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Everything posted by UND Fan

  1. I am not implying that Gene signed the Gillett girl for this reason but she has a younger sister that I know we are very interested in. The only other two we were hoping to get to commit are a "girl from Bismarck" and a "girl from Mandan". That probably is LaFrance from Century. Isn't there another very talented girl from Mandan other than Kielpinski?
  2. UND Fan

    Bison Fans

    I write this same message every 4-5 months but with the "Fighting Sioux" issue and our recent announcement that we are likely moving to DI, I will do so again. While some NDSU fans that come on this site do so respectfully and make good points, many are here only to irritate us loyal UND supporters. Too often, we stoop to their level in our responses and are just as offensive as they are. The solution - let's ignore any stupid, silly, false or outlandish posts by SU fans! When we respond to their crap, it rewards their behavior - they are just trying to get under our skin. I personally do not visit the Bison website. I hope that none of us go on their site just to talk "smack" - we shouldn't do so. We have a bunch a very true, loyal Sioux fans here, let's talk amongst ourselves about our teams, our successes, our challenges, etc. Ignore the crap comments from SU fans.
  3. Thanks for the post! Very interesting! Quite exciting!
  4. While there may be some debate why we didn't go straight into the exploratory year, let's not waste our time doing so. It's time for most of us to write a little bigger check and start getting excited about our future!
  5. Apparently you can not get an internet feed through KNOX. What other stations (who have internet feeds) will likley be covering this event?
  6. UND Fan


    Are you at liberty to say who those two schools may have been?
  7. I was not being sarcastic with that question. I live a couple of thousand of miles away from GF and really didn't know how valuable of an asset he was for the program. I appreciate many of you enlightening me!
  8. Unless something happened in the last couple of days, Dryburgh will be at UND next year. We still have a little more than one scholarship available. They are looking hard for a power forward.
  9. The schedule reinforces the fact that moving to DI is a necessity!
  10. UND Fan

    DI Decision

    Some very interesting comments by Fullerton: He feels the Big Sky will expand soon - it could be as easily to 12 teams as 10. He has concerns about losing BSC teams to other conferences. Therefore, the BSC should not burn bridges with any prospective member. The President's No. 1 concern is inviting the "right" kind of university - they want schools with the full package of academics, research and athletics. He feels both SUs and UND easily fit that definition. The biggest challenge with the Dakota schools is geography. Travel costs and time away from class are issues but he also has concerns about the vast geography creating cliques (sp) that would be detrimental to the conference. While the conference would much prefer teams that are already through the transition or partially through it, he indicated that he feels that they like UND and would not be afraid of the fact that UND was just entering the transition period.
  11. UND Fan

    DI Decision

    Thanks for the post- the interview is starting right now!
  12. Guys - don't take me wrong, I appreciate your thoughts on the matter but I am really trying to get an overview of what the average UND alum living in ND thinks about it, what the average college sports fan thinks about it, etc. We really have debated it enough. There are strong and valid arguments on both sides. What do your neighbors and people down the street think? Will supporters write larger checks if we move, etc.?
  13. I am curious - for those of you living in GF or anywhere in ND, what are people saying about the potential move. Pro, con, non-issue???
  14. That is terrible - how long has he had it? I realize it can hit quickly and do a great deal of damage! It certainly isn't important at a time like this, but he was a heck of a baseball player! He will be in my prayers! Thanks for letting us know!
  15. UND Fan

    DI Decision

    Is anyone checking out fan websites for USD or St. Cloud? I would think that USD would give DI very serious consideration if UND decides to move. With SDSU already moving and the NCC further eroding, I think they would probably follow. Others say that SCSU would also move. That would surprise me but it may happen. I don't think MSU has any intentions of moving and I am sure UNO would simply join the MIAA. Anyone know what these schools may be thinking?
  16. UND Fan

    DI Decision

    Despite all the rhetoric, I am quite sure the decision regarding a move to DI has not been made. Kupchella will be meeting with various groups (coaches, FB letterwinners, faculty, boosters, etc.) in the next few days to get their input. For those of us who favor the move, it would be good to let the President know your thoughts. Importantly, if you can and would intend to start donating or increase your annual donations to the Athletic Department, you need to tell him. Obviously, our ability to fund the move is a major concern of his (and mine!). He can be contacted at: 264 Centenial Drive University of North Dakota Twamley Hall, Room 300 P.O. Box 8193 Grand Forks, ND 58202 or ckupchella@mail.UND.nodak.edu or (701) 777-2121 Obviously, those against the move should let him know your thoughts as well. LET'S KEEP ALL THE UND VS. NDSU BULLCRAP OFF OF THIS LINK. THOSE DISCUSSIONS ARE STUPID! BOTH UNIVERSITIES ARE EXCELLENT INSTITUTIONS. LET'S TALK ABOUT UND SPORTS HERE! IF YOU HAVE TO TALK SMACK WITH EACH OTHER, FIND ANOTHER SITE TO DO SO!
  17. Injury update: It appears Koenig is making good progress and should be ready to go next fall. Bledsoe is also progressing well - he won't be able to really start working out until later in the summer but things look good at this point. Unfortunately, Harkins is still suffering with some very painful shin splint-like problems. They are having a difficult time figuring out what to do about it. The coaching staff is looking for a power forward. Unfortunately, most kids still available have some sort of "baggage" that comes with them.
  18. There is an article in today's Forum with the headline of "Buning: UND Going DI". I certainly hope that he hasn't spoken too soon when he says the time to do so is now! He has put Kupchella in a tough position with those comments. He may have done it on purpose to help "force" the President's decision to move now but that is a pretty dangerous thing to do if you value your job!
  19. Did anyone attend the press conference this afternoon?
  20. No use debating this but there will always be coaches who dislike other coaches or schools. I doubt that their not being considered for this job will alienate them to UND. But it may........
  21. I understand but they are both class individuals - they will advise their kids appropriately. Sometimes it may be an endorsement for UND, sometimes they may think a kid would get more playing time, etc. elsewhere. In other words, I do not think it will have an effect.
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