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Everything posted by pstar

  1. I think Woog does a fair job of calling the play like it is. He rips the Gopher play went it is bad (note Peltier) and praises the opponents when they deserver it. He's most interested in pointing out smart and dumb plays on either side then promoting a team. Now, the Wisco guy Saags on the other hand....
  2. As a Gopher fan, I'm over the whole HC thing. But here's my thought. I'm fine with your PA announcer saying it as long as those UND fans who support would be okay with comments from other PA guys. Say the Denver PA guy had said "Noticeably absent form tonights line up is Robbie Bina" last season to rev up the fans who enjoyed watching Punk-o-witch. After all, according to you, it's not about being professional. it's about playing to eh fans without saying anything vulgar.
  3. My thought, since both teams are lacking this year, is that perhaps one of them could sweep and gain a little juice to get back on track. I hope it's the Gophers, but I wouldn't lay money down on either team to sweep. I just want some good, fast skating, quick passing, hard hitting, nail biting hockey with an on-ice dispute or two thrown in for fun. It's hard to hate the Sioux when you're playing just as bad as the Gophers are. It's a lot easier to hate the Sioux when you are playing good.
  4. If it's true that he hit a mascot, well, that's pretty weak and classless. I'd hoep you fans would say the same. You can't defend an action like that. Hitting a mascot is pretty weak. Then again, if it's false, well, that's just emabrrasing for UW to try and start a rumor.
  5. It pains me to say this, but I thought it was a clean hit. I was hoping I could say otherwise, but it was a good, clean hockey hit. The Wisco idiot got cuaght with his head down. It happens. As for the fight, it seemed to start instantly between the UND and WISCO player at the dot, there may have been a slash to the chest, but I can't tell for sure. They seemed to turn into each other and start swinging. Odd fight. I think it was more hype than fight. Not sure waht the penalty situation was, but I'd be surprised in if anyone got a major.
  6. Trophies are nice, but the only one award counts is the National Title, and both programs came up short. Let's be honest, arguing over anything else is like trying to decide who got stuck with the uglier friend of the hot chick at the bar.
  7. One man's hell, another man's heaven (well, the jersey pop part at least).
  8. It wont be the same watching the Gophers take on the Flickertails. From a Gopher perspective, I'm torn. I love anything that pisses Sioux fans off , on the other hand, I'll miss the old Sioux name. I understand the move however, and I thnk you should just move forward with adopting a new name and logo. It seems the writting is on the wall. Why wait three years. It would just drag out the inevitable. And while I like Force of the North as a slogan, it's not a name. BTW, what's with the new logo on this web page? It's kind of lame compared to the the classic "Blackhawks" Siou head or even the more recent Sioux head you've used.
  9. Ummm. let keep GPL out of this. Hextall and GPL have no connection. And right now is not the time to drop the choke term with the GOphers. You had a nice season. We had a better season. Records, banners and trophies don't lie. This is not to disrespect the Sioux, but rather defend cheap shots at the Gophers.
  10. Nice season Sioux, I still think you're one of the best teams in hockey. You fell apart for the last five minutes of a playoff game. It happens. At least you got to the show. Congrats on a hell of a second half of the season.
  11. Now, I must root against you. GO BC. Sorry, but I couldn't take the 8>5 crap some of you guys would throw at us Gopher fans if you win it all. And hey, I wouldn't expect (nor have I seen) any Sioux fans ever rooting the Gophers on. Still, I hope it's a good game.
  12. Congratulations Sioux. You brought it in overtime and we couldn't keep up. You deserved the game. See you next season.
  13. I'm here and in GPL. Gotta love both opinions.
  14. Despite my bad spelling, I try to be fair and honest with hockey.
  15. If anyting a cross check, but a call there woldd have been very weak. Peltier had postion, and started witht he shoulder. Hak had no reaosn to complain.
  16. Ummm, what was arrogant? I congratulated you. I guess it's the last time I do that.
  17. There's only one problem with today's game. It's not for the NCAA Championship. Can't wait. Here's hoping for a repeat of the FF! Go Gophers, and Congrats Sioux on really runing your season around. Early onb, I never thought I'd see you guys even get to this point. It's going to be a great game.
  18. Perhaps it's time for Sioux fans to live in the present and not in the past. The whole 7>5 thing and Holy Cross jokes are sounding lamer and lamer everyday. Maybe you folks should focus on winning something. I know the Gophers have a couple new banners and trophies to put on display in the Mecca in the off seaosn. What do you guys have? Oh yeah, lame old stories and sayings that have run their course.
  19. The NCAA gametracker blows. It's still says 1:48 left.
  20. Laughing my arse off. that was the most brilliant thing a Sioux fan has ever done.
  21. If we have to get bumped this year, I'd rather have it come from a top flight team. I'm not wishing for UND becuase it would be asier. I think it would be a better game to watch, add to a great rivalry and and be a match up of the two most deserving teams in our bracket.
  22. I said I wanted Sioux to win out of WCHA pride. But yes, I'd rather have the Gophers play you than Michigan. Sorry if that insults you. But I think we can take you again. Our confidence is high, and i think the boys want to even the score for the season. I say bring on the Sioux.
  23. In the Don We Trust.
  24. I love that photo. I want it framed on my wall.
  25. Win? they have one of the best teams in the country right now, with excellent speed, creativity with the puck and decent goal tending. Lose? They take too many penalties, the FF loss might put them in a funk, legendary opening round opponent and a defense that allows too many shots on net lately (although mostly from the edges). I hope you win, if only out of WCHA pride, but I think it's a tough game to call.
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