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Everything posted by pstar

  1. All is right with the hockey world when SCSU losses. I'm not against them, it's just the natural order of things.
  2. I know college hockey is a niche sport, but can it bit any more niche than College softball? That's on all of the time. I don't expect the regular season to be on ESPN (I prefer FSN anyways), but the playoffs? Come on, show it some love and put it on a station I can get. ESPNU is not even available to Comcast. So frustrating.
  3. You folks need to show Michigan more love. They are damn good this season. Have you watched them? I have to say they are the odds on favorites to win it all.
  4. I hate this, but I have you in the driver seat as well. Maybe the grass is always greener, but I think the Sioux got the easiest path to the final four possible. I'm not looking forward to Boston or Miami. WHile Miami takes a lot of flack, i've watched them a few times this season. They are fast and move the puck well from one end to the other.
  5. Spot on take.
  6. I love the hypocrisy in here. I've never seen such one-sided views in my life.
  7. You needed to wait a minute. This is your second 5 on 3. you have no reason to complain about the calls thus far.
  8. A lot of speed out there today. The Gophers have been stuck in second gear speed wise this season. I miss the flow of this game.
  9. I'm sorry, were was the hook? Weak call.
  10. Lets GO, er, ah wait, who do I root for in this game again? The hated Sioux or the Denver Pukeoneers. Ah, maybe i'll just wait until 7:00 tonight.
  11. It's true, my bad. I knew he had played well, but I really didn't realize how good his numbers were this season. Also, Frank and Doug are homers, you can always rip them for that. Frank ore than Doug. i think ODug, while he leans towards the Gophers, usually calls a spade a spade.
  12. I like Frank. He's knows more about hockey than most people on any fan board will every hope to know. There's a reason he wins regional Emmys for his work. He's damn good at his job.
  13. Would not have picked Lammy. What do i know. Congrats Sioux on having two of the 10.
  14. Best sign idea of the day. Even better at Alerys.
  15. I've never seen the fans of a higher seed so consumed with a lower seed team. Are you folks nervous?
  16. Shocking, Sioux fans ripping a ref, and it's not even a Sioux game. I thought it was a brilliant job of officiating. They called it fair during game play (they allowed physical play, but not cheap play), and then they let the players settle it in overtime. Both teams got a way with bad penalties at different points. But it did not effect the outcome one bit. The players decided the games, not the officials. I think the Gophers got the favor of the calls early, then the Mavs caught up. It should be noted, the only penalty called in overtime las tonight was against the Gophers, and I'm still pleased. That's how every overtime game should be played and called.
  17. Thanks for the Tom Phol note. Nice touch guys. SCSU 2-UM 4 Gophers should be dog tired but pull it out with an empty netter. UND 5-DU 3 Fun game, but UND has the clear edge right now. CC-5 MN 2 Gophers/Kangas are out of gas, not enough talent. CC wins. CC 4-UND 2 Have to take CC, but not shocked if UND gets the victory.
  18. There are a ton of calls that could have been made throughout the game. going both ways. I could see your point of the play, I could also see what the refs called. You feel you got screwed out of a power play, perhaps they made it up to you by not calling a bench minor on Hak for the finger, or calling intimidation on the Sioux player who stood over Gordon after Kaip's hooking. And yes, there were Gopher calls that could have also been made, like an Elbow thrown by Bickel in the third. I think in the end, despite the missed/bad calls, both teams were treated pretty evenly.
  19. By following him for the rest of his career, I did not mean in a negative way, more like the way Wooger got hassled for the whole whole money in a hat thing. it almost becomes a joke. Professionally, it will mark Hak for a little while, but it wont scar him for life among the hockey world.
  20. Dear lord, it's is threads like the last one and comments like "i'd rather be on the Sioux side of this" that make we want to vomit. There were more cheap shots by the SIoux than the Gophers. That said, I have no problem calling the Gophers out for their actions. We weren't saints by any means. I would love to sit down with you guys and go through the game film and break down each of the hits/cheap shots. The one play that bothered me the most in the entire game was at the end when Kaip hooked Gordon to the ice, then another Sioux player came over, stood over him and then leaned down on him. Not sure who it was, but it was well after the whistle and he wasn't even involved in the play. Is this is the guy that Wheeler took out, then I have to say, he sort of asked for it. Also, the cross check on Anderson form behind at the end of overtime was totally cheap, but I've heard that we may have hit your players head just moments before at the face off, so i have to wait until I see the play again before saying anything for certain.
  21. i hate defending a ref, but nothing he did bothered me. I thought it was funny. He's trying to push away a player away who was resisting. An accident like that can happen. If the ref had intentionally tried to throw him in the box, that would be different. It's like a cop pushing a Sioux player into the back of a squad car and bumping their head on the door frame . (okay, that was a cheap comment, only made in good fun. I couldn't resist).
  22. It was a stupid move by Hak, and one that will follow him for the rest of his career. In some ways, that will be worse than a game suspension. All other WCHA fans now have excellent fodder for tweaking Hak and Sioux fans. The two complaints I have here are the allegations against Adams and FSN. Some here claim Adams must have been swearing too, and there is no proof of that. You can not even assume that. The second are allegations that FSN was setting up Hak or had an agenda. They commonly have cameras and mics covering both benches. Hak got more coverage because Hak put on more of a show, ala Bobby Knight. If Lucia had been swearing of flipping the bird, we would have seen/heard that too. At the end of the day, i loved everything about this game except the finger. Not that it is a criminal offense. I just expect the players to be the ones to get rowdy, and the coaches to maintain some order.
  23. Not sure, but is some thin skin starting to show?
  24. Or, to make it a better comparison, because Bina is a bit out there. How about if our PA announcer gave countdown clock updates in the number the years, months, weeks and days untill the end of the fighting Sioux name.
  25. Yes and no. Granted, the Bina thing was worse because it supports cheap play. But one could argue the HC thing supports poor sportsmanship between the programs. Both are lame. And it's not like the Bina incident ended his career (could have, but didn't). He's still out their at a high level. But all that said, I still have no problem with the HC thing. It's like UMD refferring to us as UMTC on their scoreboard. it's their little rip, and good for them.
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