rules of boxing or that its a socially acceptable sport is altogether another discussion. Hockey on the other hand is supposed to as I understand it be a sport where skating skill and puck handling skills along with scoring are the objectives yet fighting is engrained and accepted as "part of the sport" which is where I am coming from. Why is it "part of the sport" and acceptable. Just curious.

    I see your point but I believe that the penalties and game suspensions are the consequences they and their team suffer. Its the punishment they recieve. Baseball is similar when a batter charges the mound, fight happens, players get kicked out and suspended but the law doesn't step in. Is that acceptable in your mind because thats part of that sport. If a player on your team gets beaned, retaliation is expected. Like I said, it was around long before I was. I could try and change it for you if you'd like but don't think I'd get to far. Don't really know what you are looking for here. Can we get this thread back on track or let it die. The incident involving Kelley concerning the UND football team is taken care of.

  14. It's not a lame smack attempt at hockey it's a legit question. If you have an answer as to how it's different or OK to have fighing in hockey that would in any other event be a violation of the law please explain it to me I'd love to hear it. I have never understood how fighting was acceptable in hockey. If you don't have a legit response don't bother with another smacky comment this was posed in this forum for obvious reasons. I don't see any difference myself but obviously hard core hockey fans do and I would like to understand why they feel its justifiable.

    How come you can box in a ring and not on the street? How come football players can run over a qb from the blindside but can't wipe out a guy walking acroos the street? Its part of the game. You know its part of the sport you are competing in. Thats why some people play these sports, because things are allowed that you can't do on the street or you will get arrested and punished. Pretty obvious answer. Its justifiable cause its in the rules. We didn't write them so go ask the guy who did for your justifiable answer.

  15. referring to robert stroup as the first black eye. he was cleared of most of the charges i believe and they found out the girl as lying about most of the incident

    He made a plea agreement to get the charges dropped but that is besides the point. This is two offseasons in a row where it has been in the papers and on the news about a UND football player involved in a physical dispute. I know it happens but the players have to hold themselves to a higher standard and understand that they themselves are not bigger than the program.

  16. Story heard the RA brought HIM into Walsh.. so your more than likely is wrong. And they were holding him down when they were assaulted. and UFC? Right. Once again he didnt beat someone.. he punched them once in the face.. have you ever seen hockey? They fight right on the ice.

    Doesn't matter how bad he beat them up, bottom line is he struck a UND employee. I don't know the story but last time I checked RA's just don't hold someone down for no reason. Maybe someone was provoking him, maybe they weren't, I don't know. I'm sure it would have gotten sorted out when the campus police arrived. He made a poor choice striking the RA's before they got there and thats the unfortunate part. I feel bad for him but when something like that happens you really leave the administration no choice but to dismiss you. I'm glad the coaches did this and pretty soon the players need to understand that they can't do this sh*t. This is two huge blackeyes in two years for the program and these guys need to go to make a point that this stuff isn't going to be tolerated.

  17. You are right again...Everyone wants to play with NDSU again...How could I be soo wrong on that call!! I think once you get away from this message board, most people would rather play montana or montana st than play NDSU...The luster is gone and when the name changes, so will the fight for Nickel. But, I'm sure you will tell me that we can create a new trophy...Maybe like the mile marker of the I-29 sign trophy. Good luck....


    No offense Bob but although games against those two schools would be fun I would rather play the Bison. Playing in those games was great. I've spoken to Bison players who play'd the same time I did and they agree and would like to see it continue. A lot of people that speak to me about not wanting to play it are people that never played it. Although some who played it say it doesn't matter either so it goes both ways. This is just my opinion.

  18. All signs seem to be guaranteeing a football game in 2012. Taylor has more or less sold himself on 2012 in order to avoid having to schedule UND in 2009-11.

    And the great news is that other sports could be playing in 2010.

    This is good news in my mind. The sooner the date is set, the sooner we can get passed all of the complaining and celebrating that will go on and than focus on the game itself. Also getting the other sports on board will be a great thing for both schools in my mind. For UND, playing NDSU or vice versa will be far better than playing Mayville St., Jamestown, etc. That is something I don't think anyone can argue.

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