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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. ahhh... thanks... guess I was only half paying attention
  2. Didn't we get a goalie for 2008-2009? EDIT: Brad Eidsness... he's coming after Phil graduates, right?
  3. Wow... I didn't think of this until I read it on fightingsioux.com, but it's amazingly true! "In the dying minutes of the second period, UND sophomore defenseman Joe Finley attempted to backhand the puck out of his own zone and lifted it directly into the center ice scoreboard. That Finley hit the scoreboard proved to be prophetic, because that
  4. I think we had double their shots... 30 something to like 19...
  5. Joe Finley with the game winning goal... don't think we'll be hearing that too many more times! Haha... Good game boys! Now let's sweep UAA
  6. Make that 21-20... extra point pending... correction, going for two Seattle up 21-20
  7. Let's keep with the first of the season goals and F names... Forney's up next!
  8. I'm thinking it's about time for Duncan to score....
  9. Didn't I hear earlier in this game that our ref is the worst in the WCHA? lol... that debate could probably go on forever... however, a debate for the best WCHA ref would be VERY short
  10. Reminds me of the playoff game (?) last year when someone put a puck in the bar in the upper deck at the Ralph
  11. Zajac with a few great chances, penalty on CC... Let's go power play!!!!! EDIT: I'm crazy slow... maybe I should just stop... haha
  12. Martens with a nice set up of Fabian, good save by Zaba... If we keep playing like this, we're bound to get some more in the net
  13. Because Phil has been playing really well since Christmas
  14. three of St Cloud's "unbeaten" games were ties... once with us, twice with the Gophers... so that still says a lot.
  15. I'm gonna venture out and guess Watkins, for taking the major penalty... but other than that, I can't comment because I didn't hear the interview.
  16. I'm predicting a win tomorrow night. Mainly because I was at the Saturday night game in GF and they won, and tomorrow I'll be able to listen to it on the radio. So I've got my fingers crossed and I'm hoping for the best
  17. I got the link to this article from the Chicago website, so it obviously has an NHL, Chicago bias, but still a good read and great words about Toews. Toews showing future boss that he can lit it up, too
  18. WiSioux


    Did you just see him hit that kid? Not trying to start the whole physical vs positional defense debate again, but I've never seen Brian Lee level anyone like that before...
  19. I thought the bench minor was on San Jose Yahoo Box Score
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