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    Twin Cities currently, grew up in western NoDak
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    Basketball, racquetball, coaching my kids in soccer and hoops, fishing with my old man, watching the Red Sox, the Bruins, and the Fighting Sioux!

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  1. Maybe...Sioux have plenty to worry about from UMD as it is.
  2. Yes, but only the Bronze wash...Platinum wash reserved for Chippahz.
  3. Seriously? UND is only at par with the best? I thought REA was the top place in college hockey when it came to facilities/amenities.
  4. He may have appeared to be a step slow...however, he's a natural goal scorer so it's hard to overlook that.
  5. Who are the kids that are high end D1? Local kids from the Hermantown area or part of their recruiting class?
  6. About as even a game as I've seen...very exciting. If USA stays healthy they probably win; they were able to bottle up Canada's superstars for long stretches. At the end of the day it's an exhibition, albeit a great one. USA and Canada finish 1-1 against each other with Canada taking the title. After tomorrow, nobody will probably think twice about it.
  7. Monty was in the crosshairs of Buium after Zeev got blown up by Jammer IIRC.
  8. True, but it's not exactly a newsflash.
  9. The guy who wrote the Friday recap wanted Jammer strung up by his thumbs for the hit on Buium. He called it a slew foot and an attack from behind. Apparently Zeev was just skating along minding his own business. Also mentioned: The two teams don't like each other, UND fans are loud and politically incorrect (for using the Sioux name), David Carle is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I don't know about you guys but with this type of insight and analysis, I'm thinking Pulitzer here.
  10. Uncle Andy have anything interesting to say?
  11. So we can quote you on this?
  12. I thought it was just for Sandy.
  13. There's plenty of good discourse here; just gotta find the right people.
  14. Small town my ass...they probably just fly in for games.
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