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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Nah, I get to fix my make up with the aide of the glare!!
  2. Yes, there are different club levels and the higher the level the more the donation. The sections are divided according to desirability and the donations are based on that. I guess my seats became more desirable this past year.
  3. I love you!!!! Oh, uhm, I mean, thanks man.........
  4. Den day got no chance addall. Da Goofs are gonna choke!!!
  5. I don't know about the Goofs but I'm pretty confident that my boys will be at the big dance!!!
  6. You be careful!! I don't have the time (will be listening to the games) to start a 'Get mn_sioux out of jail fund'!!!
  7. Same seats, Section 113, row G
  8. I got a letter informing me that my lower bowl seats were being upgraded to a higher club level and my club donation has doubled!!
  9. I saw Bianchi play against Prpich in New Mexico. Got some pictures of him as well. Will post them sometime soon. Oh and Prp's team beat Bianchi's team.
  10. Holy Cross, I do love my FIGHTING SIOUX hockey!!!!! Thanks for the links!
  11. I, personally, can't think of any compromise that would not involve getting rid of the name and logo. I see that as the only 'compromise' that the NC$$ would find acceptable. And, IMHO, that option is NOT acceptable.
  12. The Lakota Sioux need more help to fix a significant problem with their youth than they need help changing a name and logo. http://www.rapidcityjournal.com/articles/2...bud_suicide.txt This is so incredibly sad. I was overwhelmed when I read the article and the comments. If changing the name and logo would help them, I will be the first in line to advocate the change. But I know it won't. The pride I feel when I wear the logo, when I see our athletes succeed, when I hear the cheers and respect from non-Sioux fans for our athletes, when our athletes are honored not just for their accomplishments in sports but for their success in academics, I wish I could share this with those children on the Rosebud Reservation. I wish I could tell them, "I respect where and who you come from. That's one reason why it is important that the name and logo continue to exist. I want you to respect where and who you come from as well." But the reality is that I am an outsider. The only person who can help them is another Lakota Sioux.
  13. Al Pearson did take a bus to Milwaukee but the alumni also took a full charter plane there as well.
  14. Ya know, I heard someone say, 'let's go dance with the band' and I did. Half way around the concourse, I looked back. No Holy Cross jerseys! I kept going and had a great time dancing with the UMtc band and enjoying the reaction of the Goofy fans!!
  15. I'm not sure if THETRIOUXPER meant to say drunken slob is a horse's a$$ but after his comments about Robbie, that's what he will always be to me; not a Bulldog fan, just a drunken slob who is a horse's a$$.
  16. OOooooo, a real WCHA goalie!!!! Alright!!!!!
  17. MafiaMan's friend told us as we were leaving the Hoggsbreath that a bouncer accidentally killed a drunk patron in the parking lot a couple of years ago. He was kneeling on the drunk guys neck. The food was good!
  18. WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Without a doubt, we are lucky Sioux fans!!!
  19. Did you sell your ticket to the pre-game breakfast??
  20. I had a great time at the F5. It was wonderful meeting so many SS.com members in person. It felt like I was meeting old friends again. As you may have guessed, I can handle myself pretty well around fans 'from the other side'. Some of them are probably complaining about that obnoxious woman in the Holy Cross jersey who danced with the Gopher band all around the concourse. Oh well, I didn't get food thrown at me this year, that's a good thing. After the lose (it still hurts), many Gopher fans going up the stairs (our seats are the first 8 on the aisle) stopped and shook our hands and said, 'Good game'. I was impressed. There were four idiots across the aisle from us that scared my daughter in law. They kept yelling stuff at her. She said she was amazed at the hate just because she was a Sioux fan. She had the aisle seat. Phats traded places with her and those Goof fans calmed down.... somewhat. Thanks to our boys for a great week-end. IMHO, Philppe should have been MVP of the tournament.
  21. So, I heard that a hockey player got lost on a recruiting trip to UMtc, picture got posted on a milk carton and tDon's barber found the kid. Any truth to that or is it just one of those urban legends?
  22. AND you'll leave a tip for the 'reaction'!! If I bring the epinephrine, will you join us at Hoggsbreath?!?
  23. You know I am!!! The bitchy, obnoxious, hot friend! I called the Hoggsbreath kitchen and for a small extra fee, they agreed to have almonds..... on the side!!!!
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