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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Oh,no! Huge thunder and lightning here in the high desert. I hope I don't lose power!!!
  2. I don't think pulling Philippe is a good idea. Walski has ZERO experience in this type of game!!
  4. WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!! BINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  5. I have Firefox. Don't know why but the webcast is working fine for me.
  6. My ol' heart couldn't take it!! I'm glad I missed most of the first period!!
  7. I hope our guys don't respond in kind.
  8. I believe the one who we should thank is PCM! Thanks big guy!!
  9. Chris got two goals!!! WOW. Who got the third one?
  10. Oooh, that A wearing Michigan player was giving Philippe the evil eye!! Cool. I just got here so I take that as a good thing!!!
  11. Nah, it's ok. Kinda embarrassing though, knowing I have more cojones than the Addict.
  12. Good grief!! How many times does someone have to say it. The HC OT win over the Goofs was THE biggest upset in NC$$ hockey history!!! David slew Goliath!!! For hockey players ages 4 to 85 (how old is Purpur?) it says, 'If they can do that, I can also reach my goal (whatever it may be)." For me this win was more than a huge loss for the Goofs (which I admit I enjoyed immensely), it was a huge win for the little guys coming up the hockey pipeline. I know you don't get it. And that's ok. Let me feel, think, and do what I want without you or the Addict attacking my view point. I also know that there is no way in hell, that I hate the Goofs as much as you hate the Bison. But I also don't take kindly to Bison fans who attack you because you feel that way!
  13. Good grief, take the needle out of your arm Addict!!! I'm a fan of more than one team. Granted I am an obsessed Fighting Sioux hockey fan as anyone on this board with a membership more than six months old will tell you. And, I know for a fact (because a Holy Cross player told me) my obsession is a virtue which will get me into heaven. I guess since your a 'one' team addict, chances are I won't see you there. For which I thank the good Lord and (the) Holy Cross!!!! I'm not a 'dude' but I would bet that I'm more of a 'man' than you. Let me let you in a on little secret. Attacking a team like Holy Cross while hiding behind the anonymity of a sports forum doesn't make you a 'man'. It just shows the rest of the members what a little, uhm, dink you truly are. Don't like reading about Holy Cross? Then get your fat a$$ out of this thread!
  14. Obviously more than you have. Otherwise, why do you keep coming back, ya little troll!?!
  15. As a Sioux fan, this post has offended me. That "little program" was the cause of the biggest upset in NCAA hockey history. That game gave Sioux fans one of the best nights of hockey in REA history!!! Your arrogance is befitting of a Gopher fan.........
  16. The letter was confusing in some aspects so I better call.
  17. Mmmm, I just thought of a way to get the extra money. Guess I won't be able to wait for you to get enough money after all!
  18. WTF!?!? I better call the ticket office on Monday. I can't find my letter but I don't remember reading I may not get me seats!!
  19. I got two, ND and Michigan State.
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