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  • Location
    Twin Cities currently, grew up in western NoDak
  • Interests
    Basketball, racquetball, coaching my kids in soccer and hoops, fishing with my old man, watching the Red Sox, the Bruins, and the Fighting Sioux!

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  1. I'd buy that for a dollar.
  2. That's right; for a ZJ. And if you don't know what that is you probably can't afford it!
  3. Huh? You may want to weave in a water or two between drinks.
  4. If Chaves is reading this forum for guidance UND is in BIG trouble.
  5. So this exhaustive national search is real or just a sham?
  6. They should have played harder for him then?
  7. Blashill or Raboin IMHO.
  8. Chippaz for coachez?
  9. Isn't he kind of a big deal?
  10. Those are our only two options? How about the new guy comes in and pumps some life into the program?
  11. I thought they were unpaid volunteers.
  12. Yeah, that's why they should wipe the slate clean and start fresh.
  13. Should I forward this to Schlossman?
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