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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. You like being in the BSC because of UND's failed DI transition. Now you don't have to watch being piss pounded by the MVFC teams. (like the game last year, that kept you out of the playoffs.) I for one hope you stay in the BSC as your fan base will continue to be disinterested in UND athletics.
  2. I always thought that the budget UND has was light for all the sports UND provided. Now we know they did have a blank check to the taxpayers money. http://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/op-ed-columns/4066032-jim-whitehead-light-and-law-smoke-and-mirrors-und
  3. Kind of like what Kelly did only with no positive results.
  4. And yet UND still takes last or next to last in the all sports standings in the BSC. Fact is you had no plan in place for going DI - you just followed NDSU, and now everyone is scratching their heads and wonder why UND is doing so poorly. It's called leadership.
  5. Maybe UND fans wanting to go FBS when they aren't competitive in the FCS, don't have a large enough stadium, and are cash poor. You think?
  6. BS. But you live in a fantasy world as all things NDSU are bad. No one had a better transition period than NDSU because of the great leadership of our President and AD.
  7. Remind me which school carried a 5 M deficit? Fact is UND is in worse shape than expected and that's why Schafer is slash and burning.
  8. Wrong year. My bad. Still the point is little to no production in conference championships in the BSC.
  9. Or was it 8 out of the last 9?
  10. How many conference titles in the BSC? 1 or is 2? So if that's your idea of well then you're easily satisfied. Your WBB ended on a 7 game losing streak just the opposite of USD. Fact is no one is shy of playing the hawks in any sport.
  11. Just quoting what the Pro's are saying. Probably referring to the organization and professionalism of how it was run. First class all the way.
  12. It would be foolish for Ratelle not to go through all the drills again. When you're on the bubble you need to show the scouts you can do it anytime you want. Great day for NDSU football as a lot of NFL people said it was the best run Pro Day they have ever been at.
  13. 1200 is a good crowd? Your standards are low.
  14. That's the arrogance we all love and know from UND people. Jealous of what?
  15. You actually think Heitcamp is a college graduate? He's a UND drop out.
  16. You actually think Heitkamp is a college graduate. He's a drop out.
  17. Which BSC team was in the NIT?
  18. Soccer team in Italy and softball team in Hawaii - yeah money is a problem. If I was you I'd worry about your own budget. There is a reason you guys have the lowest coaching salaries in the area.
  19. How many games did Georges miss?
  20. Something you guys won't ever have to worry about.
  21. All scholarship athletes will receive COA at NDSU not just some sports or athletes. Cherry picking which sports or athletes is a recipe for the NCAA to get involved. But hey go for it. DId I dumb it down enough for 1983 to understand?
  22. Great - I can see a title 9 nightmare down the road for doing that - as far as salaries how's that worked out success and quality (coaches) wise.
  23. Kind of like your COA plan right?
  24. Well they won't be deficit spending. And your excuse that they (Administrators) wanted to take their time so as to not make a mistake, you know this how?
  25. So what. Why out of the 11 universities you guys had one? This is a COA thread so where's your plan. Must be like the DI move plan. (non-existent) Look how that worked out. Same attitude as before - If NDSU can do it we can too.
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