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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Maybe I can get one scheduled in the California wine country. Anyone interested?
  2. Damn, HockeyMom!! What the hell is wrong with you?!? Are you being a pro-Sioux athletics fan on a SIOUX SPORTS FORUM!?! What's wrong with you??? Why are you upsetting our visiting bison fans?? Why aren't you out there trolling on a bison sports forum?? Oh yeah, I forgot. Unlike the trolling bison fans who can't get enough of SiouxSports.com and like many Sioux fans', you don't give a rat's a$$ about bison sports. Remember, when you have the opposition attempting to insult you on YOUR forum, you know you're doing a good job!! Keep up the good work!!!
  3. My arm, my shoulder, owwwww...................
  4. Fifth year for us! Section 119, 8 Sioux fans in seats 1-8, I forget which row, not to far from the top of the row.
  5. Cool!! We'll be there a bit after 6P! You have my cell number. After all the work the lady did getting us the jersey, a picture is a small price to pay her back.
  6. Ok, I'll get the tattoo. Just name the place and time. If there's time, I'll have breakfast too.
  7. Not you!!! I meant that BIG lady with the gopher jersey on. Remember? The one sitting next to that skinny man with the gopher jersey on; the guy that looked all timid and scared. The one hanging on to his tub of pop corn like it was a life line?!?
  8. Sure why not! Look for the BIG trucker mama squeezed into size 4 jeans..... I'm two rows down from her!
  9. We'll be there for all five games. C'mon down!!
  10. Wearing the Holy Cross jersey Friday night when the Sioux are not playing does not mean I am any less a fan than those who choose not to own/wear one. I'm wearing my HC jersey for two reasons. 1) Remember how you felt during that game?!? I do. That's the number one reason I'm wearing my HC jersey Friday night. 2) And the second reason I'm wearing my jersey...> Chandler.
  11. Good! I'd be arrested for assault with lethal weapons if I laid the little punk out holding/wearing either one. Shat, I could take the little punk out with just a few chosen words. There will be FIVE Holy Cross jersey's in section 119 Friday night. C'mon down, Pooky, we'd LOVE to meet you.
  12. If I knew how to post pictures, I would post pictures of baby Phats in his Fighting Sioux gear. So, the answer is no. When it comes to school spirit, a little Sioux fan can't have too much.
  13. I'm offended by many things and some people. My options are 1) avoid them, 2) accept them, 3) kill them or 4) share my opinion with them and. maybe, they'll see it my way and change, knowing I can't force my opinion on them. Oh wait, not 3, that would be against the law unless, of course I'm the NC$$. And not 4 unless I'm the NC$$, and then, of course, I could force my opinion upon them. The NC$$ dictating their opinion on what is offensive and what is not, restricts my civil rights and my right to freedom of speech. You and your friends have the option to avoid all the is Fighting Sioux athletics including the name and logo and you can agree to disagree. BUT, you and your friends do not have the right to shove your opinion down my throat whether I want it or not!! AND NEITHER DOES THE NC$$!!!
  14. Are you the guy in the far left, first row?? He kinda looks like he's hoping he doesn't poop on himself.
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