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Everything posted by bincitysioux

  1. Any likely losses known yet due to reasons other than graduation? Was there ever any closure to the Taylor & Randolph situation? Hopefully they are gone. And what is the status of Torrey Hunt and Carter Wilson? Hoping that Ketteringham is the guy at QB for the next two seasons. I thought he was impressive at Sac St.
  2. Yes, that whole "changing coaches every 3 years" thing that Montana has been doing seems to be working well for them. Let's adopt that model............
  3. And likewise, it wasn't inept coaching that landed two defensive All Americans and a dozen other starters injured and on the sidelines for most of the year. In four seasons this regime has provided far more positive results than negative. I suspect 2018 will yield a return to the playoffs, and talk of a contract extension rather than a dismissal and buyout.......
  4. I saw enough from 2014 to 2016 to feel confident that Bubba is a quality football coach. This year was trash and completely disappointing, but I doubt that Schweigert forgot how to coach during the past off season. People can downplay the injuries and the effect they had or shouldn't have had on the season but that isn't a realistic point of view IMO. Schweigert took over a program that had little or no depth and piece-meal recruiting class and made it better in 2014. It was better still in 2015, and better yet in 2016. Even though progress was made in '15 & '16, depth was still thin at many positions even though many of the 1st stringers were developing into high caliber players. When players started dropping like flies this season, it was just too much to overcome. Then when multiple players are lost because they decide being drug dealers is a better option than getting a free education, that is just piling on. Olivera, Studsrud, Harris, Santiago, Wanzek, Toivonen, Blubaugh are all examples just off the top of my head of players that were forced into action too early in their careers. (Maybe not Santiago because he is a special talent). There are things that the staff needs to evaluate including themselves and how they do things, but I think the doomsday viewpoint is a bit much. We all want UND to be a top FCS program, we all want UND to be as dominant as they were in the 2000's, so dominant that when a quality player goes down it is just a matter of "plug & play" with another quality player. Unfortunately, after the state the program was left in from 2008-2013, it just isn't there yet.
  5. My reasons for optimism: Donnel Rogers & Cam Hunt on the field at the same time Deion Harris Olivera, Santiago, and Johannesen An O-Line that will be a year older, more experienced, and hopefully, bigger and stronger Fewer injuries A coaching staff that hopefully learned some valuable lessons this season, and will have a new found sense of urgency
  6. I just posted 5 lower bowl tix for sale on Ticketmaster for the Saturday game vs Union. Three of them are in Section 102, two of them are in Section 103, the end that UND shoots at twice. $28 each.
  7. Deschutes tends to give me De-Shits..........
  8. Just posted one lower bowl seat for sale through the ticket exchange on Ticketmaster. Section 102 Row F, end that UND shoots at twice. $49
  9. Ha! That throw sums up he night perfectly....... Perhaps the entire season
  10. Ok. Zimmerman can finish it out now.
  11. Hopefully some Pepto will remedy that.......
  12. Should be in good shape at that position for next 4 years with Ketterimgham and Boltman....
  13. I'm sure he is, he was impressive last year at Sac St
  14. I was satisfied last season, and the year before. Studsruds play is the least of the concerns that this team has had this year IMO. He's not Gubrud or Cookus, but ain't Joey Bradley either
  15. The decision Studsrud made on the pick was aweful. Not willing to throw him under the bus though.......
  16. Must not be in his package........
  17. Is it just me, or have we had a few bad series here in the 3rd?
  18. Tough call to take the penalty or not IMO. I figured they'd kick it that close with the lead and at home.
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