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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. Dang... I'm not even gonna get to see the start of the game before I have to go babysit... what was I thinking agreeing to babysit?!? Oh well... I didn't see much of yesterday's game either, so hopefully it's the same results. Let's go Sioux!!! One of my friends mentioned it looked as though Phil had gotten a haircut when he was getting interviewed... anyone else notice this?
  2. Apparently since Wisconsin is the home team, they feel like they should be able to play the late game no matter what. I think that's crap... they lost, they should be in the early game... but whatever. And yes... the championship game is being played before the 3rd place game.
  3. I'm not sure about that one... but I do remember that last year Phil broke his helmet, or it was somehow broken, and so the second half the season he simply had a black one because it was "too expensive" (I believe is the reason I heard) to get a new paint job.
  4. I saw this article in the Madison newspaper yesterday and thought it was pretty cool. It would be neat to see pictures of our goalie's helmets and hear the stories behind them as well. Masking No Fear You can just read the article, if you want to see the pictures, click on "Virtual newspaper edition available" at the top of the page and then in the window that pops up click on "proceed to requested story"
  5. Being that we are not only playing an away series, but it's also in Colorado (elevation, time difference) if our players did come back on Fri/Sat would we even play them? I wouldn't think so... However, if USA continues as is, and comes home early... then it's a different situation
  6. Leah! Three weeks and I'll be back in GF... let me know when you know where you are living!

  7. Any word if it's a serious injury like he won't be on the team... or if it is something that he can play through?
  8. Bishop Discuss Decision Was this a difficult decision or did you maybe have an idea this was coming? Bishop: It definitely wasn't a spur-of-the-moment decision. I'd say it was building. But leaving a school like North Dakota... it's the toughest decision I've ever had to make in my life.
  9. According to Brad's blog he will search for another school. Good luck in the future Hunter!
  10. Although he didn't get to play that much here... yet, I too hope that he returns in the fall. As with everyone else, the little that I did see him play, he definitly looked good. Hockey is these guys lives and if he thinks that he needs more time to develop and that this will help him in the long run... then I'm all for it! Good luck Hunter
  11. From what I can gather, the pilot only had his private pilot's license. Which is the very first one that you get. The poor weather conditions made flying instrument conditions... meaning that to be flying in it, you should have had an instrument rating, which he did not. The clouds were at 200 feet and visbility was only 1 mile. Not to try and make any conclusions, but seems like it would be very easy for them to have gotten disoriented in a cloud and not known where they were at.
  12. I'll be at both games, down on the glass by the penalty boxes. Hopefully we play well and get some much needed wins! With Toews gone (although he hasn't done much recently, as far as scorecard wise) it'll be time to see who will step up. Obviously I think Duncan will have a great weekend, he just might becoming my new favorite player. I'd like to see either Kozek or Watkins step up and put some pucks in the net... seems like they are about due
  13. Not trying to make the situation seem less worse than it is, or change the topic at all... but it's probably a good thing that Kessel went pro this past offseason. I don't know NCAA rules that well, but it seems to me that U of M wouldn't be able to, or wouldn't pay for, help with medical bills... but it seems like Boston might. I know with the GB Packers a few years ago the punter had testicular cancer and they paid for all his treatment. So hopefully Boston will do something similar and he can get the best medical attention possible.
  14. I asked the guy Sat night what the Friday ones went for. I believe he said $925 (Toews) and $800 (Duncan)
  15. Born in Cheyenne, WY. Moved to Madison, WI when I was like 2. Going to school up here at UND
  16. I think that Ryan Bakken says it very well... Mediocre "Tonight was a microcosm of their season _ spotty goaltending, idiotic penalties, lack of scoring from the big guns and Ryan Duncan being the star of the team."
  17. Brad Eidsness # GOALIE GP W L T G A PIM SO MP GA GAA SH SA SV% 29 Bradley Eidsness 32 14 8 1 0 1 2 3 1414 64 2.72 701 637 90.87 Did you get to talk to him at all? 5'11 still isn't huge, but taller than Phil, not sure how tall Walski is EDIT: Same height as Walski
  18. Anyone know who the recruit on the bench during warmups last night was? About the same height as Eades, short brown hair... I've got a picture, but I've got to figure out how to get it on here first
  19. Was at the game as well... As much as I'd like to blame Adam for the loss (that was some crappy reffing, and I let him know it) this was a team loss. Goaltending in the second was weak. Not sure where the defense was the entire game. We couldn't clear the puck for the life of us, we didn't clear people out of in front of our net. And other than Duncan, where were the forwards. Lots of effort, but no results. I think there was three, maybe five guys that played well and the rest just played alright. I don't know if the problem is chemistry, coaching, fundamentals, or just flat out being outworked but something needs to be changed. I'd like to see Grieco tomorrow, but I don't want it to seem like we are blaming Phil. The second goal was WEAK, but hey, who knows... if the penalties had been called, the defense had played, and we put more pucks in the net, things might have been different and then we wouldn't be having this conversation. One thing is for sure. We have to stop taking penalties. I don't care if you are pissed because the bounces aren't going your way, the refs are calling everything on you and nothing on the other team... you can't take stupid penalties! As for the fans, I thought that at the beginning of the game the fans were pretty good, made some noise. As the game went on, there was less to cheer about and more to boo about... Let's hope the boys come out with some fire tomorrow night... screen Elliott, shot, score, and play defense! I hope to have a Saturday night like in the CC series... because going back to Madison in a week (after finals) isn't sounding like too much fun right now...
  20. However, if we play like we did Saturday against Colorado College we should have few problems at all. Kinda depends which team shows up. I'm hoping that the game this past week was a little off just because of it being exhibition. Yeah, it's still a game, but I'd imagine that it might be tougher to work up as much intensity in an exhibition game compared to a WCHA game. Looking at how you cheered for example... Did you go to the game? Did you go as early as you normally go? Did you cheer? Yeah, I cheered and joked about the reffing, but nowhere near as much as I do for a "real" game. Should be a great weekend, and for personal reasons, I hope we sweep the Badgers!!!!
  21. Tormey Hopes To Return After Surgery Here is a little more about Tormey's situation...
  22. According to my friend who goes to Mankato, Tormey severed a tendon and he needs surgery. The coach says he's out for however long it takes...
  23. Even though we lost, I'm really proud of the boys. They were down 27-0 in the first quarter and they never gave up. They came together, stopped the Laker offense and put some points up on the board. Definitly not an effort to be ashamed of... if only the first quarter would have gone differently. How many more days until the next football season?!?
  24. BLOCK THAT KICK! Dang... 30-14 GVSU
  25. Here's video of the Tormey take out and the resulting brawl... Minnesota vs. Mankato
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