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Everything posted by homer

  1. Your questioning Carlson's law that he himself said it is ok to break as there is no punishment for doing so?
  2. What is the thinking among Montana fans? Is this a conference they feel they would jump at? There are several schools in the BSC and the region who could potentially be good fits for this conference if they are seriously thinking about expanding to 30.
  3. UND always had to worry about the others, their opinion will be there regardless of what happens between now and june and will not change. Its about getting enough votes if it comes to that and Hakstol's thoughts on this will influence a lot of votes that were on the fence on the topic. I've always been of the opinion that 25% of the voters will vote yes and 25% will vote no, no matter what further information they get between now and June. Its the middle 50% that will determine the outcome and Hakstol coming out and commenting will influence some of that 50%. Look at the influence he had with the e-mail that had his name on it. If he is on the "name must be changed" side, some former very recognizable players may step up and also join him. This will catch the attention of a lot of people.
  4. And doesn't have the facts straight about what they are talking about.
  5. I don't think the hold up is where the first game is going to be held. Last game was in Grand Forks.
  6. Bison06 is not knocking the talent level. Just pointing out that at any level, if a player is able to redshirt it will benefit him, espcially a qb. Brooks included. I think everyone is in agreement on that.
  7. Hopefully all of them but I would guess two or three have a chance to see the field. One or two of the WR's (depending on how Jackson and Young develop) and Cain at safety. That is my best guess.
  8. Someone is a little defensive today. It was a joke lighten up. But in response to this I'll say Success in the 70's and 80's. Cool beans.
  9. Maybe I should have put a behind my quote. I was being sarcastic about both and what John Hoeven was doing at the time.
  10. Yep, losing a home game every other year to UND would suck for you. UND has had very good success in the fargodome so I understand you concern about playing UND.
  11. Al Carlson fits the bolded portion of your quote but still felt the need to take it upon himself to do what he felt was the best for the University. John Hoeven was busy creating a giant oil reserve in Western, ND.
  12. I agree with him and not cause I hate Hakstol, it's cause he is the most well respected coach on campus. Take a look at what his e-mail campaign did and how his behavior at the press conference shaped the thoughts of a certain group of fans when the very first original name change was announced. Words from him carry a lot of weight with the one team on campus that is still using the logo.
  13. This is what I was mentioning in earlier posts. The university has remained pretty quiet during most of this. Not after yesterday. Its time to get the word out and if this even makes until June, we have 4 months to get the story of the entire athletic department out. This is why it is not a certainty this thing passes if it makes it to ballot.
  14. I'm not so sure it will pass. I know a few on here think it is a lock but there is 70%-80% of the ND voting population that doesn't have their mind made up one way or the other on this issue. The leadership of the university is now becoming more vocal and you are going to see alumni, both athletic and academic become more and more vocal in this. I also believe if, and it may be a big if, you can get Coach Hakstol to come out and admit there will be ramifications against the hockey team if the name stays, this will be put to bed right now. That man has earned a lot of respect from former players and current fans and it won't take long for word to spread if he does this. Like i said however, that is a big if. I still hold firm that if the vote was tomorrow, it would be very close. The extra time until June will only help the University who has stayed pretty quiet during this time, spread their word. The actions of the past few days have gotten the ball rolling and more and more people are going to speak up.
  15. Tom Clifford was never in the same situation as President Kelly. It was much easier at that time to tell the nickname opponents to pound sand cause there were no reprecussions to the NCAA. Tom Clifford had a love for UND, students and athletics but he was never in this same situation as president.
  16. The hockey only crowd will not believe Faison but they would believe Hakstol in a second.
  17. I hope you are just trying to stir the pot.
  18. There doesn't have to be a HUGE change in public perception. If the vote was tomorrow it would be a close vote that could go either way. There is a long time between now and June, and a lot can happen but I truely believe that the crowd who supports the University of North Dakota has been silent and the Fighting Sioux crowd has been making all the noise cause they have had to draw attention to themselves and their cause. So your 50 or so UND friends on facebook aren't an accurate representation of the entire fanbase or the state of ND. Just as this forum or Bville aren't always an accurate description of the entire fanbases of each school. There is an entire group of alumni of the athletic dept who are ready to go spread the word and hopefully be a voice that is just as loud for the University if the state legislature and the SBoHE fail us once again.
  19. I sometimes sit back and wonder how Hakstol and Roebuck feel about the situation we are in now? If everyone thinks back to the day the nickname change was announced, it was pretty obvious how those two felt. I'd like to hear them now. Both are held to a higher standard in the eyes of the fans and rightfully so. Having them share their thoughts now could really sway a crowd one way or the other. I'd like to know if Roebuck still holds the same feeling that he would "rather have the nickname than be in a college conference" or if that feeling has now changed.
  20. You do understand there will be a lot of cost associated to having UND in the conference? Also, when they voted us in as Fighting Sioux we had a travel partner that was within bus trip distance away. In case you haven't been following that travel partner isn't there anymore. They are willing to work with it but its a long way and a nice chunk of change from a lot of those locations to Grand Forks.
  21. homer


    Don't forget he's a UND student. Which is obvious by his posts in this thread.
  22. So where does the crowd fall that is using the nickname and your Native American friends to try and stick it to the man. They have no interest what so ever in the nickname or UND, this is being used for political positioning. If Al Carlson really felt that strongly that the nickname was honoring the NA's and was doing so much good for the NA community, don't you think he would have set some form of punishment for breaking his law? And what are your thoughts on him basically recommending to UND they break the law if this passes? Does that sound like a guy who has the backs of the Native Americans working so hard or a guy who actually met with the NCAA and knows their stance and knows whats best for UND?
  23. They won't listen to facts, they only discredit their stories.
  24. And the same day the student body president comes out and says UND students are tired of the whole thing and the time and energy spent on the nickname flip flopping could be better spent somewhere else. Maybe like attracting even more students.
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