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Bison Dan

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  1. And you guys think the FB coach is the problem! What does all those sports have in common? There's a reason EWU got rid of him.
  2. If it's a new DC then nothing will change. If it's a new AD then they usually like to bring in their own coaches.
  3. LOL - that's the same !@#$ UND and RT said and did when we went DI. How'd that work out?
  4. Talk about simple - were you not talking smack about MG.
  5. You'll see later I guess.
  6. Both QB's were under pressure most of the time.
  7. Just a loud mouth that loves to play the victim. Hope she's loves jail.
  8. If I was you I'd worry about your team more.
  9. Better send out for a welfare check for Oxbow6 if true. Bison wanted Trey for a safety. Good athlete.
  10. Shows what you know about FB. If he's selling at Scheels it's because he bought the store.
  11. Why not? Because he's a PWO? Kid is showing he's a winner.
  12. How come hockey got double that?
  13. Two reasons why this happens. 1. they over extend themselves and 2. they have about 6-8 banks doing business with them and you want to bet that each bank has a different set of financials. With all the projects these financials change daily.
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