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Bison Dan

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  1. So you're saying that Eric will be showing some players the door?
  2. I bet MN wishes they had a legacy fund right now.
  3. Bison Dan

    R1 Status

    Does the truth hurt you that much. If I had my way all research grants would be graded when they finished to see if they accomplished anything.
  4. Bison Dan

    R1 Status

    I guess you haven't seen the productivity of farming lately. How many medical benefits has und have? God you're such a city kid.
  5. Might have helped if the tribe was more transparent like where is the money coming from, where are they going to get 800 employees, why GF and not Minot. Was always going to be a big pull as the rest of the tribes would be against it.
  6. What's Bo up to now? Is he hoping to get drafted? His going to UND was good for UND but a case can be made not for Bo. If he would have had a qb to show case his talents he might have been invited to one of the senior bowls and offered a spot for the NFL combine. Just my opinion.
  7. The original agreement with the state of ND was a casino could be built on reservation land only. The land purchased by the tribe is not on their reservation.
  8. I believe that it's on some reservation land to start with.
  9. The other tribes will put pressure on the legislature to not allow it.
  10. If allowed do you think the other tribes wouldn't latch onto Bismarck and Fargo? I doubt that tribe has the funds to build it without massive subsidies from the state. State has enough gaming without adding more.
  11. Wasn't he the DC for Bubba for 8 or so years. How'd that work out?
  12. LOL - where would most go? NDSU has done it right from the start of the D1 era. Just because you have a .500 program is no reason to start making stuff up. SDSU has 18 in the portal with most going to WSU.
  13. Looks like you're having trouble getting D coaches. With SD looking for a whole set of coaches it won't get easier.
  14. New buildings do not equal better education, if that was true you guys would be conference champs in all your sports with all the bragging about the new athletic buildings you have. Your opinion on campuses is just that your opinion. Enjoy Bubba 2.0 - 3 quarters of them are Bubba coaches. You still have his recruits and if you think you're going to hit a ton of home runs in the portal after losing the best 2 players on the team you're dreaming.
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