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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. According to the Herald recap, Prpich and Kaip got game misconducts for the scrum at the end of the game. So it looks like UND will be without those two for the Miami, OH game next weekend. I've heard the other team instigated the fight and it's sometimes hard to skate away, but it's still pretty dumb to get a misconduct in a meaningless game.
  2. Did anyone get a game misconduct for the fight?
  3. I watched the football game at Senser's-Roseville on Saturday and I feel compelled to say that the new tv screens are a HUGE improvement. It's truly a great place to watch a game. I'm very much looking forward to watching some Sioux hockey games there this year.
  4. Obviously you're knowledge of newspaper journalists is not very wide or extensive. Grandpa Sid actually set up an endowment for athletic scholarships at the U of M. Virg is a model of objectivity by comparison.
  5. I thought the Pioneer Press editorial was pretty helpful. It showed ignorance (they obviously had not even read the NCAA statement). It showed arrogance (let's move yet another tournament to St. Paul). And it showed a dearth of serious logic (if one person finds it offensive then it's offensive). That pretty much sums it up.
  6. Many considered the players that made up the 97-2001 teams to be mostly "second tier" recruits. I think they were as much fun to watch as the blue chippers we've had since.
  7. I've said before that this is no time for a Republican vs. Democrat or conservative vs. liberal fight. We need everyone on board. Having said that, it's no secret which side is driving this. It's coming from the extreme left fringe. But that doesn't mean we need to point fingers. All it means is that those Fighting Sioux fans on the left have to do their best to reel in the fringe on their side and prevent the PC position from becoming mainstream thought. In fact, left-leaning Sioux fans are probably in a better position to quash this PC march than those on the right. And those on the right should not feel high and mighty because it's no secret that they have their fringe wackos too.
  8. You may be right, but that certainly didn't stop the Florida AG from making comments (if I remember correctly).
  9. Has anyone heard any comments from the AG?
  10. I like the idea in theory. But it will never happen because Hakstol would never create a distraction (making a political statement) for the most important games of the season.
  11. Thanks frontroguy, I think us Sioux fans can use all the support we can get on this issue right now. It's frustrating to read uscho where some of the most vocal anti-Sioux posters on this issue are Gopher fans. But I have to believe there are many of them out there that may hate us on the ice, but quietly support us on this issue.
  12. I found it amusing that this "Dream Team" made news in the St. Paul Pioneer Press as if it's some real award.
  13. For those of us gung-ho about litigation, I found the following quote by Kupchella in the Herald interesting. It hints that the words "hostile and abusive" used by the NCAA is what has ticked Kupchella off, not necessarily the ramifications of the decision. I could be wrong, but "proving in a court of law" that UND is not "hostile and abusive" toward American Indians is not going to force the NCAA to change its policy. Although many disagree with me, I do not believe the NCAA needed the words "hostile and abusive" to do what they did in the first place.
  14. mksioux


    Changing the nickname will not change who we are, but giving up, giving in, and allowing ourselves to be railroaded without a fight most certainly will.
  15. The reporter -- for some perspective -- would have pressed Ganje as to the dates the shirts were confiscated. I bet most are 10 years old or older. The same exact issue came up at Moorhead State about 10 years ago with a tee-shirt depicting a Dragon having sexual relations with a Cobber cheerleader. That kind of juvenile idiocy has nothing to do with the Sioux nickname.
  16. A few more quotes in the neverending saga: http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/12754610.htm If so, then why not pass the new resolution and get it over with? Why cancel the meeting? And wasn't it the Tribal Council, and not UND, that wanted to hear from UND before considering a new resolution? This cancellation doesn't make any sense.
  17. Thanks cheesemover. I'm looking forward to another season of watching Fighting Sioux sports at Joe Senser's.
  18. Wow. It seems like a slap in the face to demote him after 35 years of covering Sioux hockey, especially when he's one year away from retirment. I wonder what the inside scoop is. Who is the replacement?
  19. Kupchella headed to Spirit Lake tomorrow. http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/12742626.htm
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