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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. This was a HUGE victory for the Cultural Marxists. I don't see any silver linings in this decision. Whoever thinks the NCAA is not going to enforce this decision is just engaging in wishful thinking. I don't have any faith in the liberal courts to do anything about the NCAA's social engineering. And I don't expect Florida State to come to our rescue. Florida State is not nearly as affected by this as UND. It's main team (football) is exempt because DIA does not have a postseason tournament. It's basketball team is only marginally affected (it's uniforms) because DI basketball uses neutral sites in the tournament. On the other hand, UND's main sports are all affected in a way that puts the teams at a competitive disadvantage. As for help from the politicians, I just don't see enough outrage out there for enough Congressmen to get involved to have any impact. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt I am. This puts UND in a situation where it has to assess whether the nickname is worth the competitive disadvantage it causes its teams. This is exactly what the NCAA intended.
  2. Watkins goes 5th round (#160 overall) to Dallas.
  3. There's a little too much coverage of non-spectator sports at the expense of hockey and football in my opinion. But I still think it's worth the $15.
  4. Toward the later years of the Old Ralph, I recall the tradition at UND was to throw the dead gophers out on to the ice after the first Sioux goal. The warning would then be announced and no more gophers were thrown after the warning. I don't recall the Sioux ever getting a penalty for it. As long as all of the gopher-throwers are on the same page (throw after the first Sioux goal), no penalties will be assessed.
  5. If the goal is to keep out booze and dead rodents, perhaps they'll just hire REA personnel to search for contraband rather than police officers. That would probably alleviate many headaches for them.
  6. Vande Walle's opinion was a concurring opinion, not the majority opinion. Concurring opinion generally means that he reached the same conclusion as the majority, but for different or additional reasons. But I agree that this decision will not stop the searches, but will merely change the way searches are done. Signs will be clarified. Maybe officers will specifically ask each person if they consent to be searched. If the person says 'no', they will not be allowed admission. I wonder if this Seglen kid is a poster on this board? It would be interesting to ask him why the heck he brought in beer cans, rather than a flask or "one-sies". It's easier to hide hard liquor AND easier to drink at the game (pour into a soda). And for the record, this searching practice had nothing to do with the governors being in attendance, the new REA, or terrorism. The UND cops searched me on several occasions pre-(new)REA, pre-9/11, and for non-Gopher series. (and no, they never caught me). It's pretty much designed to keep students from bringing alcohol into the arena. Which, like I said, will continue...just using a different method.
  7. I think #4 and #5 are pretty clear. Is UND disadvantaged because it never hosts the Final 5 or Frozen 4 and almost never gets a regional? If you are comparing them to a team that regularly gets those things, then yes, UND is disadvantaged. Having the road to the Frozen 4 going through your home every 2-3 years is a huge advantage. Not having that is a disadvantage, comparitively speaking. With regard to the rest (particularly #1 and #3), I think I could make a decent argument that it puts UND at a recruiting disadvantage to Minnesota, but such an argument would be less tangible.
  8. I think the most realistic and undeniable advantage the Gophers have over UND is the fact that they get to host many more post-season games (Final 5 every year, a regional about every 2-3 years, and the frozen 4 about once per decade). Yes, UND landed a regional in 2006, but hasn't hosted anything since 1983. And UND is not slated to host another regional in the future. Also I think being situated in a major metropolitan area with a big-time television contract doesn't hurt for breeding a multitude of little hockey playing rodent fans, who grow up wanting to play for their favorite team.
  9. That poll about made me want to puke. Where is the "none of the above" option? If UND is in the same league as the friggin Dragons of Moorhead State, I'm not sure I could stomach to follow non-hockey sports.
  10. From his resume: And we're suprised this guy isn't personable?
  11. Yea, I just found that and was going to link it. It doesn't look good. Maybe there will be some positives in the details, but at this point it looks like nearly a total loss. I wonder why they would want to keep a base open with 400 people?
  12. The Forum article says the GFAFB will lose 2,290 military personnel, and then later in the story says that the GFAFB is home to 2,700 active duty military personnel. That's pretty much the entire base. It sounds like only a skeleton will remain. If the Forum is accurate, I wouldn't consider this good news. I guess we'll get more details as the day goes on.
  13. I believe this exact letter was in the Herald some time ago. (don't know if the grammatical error was in the Herald version or not)
  14. You might be right. They won the game so they are the better team by definition. However, the Sioux outshot DU and probably had more scoring opportunties/quality chances (haven't seen the final stat on that), but I've never been one to make excuses about a hot goaltender. Having said that, I can't resist saying that DU is one of the most unimpressive "powerhouses" I've ever seen. I simply can't believe this team has won back-to-back NC's.
  15. I received a couple nice comments after the game from Gopher fans while wearing my Sioux jersey in an Anoka County bar. I was kind of surprised...didn't really know how to react. Even though it pains me to say (and I'll probably regret it later)...there are some classy Gopher fans out there.
  16. Just to be technical, I believe Quinn Fylling might have some Frozen 4 experience. He was a freshman in 2000-01, but I don't know whether he dressed in the two frozen 4 games that year.
  17. Thanks for the key chain MafiaMan!
  18. He played in a major junior game.
  19. Anyone know the FSNN schedule for the Twin Cities?
  20. The state legislation merely authorizes cities to extend their bar closing until 2a.m. Each city still has to pass an ordinance to actually extend the closing time. Fargo will do it as soon as the legislation becomes effective (Aug. 1) because of stiff competition from Moorhead bars (which close at 2a.m.). East Grand Forks still closes at 1a.m. so Grand Forks does not face immedaite pressure, so i doubt they will extend it anytime soon.
  21. Yes, UND played BU in the Badger Showdown in Milwaukee in December 2000 and lost 4-3, with the GWG coming in the last minute of the game.
  22. That's an interesting article. I'd sure rather have UND up against Harvard/Denver than BU/BC.
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