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    Twin Cities currently, grew up in western NoDak
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    Basketball, racquetball, coaching my kids in soccer and hoops, fishing with my old man, watching the Red Sox, the Bruins, and the Fighting Sioux!

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  1. How about if people say they don't play with enough grit? That fall into the same category?
  2. Yeah, but fireworks!
  3. Regional final? That means we won a tournament game, right? That would double the total since 2016.
  4. F*ck DU!
  5. Fuckin'A'rights!
  6. Well he's better than the gofer bobos...
  7. All you have to do is get in the tourney...anything can happen!
  8. Where would this team be with Blake right now? Sorry, I just had to say it.
  9. That guy sucks so hard...
  10. UND does brothers. #UlmerPanzerHoogsteen
  11. Maybe everyone is a little tired? Hard to celebrate beating Miami because they suck but sweeping the Clowns is impressive and people are more aware.
  12. That's a lot of car washes.
  13. Nah, too early to be thinking about that. Let's see where we are at in late March/early April timeframe.
  14. Yeah, let's hope the Sioux are on the good side of the injury bug for a while. It would be nice to play with a full complement of players for once.
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