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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. His enthusiasm was amazing! When I first met John, I noticed his Sioux logo tat. He told me a friend had given him a picture of the new logo before it was even accepted by UND. He liked it so much he got the tattoo. He'll be missed.
  2. His lack of knowledge of computers is due to his still living in the Stone Age.
  3. Thanks for the link. My prayers are all for them and their surgeons today!!
  4. This was published in the UND piece but that was published last fall. Only seven 1-2 room schools were left. Sure sounds like a good way to educate a kid,
  5. Google is my friend! http://www.in-forum.com/specials/savingnd/...id=24816http:// http://www.universityrelations.UND.edu/dis...ll_2005/13.html There's even a book, The Legacy of North Dakota's Country Schools (Dakotas) (Library Binding) by North Dakota Humanities Council (Editor), Warren A. Henke (Editor), Everett C. Albers (Editor) According to these sites, one room schools in North Dakota are a GOOD thing and something the school districts don't want to give up! Doesn't sound as if our Democratic contingency is the reason they exist. I didn't read any where about outhouses and wood stoves although they do mention internet access!
  6. I don't know about the rest of you but that brief time without SiouxSports.com was really scary!! I only just crawled out from under the bed!! Phew, it's up and running!!! Life is good!!!
  7. Where was that? My son's grandparents live in the western part of the state in a town you could spit across one end to the other. In the eighties, there was a beautiful school in their town, not new, not built in the '80s. Must have been a Democratic community.
  8. The money/grants/contracts brought into the state usually results in more jobs and economic growth for many communities. Whatever way you want to look at it, it's every state for itself. We can't depend on the largese of other states to share the wealth, if indeed they can spare it. Like it or not, it's senior members that have the clout to help our state the most. I'm here to tell you there are more people out there who give a rat's a$$ about the Fighting Sioux name and logo than those that do. Time after time, bills introduced that will improve education in our state are voted down because the folks in the western part of the state 'don't want to pay' for the more populated eastern part of the state. Those same folk won't want to foot the bill, contribute to or even want our government officials to get involved in the Sioux name and logo issue. Say what you will, seniority counts big time in government. We may be looked upon as backward and uneducated because we're a considered a rural state but I'm here to tell ya that our voters are very savy when it comes to their state and local government. They're not rubes just voting for a guy who has been in office forever. As long as they provide for the state, Conrad, Dorgan and Pomeroy will continue to be elected. *Steps off soap box.*
  9. I have sent emails to Dorgan and Conrad related to other issues and received very timely responses. I have yet to hear from Earl the Hide Behind Closed Doors Pomeroy. Even if he is against the measure, simple courtesy should result in some type of response.
  10. The NC$$ has been embroiled in so many lawsuits/legal actions in the past two decades, I would love to know how many millions have already been spend using money that is suppose to go back to the student athlete.
  11. I understand. So the fact that they say these things will happen and they have a rule/regulation/policy that says teams with hostile and abusive names/logs cannot host NC$$ events and the teams cannot wear their name and logo at NC$$ events isn't cause of action until they actually follow through on the rule/regulation/ policy. So we might have to sit on this until football season is over.
  12. It's my understanding that the Blackhawk logo had to be retired because Chicago was threatening a lawsuit; copyright infringement. That's another reason we won't be seeing any Blackhawk throwback jersey. But, I've been wrong before.
  13. Great video. That last goal made me sad. So close.... But anyway, thanks for all your work. Keep it up and I'm gonna have to adopt you and leave you all my game worn jerseys when I die. (My boys plan on a BIG eBay sale! )
  14. I'm not sure what you mean. The 'policy' is in place, well, untill the NC$$ changes it again. Unless UND ceases using the Fighting Sioux name and logo, we will not host any NC$$ events nor will we be able to compete in any NC$$ events wearing the Sioux name and/or logo. We just hosted a Regional playoff series. It was touted as being one of the most successful in years, if not the most successful. The games were all sold out or pretty darn close. The economic loss to the school and community would be huge! And easily proved.
  15. While I thought that the plan was always to take the ba$tards to court, there's 'discussion' going on now. 1. Take them, NC$$, to court. 2. Keep the name and logo and not host any NC$$ events and wear generic uniforms when we compete in NC$$ events. 3. Change the name and logo. I have to admit that I'm disappointed. Before the denial, which everyone, even my dog knew was coming, the Administration, SBoHE, and the State's Attorney were all, "We're going to sue the MF's" or words to that affect. Now, it's "Well, gosh, gee, I don't know, maybe, but, what if..." : (Pansies! )
  16. Looks good to me! But I'm no lawyer, just a loyal fan.
  17. No.... (Ah, if only you could talk!!!)
  18. (I only look like the older sister from the first marriage. )
  19. Since his statement on the News, he has said that cost would be around a million. Must have mispoke when interviewed.
  20. Ok then... Hello, my name is Sioux-cia and I'm addicted to Fighting Sioux Hockey. It's been 33 days since my last live Fighting Sioux hockey game. It's 144 days until I get to watch another live FS hockey game. Thanks to my fellow members on SiouxSports.com, I am keeping the withdrawal demon at bay with daily playbacks of key Sioux hockey plays. (Sigh, hockey, love hockey..)
  21. I have no problem with the school going D1, if these two variables were met.
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