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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Where were you 5 years ago when UND wouldn't schedule NDSU (in any sport)? Go through your transition and then we'll talk. It's simple. NDSU has proved it doesn't need UND - Can you say the same? Can you say hypocrite!
  2. Now everything is NDSU's fault. You guys are unbelievable. Where was all this "lets play NDSU" during our transition??? We went through it without you, now its your turn. You sound like little girls when things don't go your way. Because things aren't going your way it has to be someone elses fault. UND made this situation your in and you have no one to blame but the administrators at UND. No one is pulling Douple strings. Is it NDSU's fault that you scheduled SFU in 09 & 11? How about the NCAA lawsuit?? Douple's opposition to the nickname?? It's always easy to blame someone else instead of looking within isn't it ?
  3. Really - bigger joke?? Montana Tech was in our first year of transition not the second or 4th year. Our second year we had 11 game schedule with 1 - DII school and the rest were DI-AA - with Montana State, Southern ILL, NW State, Weber State, Nicholls State & the rest Great West teams. 6 home games and 5 away. You can spin it anyway you want but Faison scheduled it and I'm sure it will be crowd pleaser!!
  4. The only thing that Virg cares about at UND is hockey.
  5. It's the same situation that brought a SDSU linemen to UND a couple years ago.
  6. Shows how little you know about NDSU and how much you might wish it to be true. With better play out of 2 positions (kicker & qb) we'd be in the playoffs. By the way no one trashes coaches & players more than this board.
  7. Expect alot of disappointment when comparing yourselves to NDSU's transition. "Lose to tougher competition" ? Who?
  8. Another kool-aid drinker!! Future bright for the Sioux? What do you base that on? You'd just lost to a team that hasn't won a game EVER in the Great West conference until you showed up. Like I said we have one or two positions to improve on, you have a whole team.
  9. Concerned about 1 position? No way. With a more productive qb we'd be 8-1 at least. You're comparing your schedule to ours which doesn't compare. We'll see who has problems next year, remember your graduating 19 seniors which are most of your productive players and have a much better schedule.
  10. mid-level conference? How's it feel to be the new SUU of the Great West Confterence??
  11. How's that DI move working out? I'm sure it will be easier next year!!!
  12. No one has tanked in the fb playoffs more than you guys! The only fans I ever heard talking big were you guys saying FCS was no big deal. Remember 8>1
  13. You sure it's 750K? I highly doubt it. I know some teams in FCS have been offered games with Hawaii that just covered their expenses and they turned it down. It's hard to fly out to Hawaii and not make any cash for a FBS game. It will be interesting to see what the real pay out is. But good pickup anyway.
  14. Why would that information be on a portable device(laptop) in the first place?
  15. Thanks - this conference (MV) is very competitive. The next 2 games will tell the story.
  16. SIU only had 41 yards of O (2nd half) until the last drive in the 4th quarter. I think that was the deal breaker. I think the penalties evened out for the halves as far as stopping or helping any one team.
  17. They should do fine against a bad BSC team.
  18. I doubt they are - They had you scheduled at one time but the commissioner canceled it.
  19. This would be a good game for you to pick up. One that you would be favored. Just looking at their record and they have trouble beating the lowest FCS teams. They must be a BB school.
  20. Davis better play well to win - no way that USD scores 24 on UNI, but I hope they do.
  21. Don't let facts get in your way Oxbow - You can play with the numbers all you want - it's still apples and oranges - Oh by the way that mower - I'd take his balance sheet over yours any day.
  22. How do you square as Hansel has said that the ACT scores and GPA's for incoming freshmen at NDSU and UND are identical? If true then it comes down to what I said before - UND offers some very restrictive fields like "physical therapy" that get a ton of applications but only has room for a limited number. Like I said apples and oranges.
  23. It's all apples and oranges anyway - It all depends on what kind of academic fields the university offers. Some are more restrictive than others for a variety of reasons. Like I said before if it includes the law and medical school then the statistic is meaningless. Don't you find this statistic more interesting anyway? North Dakota State University in Fargo was the university of choice for 17.5 percent of the students, while 13.8 percent named the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks. Bismarck State, the next highest, was listed first by 9.6 percent of test-takers. http://www.jamestownsun.com/ap/index...w&id=D92HK2202
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